Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted December 23, 2018 This RP is a companion to the Overworld universe. The main RP can be seen here, and the sign-ups here. The main RP is in its closing stages and not accepting new players, though I am accepting guest characters to enter for this holiday special. If you are interesting in bringing a character, please visit the sign-ups and create a character sheet. : ) The rules for this Christmas special are as follows: 1) No controlling other people's characters 2) Keep things PG-13 3) Be respectful to the other players and their wishes 4) KH13 requires RP posts to consist of at least five lines to be a true RP post. While I am fine with a short post here and there, don't make it a habit of creating one-liners. I would like this thread to be RP-material to be kept in this section, but if we have too many short posts this thread will have to go into random. I'd rather this not happen, so let's try to stick close to five-line posts if possible, please. This RP is meant to be fun and a parody/spinoff to Overworld. It is not canon to the actual story and the characters are meant to be random/sometimes be OOC. Deceased characters have been revived, and both friends and foe will be dining at the same table without trying to kill one another. OP characters are fine. -------------- "Your Highness, are you certain?" A wizened old fey glanced at the queen over his spectacles, wrinkling his nose at the guest list. "This is a lot of people, and with our recent expenditures with the World Below and housing countless humans . . . ." "We will make it work," Queen Shiva interjected. "They are our guests, and it is Christmas. I want everyone together, and I would like everyone to have a good time." The elder man swallowed hard and nodded, his eyes widening at a name upon the list. "Why, you would even invite the black witch . . . !" At this the queen sighed and rose from her throne, her festive turquoise dress shimmering in the late sunlight cast from the nearby window. "That will be all. Please make the necessary preparations, and tell my son that he is to give a speech to his future people." "R-right, yes, yes, of course, Your Highness." And with that the man departed, buzzing off in search of Prince Jynn, the heir to the throne. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted December 23, 2018 - Leviathan, Rabiyu, Aura and Aurion - Kilkis Seres - Christmas Day - "Kilkis Seres is lovely at this time of the year," the ruler of Heimdall said to her retainer, "It has been ages since the last time I was here." Rabiyu was walking behind Thea Nero Leviathan, the Tide Mother, ruler of Heimdall, the Divine City of Water in the Northern Lands. She was looking around at Kilkis Seres, she had never been there at this specific celebration, but apparently the Tide Mother wanted to come visit on this specific day for some reason. They still had to get things ready for Winter's Blessing back at home, but if she wanted to visit the Frostbearer, who was she to stop her. Many were turning to look at the beautiful woman in the regal cerulean dress and hair waving in a none existent breeze, like being underwater, casually walking on the street, and her small retinue, Rabiyu had to make sure no one tried something funny. "We were here only for short amount of time. Sure looks different," Aura said, "kinda amazing it is the same place." "Why is today such an important day?" Aurion asked while carrying presents, "what do fey celebrate today? is that the reason for all these presents?" "Today is Christmas day. A day to celebrate with family and friends. A time to be with your loved ones," Leviathan answered Aurion, "Didn't you have something like that in the world below?" Both siblings look at each other and shrug, not completely sure if such a thing existed since they barely spend much time in the cities. "The King of Kings must be disappointed he couldn't make it. He has been having a large amount of work these past few days," Rabiyu said absentmindedly, "Same with Judge Mond. He said that he was going to Ustrina, probably to help Mayoress Loxy." The Tide Mother giggled at the thought of Sifrei Mond trying to ask the young fairy Mayoress out on a date, especially so close to Winter's Blessing, but she hoped that he was successful in whatever he was trying to do. "We are almost there. It has been a long time since the last time I saw Shiva. A long, long time," Leviathan said as she looked towards the palace, "It will fun to spend the day here." With that the Tide Mother and her small retinue continued their way towards the palace of Kilkis Seres. Her completely aware that the people around were stopping whatever they were doing to take a look at one of the fabled rulers of the Northern Lands. