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Favourite Kingdom Hearts Character.

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Roxas, undoubtedly. I love his personality. He's unquestionably the most realistically human character in the series, and is the single character I feel most emotionally invested in.


Aqua comes in as a very close 2nd...

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Roxas. I do like the way he currently is, but part of me wishes he was more developed in the way that the secret ending of KH was heading. Y'know, a BAMF. I enjoy how he is now though, an angstacular, clueless, idiot. This is because not only does that make him funny, but it also makes him easy to use in parody like things, and I guess I generally enjoy characters like that. I find his story tragic as well, and I simply love the music in his part of the story. Sinister Sundown and Roxas' Theme are two of my favorite themes.


For Villans, I enjoy Ansem SOD.

He's sexcy. For real, I just think he

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I'd have to say Sora because in the very first draft he, like the other O.C.s didn't even exist and then his design went through several changes before production began. Then throughout the series he went from "A normal boy thrust into unusual circumstances" to a common thread. Basically he went from nothing to "the key that connects everything."


In short it's because (in terms of story relevance/back story) He has changed the most.


ps "And the award for most improved personality goes to [drum roll] ...


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Roxas. I do like the way he currently is, but part of me wishes he was more developed in the way that the secret ending of KH was heading. Y'know, a BAMF. I enjoy how he is now though, an angstacular, clueless, idiot. This is because not only does that make him funny, but it also makes him easy to use in parody like things, and I guess I generally enjoy characters like that. I find his story tragic as well, and I simply love the music in his part of the story. Sinister Sundown and Roxas' Theme are two of my favorite themes.


For Villans, I enjoy Ansem SOD.

He's sexcy. For real, I just think he

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Personally my favorite character is Tarzan in the first Kingdom Hearts

I just love that scene when Tarzan and Sora confront Clayton


Sora: Clayton!

Tarzan: Not, Clayton *&&X%!, Not, Clayton!


Whats your favorite character?


Wow I heard you hated it, this deconfirms everything!

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Larxene all the way. Thank god for her,or else we be stuck with dumb*Namine* and dumber*Kairi*. She kicks all of my least favorite characters butts *repeatedly* and is the only girl in the organization,and is feared by all,love this chick!

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I'd say... Without a doubt, Aqua and Ven. Their story is so sad because you already know, at the beginning of the game, that their fate is written. (I know, the same is true for Terra but... I don't really like Terra.)

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I love the Orgy members (only 1-11 =P).


But my true favorites are....AXEL AND MARLUXIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaahhh.....those two are totally HOT!!!!! (well, in Axel's case, it's literal..xD)

And Marluxia is very beautiful....the perfect balance of elegance and masculinity~

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