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Favourite Kingdom Hearts Character.

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Haha. It's funny you guys say that because I'm going as Xion to a convention next year....lol.


My fav character is (hopefully this is obvious).....*drumroll* AXEL!


I love Marly and Demyx, too, but Axel is the best!


Thats awesome! Im going manifest this year [ anime festival ] and I was gonna dress up as someone, but it was too late. D;


And go axel <3

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Riku is my first love,what with his badass look throughout the games.Sora was 2nd in my heart.Kairi was cute in the first game,and totally changed in kh2. But she seriously needs to start defending herself now.It's becoming pathetic and making me-uh-girls look bad.Namine I always felt sorry for,cause she kinda reminded me about my friend in six grade,Kayla.They were both blond,blue eyed,weak with a good sense of justice,and had good friends.

Roxas(OMG!) is hot,but I still cared about what happened to Riku...Xion is cool,but I hate how she ends up....play days and you'll know what I mean.

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I love Riku <3


My other fav characters are Xion, Axel, Sora and Namine.


Aqua and Terra will possibly be added to my favs, but I have to wait until I've played BBS first.

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Sora: Clayton!

Tarzan: Not, Clayton *&&X%!, Not, Clayton!


and his speech at the end of his world's chapter is just epic. lmao. xD


o-o I have like.. not an absolute favorite now, sadly ;A; I like about... 10 or 12 of them equally lmao.

Kairi,Sora,Roxas,Namine,Axel,Aqua,Ventus,Terra,Xion... and a bunch more o-o

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For me its between Zexion, Luxord and Marluxia.

They're my favourite characters because all of their weapons are so awesome. A lexicon(book), a deck of cards and a scythe. Come on those are awesome weapons you have to agree. If they kept the original idea for Sora(half lion weilding a chainsaw) he would have been my favourite.

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Axel. ? He's sexy and badass and awesome. c8 And that element, ohmygod. Burn, baby~ <333


I also like Larxene. You got to give respect for the only woman in the Organization (yes, the only one). And she's not bad-looking, either. And such a bitch, love her. <3


Zexion is number three on my list, just because he's such a cute emo-muffin. :3 And his element and weapon are cool. *o*

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Strangely, my two favourites are kind of opposite ends of the spectrum.

First is Riku. Especially when he's a jerkass in KH1. I mean... he's just well fleshed out as a character in general. He started off with such innocent intentions- wanting to see other worlds and escape from the islands. And then it all got corrupted and it was his fault- but he shrugged it off and carried on being an asshat! <3 (I have a bit of a thing for jerks.) And then he was just amazing in CoM, and he changed so much over the series to go back to being one of the heroes again! And he admitted he was wrong. And jealous. Which is really hard to do.

...Plus, he's adorable, then turns dark and sexy. :3


And then it's Demyx. I know, polar opposites. But he is essentially me and it's scary. I love his laziness in Days, and he never fails to make me giggle. (I mean, what kind of doof needs his (very simple) mission WRITTEN DOWN, and then needs to read it out upon getting there?) But he's just an adorable moron. AND he can go badass.


Repliku comes third. You desperate, confused, angry and yet incredibly lovable idiot! <3

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