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I need an adult

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Eterna is right outside my window. And I'm trying to figure out if he's staring at me or my coutch.



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Eterna, wth. You're supposed to be outside MY window D:<



If you don't move, he can't see you.


It's true, I hunt by scent.




I can smell your fear.....

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Eterna, wth. You're supposed to be outside MY window D:<



If you don't move, he can't see you.


It's true, I hunt by scent.




I can smell your fear.....


The fear of having my dic-


Actually, nevermind, I'm good. But you can stop starring down there...


You need an adult?

I am an adult.


Sorry TFS moment anywhoz JAAAH


I'm glad someone got my title reference 8D

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Will high heels and a female slave with me work?


I recommend a sex change.



It's the only way to throw me off I'm afraid.

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