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 23, 2018 Winter had long arrived to the Overworld. Though some areas remained intact, untouched by the freezing temperatures and changing weather, most were covered in a thick blanket of snow. Long by this point many of the Overworld creatures had gone to sleep until the spring's arrival, while others continued on with daily life. Animals had moved to warmer areas, where food would be more abundant. Others would fight to find food in the scarce resource of the winter land. Usually Helios was among these forests, watching and taking notes of the migrating patterns and resting beasts. More information to add to his growing encyclopedia of the world through the eyes of these forms. But today was a special day. It was Christmas! He would usually spend time with his family. But he has received an invitation by the Queen herself. How could he deny such a request? So there he was, travelling with presents in tow as he could see Kilkis Seres in the distance. It wasn't hard to see him stand out, seeing that he was in the shape of a white Pegasus carrying a bright red bag tied around its neck. The queen had invited a lot of people. Arthur was surprised he was invited! But he made sure to wear his nicest winter attire for the occasion. He didn't have fancy clothes like the nobles did, so he wore his winter uniform. The steel armor pieces went along well with the warm blue garments and leather straps, soft fur around the collar area. He didn't wear his cape this time, carrying along some presents that were neatly wrapped...he had no idea what they would like...but he hoped that if Athena was there, he could get to give her a gift. Arthur walked towards the castle, encountering the northern entourage on the way. He paused, peeking past the gifts as he greeted them. "Your highness! I heard there was commotion among Kilkis Seres over a visitor. I should have figured it would have been you, milady." He chimed casually, bowing his head at the group. The Wendigo didn't really do winter well. But at the same time it was the perfect occasion to find well preserved bodies among the frozen wastes. However they were surprised to find an invitation to the Queen's Christmas party. They doubted that they could make themselves feel welcome in such an occasion, and thus Morana was assigned to go in their stead. She didn't have any real fancy clothing, Wendigo didn't really have much fancy gatherings other than ceremonies and traditional parties. But Morana made due. She wore a pink dress that reached down to her knees. She wore a pink shawl of transparent material wrapped around her shoulders and meeting at the front of the dress with a gleaming silver pin. Her hair and horns were decorated with silver headdresses, the main one having a pink quartz hanging right on the middle before the rest of the silver chain would hang from her horns, different precious stones and quartz hanging in shimmering light colors. She wore no shoes though. She held a gift for the queen, something from the clan as she walked down the street to the castle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted December 23, 2018 {Mariel: Kilkis Seres} In the guise of an elf woman, the Guardian Angel Mariel darted into one of the few shops still open. She had come ahead to Kilkis Seres to help with the security check, what with some many nobles coming for Christmas. But with routine checks out of the way, she was free to get some extremely last minute gifts bought. She had learned her mentor Barachiel and old friend Zauriel were also arriving, their duties allowing them to make it to Kilkis Seres for the first time in ages. She had gifts for others, but had not planned for the late arrivals. She easily discovered the gift for Zauriel. Her fellow Guardian Angel would have been a full on pack rat had he not the strict life style of a Guardian to live by. Though he did tend to help out in museums and art galleries in places he was stationed to fulfill his tendencies, he still kept a small collection of personal nicknacks in a specially made bag of holding. A snow globe of Kilkis Seres was the perfect gift for him. Barachiel was a different matter. Because of Guardian Angel tradition and duty, Mariel was not raised by her biological parents or even really knew who they were. As such, Barachiel had become the closest thing she had to a father. He had taken her under his wing and still provided sound guidance to this day. She wasn't sure she would have made it this far without him. What did you give to someone like that? She had seen other races face this quandary when buying gifts for their fathers. It had seemed like such an odd thing when observed, but she better understood it now that she was trying to buy a present for a father figure. Bewildered and fearing that all the options were woefully lacking, she choice a colorful scarf. Resolutely pushing down the doubt of her decision, Mariel brought her selections to the front desks. "Running late?" The owner asked, an elderly man with a twinkle in his eyes. "Sort of." Mariel replied. "Some out of are coming in unexpected, and I have nothing for them prepared." "Lot of that going around." The man said with a wink. A quick exchange of coins, and Mariel was out in the streets again. It was so much easier shopping when she was in the guise of something else. Something about the angel wings that brought out too much stiff politeness from people. Now, to get these back to her quarters to wrap. 