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Favourite Kingdom Hearts Character.

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I'd say... Without a doubt, Aqua and Ven. Their story is so sad because you already know, at the beginning of the game, that their fate is written. (I know, the same is true for Terra but... I don't really like Terra.)


Roxas, Namine, and Axel.


have to say though, kairi was much cooler in KH2.


Oh and Terra sucks.


What's wrong with Terra? Terra is cool and his story is sad because he became Xehanort, Ansem Seeker of Darkness, and Xemnas. Terra was a keyblade weilder who wanted to be good and be a master. If you were a good person, then had someone take over your body for 10-12 years, then forced you to destroy peoples' homes and be evil on multiple occasions, then got destroyed, waiting for someone to save you, only to find out people hated you more when you were a good guy than when you were a villain destroying worlds, you would want people to cut you some slack. That is why Terra is one of my favorite characters, and why all of my favorite characters were Eraqus, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. Considering everyting that happened in the KH series, BBS was the saddest story to me and I can't wait for everyone to be saved.

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What's wrong with Terra? Terra is cool and his story is sad because he became Xehanort, Ansem Seeker of Darkness, and Xemnas. Terra was a keyblade weilder who wanted to be good and be a master. If you were a good person, then had someone take over your body for 10-12 years, then forced you to destroy peoples' homes and be evil on multiple occasions, then got destroyed, waiting for someone to save you, only to find out people hated you more when you were a good guy than when you were a villain destroying worlds, you would want people to cut you some slack. That is why Terra is one of my favorite characters, and why all of my favorite characters were Eraqus, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. Considering everyting that happened in the KH series, BBS was the saddest story to me and I can't wait for everyone to be saved.


Your my friend Terra is great I me why else was he one of the main characters in BBS? I'm a Terra fan so screw all you people who say he sucks!

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Aqua! She's hot :'D. No but seriously, she's been through a lot and is a great friend. I consider her the best Keyblade master :P. I also like Saix because he's so... malevolent. And I like his looks xD. He looks like the perfect partner for Aqua.

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I'd have to say Ventus, I love his friendliness, his willingness to try, but most of all his connection and love for his friends. Sora is similar, but I feel like Ventus shows more realism in his problems and concerns that come through while trying to find and keep together with his friends.

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*huggles to death*

seriously, you're my new best frined!!! Posted ImagePosted Image:D:D:D:D

i'm still waiting for the day Saix comes back to life, turns into a werewolf, and bites Sora's head off. ('cause he sooo deserves it for killing my beloved Organization!!! *huggles Orgy dolls*) >D >D >D

but I'm sad: they made Saix sooooooo freakin EASY!!!! actually, they made ALL the Organization members easy!!!! D< D< D< D<

the only member I had trouble with was Demyx!!! (HB battle, while defeating those darn water clones!! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png)


lol orgy dolls? ew :P

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