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Favourite Kingdom Hearts Character.

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Mine are:

-Terra (He's awsome.)

-Ventus (He's awsome and cute.:D)

-Axel (Do I need to explain?)

-Demyx (DEMY!~)

-Roxas (Both OrgXIII and TT)

-Xion (She's an awsome fighter.)

-Aqua (The BEST female fighter in the entire series.And it's the thruth.)

-Vanitas. (Evil version of Sora.Enough said.)

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I think Sora needs some more respect, y'know? Ever since Org XIII and Roxas came in, the series has just gone astray, and everyone focuses on them. I'm not saying I don't like Org XIII (I love me some Xaldin), it's just that Sora's the main man! Also, Kairi isn't as bad as you guys are thinking she is...


KH original character: Sora (with donald and goofy of course! best trio evar, even better than axel roxas and xion)

Org. XIII: Xaldin Lexaus or Luxord

FF: Cloud in KH1

Villain: I really like the dark nature of the heartless in general, especially when they're with the disney villains, who I also luvvv! And of course, the dark/posessed riku (hula skirts ftw)

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I don't think Kairi can just wield/summon a Keyblade whenever she wants to. The Keyblade she wields in KH2 is given to her by Riku, and some people think that it was simply Riku dual-wielding and passing one Keyblade to Kairi.


If that's true, then I want to know why in the world is Riku (of all people) carrying around the girliest keyblade I've ever seen??? o.O




because its such an awesome keyblade lol jk i perfer ultima keyblade

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Sora is the first and most badass character everyone is saying Roxas is awesome because he was the first to get two keyblades but you know what Roxas holds nothing to Sora's so bad he stole Roxas's Keyblades and used three keyblades against Roxas nobody can beat that.

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I wish they'd all just die. C:


Butseriously, in order, my faves are: Demyx (derp), Aqua (I feel bad for her ; ; ), Kairi (She doesn't deserve the hate she gets), Larxene (She isn't afraid to smack-a-bitch), Axel (Lahv him), Roxas (Such a cutie ;w; ), Vexen/Even (Why does noone love him?), Saix/Isa (He's a puppy), Ienzo/Zexion (emo scientists are win .w. /shot), Xigbar (Do want you want cause a pirate is free~ /shotshot)

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2)Maxter Xehanort




6)Ansem the wise

7)Doanld Duck


9)Lexaeus(don't mock me)


11)Scoorge McDuck

12)Mickey Mouse


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My favourite girl is Kairi. Like Demyxlovescookies, I definitely don't think she deserves all the hate she gets. :c

My favourite guys are Axel and Roxas.. not together, though. xD

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