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Endless Thundaga 533 Posted December 23, 2018 Jynn Venas-Returning to the palace Emerging from the frozen wilderness, Prince Jynn arrives at the city in a sleigh, with his horse, Melstrome, pulling it through the snow. The bells on Mel’s harness jingle, spreading the sound of Christmas wherever he went, and Jynn carols every now and then. The prince stops caroling and notices a grey pegasus with a red bag strapped around its neck. Jynn immediately understood that this was not a horse, but rather, a shapeshifting friend of his. As Mel and Jynn pass by, the prince wishes it a Merry Christmas. “Hello Helios! Merry Christmas!” Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted December 23, 2018 (edited) - Leviathan, Rabiyu, Aura and Aurion - Kilkis Seres - Christmas Day - The Northern Queen and her retinue stopped when a familiar voice was heard behind a wall of presents. The face of Arthur Gancelot showing up mere seconds later. "Ah, Sir Gancelot, it is quite a pleasant surprise to see you on this day," Leviathan answered while offering a small curtsy, "And by the look of it, it seems that you are more than ready for Christmas." Rabiyu stood next to the Tide Mother and offered a small bow towards Arthur, her onyx black armor with few leather straps, a cerulean blue sash around her shoulder and waist, and a cape of the same colour getting the attention of some passersby. "Greetings, Master Gancelot, it is nice to see you are well," Rabiyu said. Aura, who was wearing a black dress with golden trims and complicated beautiful patterns in gold threads that reached almost to her shins, along with it a golden piece of silk cloth around her arms, and a golden hairpin with a small sapphire holding her hair in a bun, offered Arthur a courteous nod. The ensemble was a gift from Rabiyu's sister-in-law, Arien, who told her that black and gold looked great on her. This made her feel slightly embarrassed since she was not exactly lady material, rather, she had been considered a tomboyish girl her whole life. Although it was complicated to not notice the few looks that some were giving her. Looks of surprise, amazement, wonder, and a few of jealousy too. It was kinda nice. Some even thought she was one of the few carefully selected attendants of the Tide Mother, and THAT was such a huge honor. Aurion was wearing a similar fully black suit with gold jewelry accenting it, it was a simple suit, but it looked quite fancy, something he, nor his sister would be able to afford back at home, but by the good will of Rabiyu's sister-in-law, their ensembles were made at no cost. In fact, Aurion was turning a few eyes his way, some fey women whispering among them about the dashing looking man following the fabled Tide Mother. He peeked past the gifts he was carrying to give Arthur a nod and a smile. "It wasn't my intention to cause a commotion by coming to Kilkis Seres after all these years, but Queen Shiva was kind enough to invite us to her party, and It would have been rude to reject such an invitation," Leviathan said calmly, "Perhaps we could all walk together to the palace? Unless you have some other place you have to be at the moment, of course." Edited December 23, 2018 by Elrandir Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted December 24, 2018 The former regent had himself locked in the council room, staring down a pile of presents that consumed practically the entire table which stretched along the expanse of the room. Rolls of wrapping paper rested in the corner of the room, and no gifts had yet been touched. Why did he leave wrapping to the very last minute? Why did he detest it so? And most of all . . . . "Whose idea was it to wrap presents anyway?" Yevgeni muttered irritably to himself, crumbling an attempted sheet and tossing it in the corner of the room. "And how does one wrap a triforce? This does not seem practical." It crossed his mind to ask someone to aid him, though it seemed like an unreasonable request, and seeing as most people despised him there didn't seem like many potential candidates to aid him. Reluctantly he plucked another piece, this time attempting to wrap a hand-knitted garment for Nergal. "They better be grateful." ---------- Meanwhile, Princess Athena considered her appearance in a mirror offered to her by Everyth. "You look lovely, milady," the mage said with a wide smile, smoothing down the princess' silky auburn locks that fell down her back. Athena wore a long dress of green velvet, formed to her elegant figure and pooling onto the floor behind her in a train. "You don't think it is too much?" Athena tilted her head. "Perhaps the red one would've been better–" It was certainly more modest, at the very least, though Everyth laughed and withdrew the mirror from the human princess' grasp. "Oh, you look splendid! Don't be silly. This one is far superior to the red one." The mage was dressed finely herself, in a low-cut black dress with criss-crossing straps on her back, narrow at the hips, and flaring out with a slit that came up to her knee. It was a look that Everyth could pull off well, but Athena? She did not think so. Regardless, both were now dressed to impress, and off they were to Queen Shiva's Christmas party, gifts in tow. ---------- Ren was fashionably late when it came to purchasing gifts. No, he was late. He knew that Christmas was coming, but he continuously procrastinated on making purchases and, even still, did not know what he wished to get his friends. Would Helios like a book, or jewelry? Perhaps a game consisting of fancy carvings and marbles? He could not decide, and now he was trying to decide at the very last minute. The redhead scurried out of the shop, seeming frazzled and confused, muttering something about suits and nobles as he took notice of Mariel. She looked rather different without her wings, but he recognized her all the same. "It would seem that we are in a similar position," he laughed, catching up with her. "Made some successful purchases, I hope? To whom are the gifts for? As for me"–he shook his bag of goods–"I did not go overboard this year. I mostly just bought something for Helios, Soren, Ariana, and Elia. Oh, and also Lord Raiden. I hope that they enjoy them." 2 Vaude and Nero Kunivas reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 24, 2018 Helios would glance up at the prince. He looked up at Jynn, gliding as he nodded. "Merry Christmas, Jynn!" He chimed. "Here I was expecting a whole set of winged reindeer!" He joked, looking back forward. "You best hope no children come to you asking where their gifts are." He chuckled, looking back down. "I was just heading to your mother's party. Best early than late. He said, flying over and above Jynn. Smoke then covered him as he would reappear sitting next to Jynn on the sled, holding the bright red bag next to him. His mother and father had insisted on helping him pick out an attire, seeing that they didn't exactly had a wardrobe for such occasions. They ended up conflicting over traditional attires from between the two species before something was settled. Now Helios wore a blue sleeveless high neck shirt, silver and different shades of blue designs of runes mixed with flower patterns decorating the fabric as the back would end up forming a large lotus flower. It even had magic in it, as one could see it flowing within the colors, the flower on his back gently flowing to an imaginary breeze. It reached just below his chest, exposing his stomach and hips. He had sleeves, just separate. Blue with silver and lighter blue colored designs, strapped onto him just above his elbows as they gracefully flowed down. He wore white harem pants with a blue sash across his hips, the sash long as the excess hung from his hips on the side of his leg. He wore no shoes, surprisingly. On his face and exposed skin, white designs were painted on him, ever so flowing as it complimented the designs on the clothes. He wore matching earrings, silver with hanging blue jewels that glowed with magic, more silver earrings going up one of his ears. Behind his ear blue feathers. On his ankle a silver bracelet. "It's been a while since I have been to a party. This would be my first one with such stellar guests." Arthur smiled. "I do hope I don't stand out like a sore thumb! These are the fanciest set I own." He said, muttering that last part. He had seen so many nobles over the years, wearing such beautiful and stunning attires of silks and other rare materials. So he looked at what he had saved up and the decision was between a proper outfit, or the gifts. So he went with the gifts. He nodded at her, walking along as his cape flowed behind his steps. "The whole town is buzzing over your arrival. It is rather curious to see." He admitted, looking at the gifts. He had gotten one for Athena, Alastor, Soren and a whole bunch of others. He looked over at Auron and Aura, chuckling. "I barely recognize you two! You look like a couple of noble children being sent to another political party." He cooed. "They fit you very well." "They do." Just like that, Morana would step up, staring at the group. "Good day." She said. "Oh, hey Morana! don't smell today!" "I have used a spell to not smell for 24 hours. I do not think nobles would appreciate the stench of death." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Endless Thundaga 533 Posted December 24, 2018 (edited) Jynn Venas-Returning to the palace with Helios As Helios takes a seat in the sleigh, he states that it’s been quite some time since he’s been to a party. Jynn agrees. “Can’t say much different. Or at least, one of this scale. We rarely invite public guests to our holiday get-togethers.” Mel stops the sleigh as soon as they reach the entrance of the palace. Jynn reaches in the small bag between his legs and pulls out a carrot. He pats Helios on the back. “Well, we’ve made it. Go head inside.” Jynn jumps out of the sleigh while grabbing the bag of presents and a small box. Two guards leave their posts to unharness Melstrome and store Jynn’s sleigh. As soon as the guards get every strap off the horse, Mel takes off and jumps into his pasture. Jynn looks at the small box. I hope Alicia will like this.... Edited December 24, 2018 by Endless Thundaga Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vaude 536 Posted December 24, 2018 (edited) Jari snagged the gift from the winery with stars in his eyes, thinking that anyone and everyone was going to enjoy his motley of presents, all neatly tossed together into his charmed satchel of carrying. Who can beat a bag that reduces the weight of objects to 10% their original weight? Nothing, that's what. The entire bag sloshed behind him as he ran to the palace, up the steps, into the front entrance, and past the eyebrow-raising guards he greeted left and right with a jolly, cheerful smile. Then, he froze, eyes wide, tail drooping behind him. He forgot to wrap them all, or at least the important ones. He tested many doors and found them locked. Finally he tested the council chambers door, found it locked, and in a huff broke open his lockpicking gear. There was a light on behind there, he could tell from the keyhole and the scuffling. Surely somebody was within that room that could help. When the door opened, he was overjoyed that someone was! He ran up to Yev, tears in his eyes. "Merry Christmas, Yev!" he brought to full piping voice. "I have a favour of you to ask. Can you . . . teach me how to wrap things? Better yet, could you wrap them for me? I am wrap-challenged, especially since I have no wrap," he chuckled sheepishly. ~~ ~~ ~~ Raiden looked disturbed as he walked along the streets with an entourage of strange folk that looked very similar to him, hands buried deep within the pockets of his purple robe as he begrudgingly listened to the others behind him. "And that is why knowledge is the best food for the soul, not soup," spoke on a fellow purple-haired individual, tossing back his hair around his eyepatch. "I disagree. Murdering everything and starting new sounds more delicious to me, soul and all," said the other. "Would you both cut it out?" Raiden snapped, looking behind him. "I do not know why you both came along. Odin, maybe I can understand, but you, uh . . ." "Ahriman," voiced the second with vocal perfection. "Silly name, that, but yes, you. Where did you come from, anyhow? And why did you want to join me?" "I want to sing songs," vocalised Odin, his voice mighty and sonorous. "I feel the mighty impulse to dance," spoke the ever-impressive Ahriman, breaking down into a circular moonwalk around the others. "Fine, just keep yourselves under wraps," sighed Raiden. "I do not want people to know that I am becoming the next . . . well, you know who." "Suit of armour that makes many of himself? Yeah, I can see that as annoying for others to think. However, there may be a song and dance number in from us to--" "Oh, look, there is Ren over yonder! Hey, Ren!" he brought to voice, overjoyed to find someone to talk to beyond his selves. Soon he made his way into the shop with Mariel and Ren. "Oh, Mariel too! Good timing. I need to get another gift anyhow, but with your company that will be fantastic." Odin and Ahriman watched Raiden run off, looked at each other, shrugged and made circles with their fingers, and walked away hand-in-hand, already besties. Edited December 24, 2018 by Vaude 2 Mystics Apprentice and Nero Kunivas reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted December 25, 2018 The boom from the council room doors resounded throughout, causing a roll of wrapping paper to fall from the corner and roll out along the floor. Yevgeni glanced up as Jari came bounding in, the kitsune whose cheerful demeanor sent him seething for reasons unfathomable. "Merry Christmas," the elf muttered through gritted teeth, his tone conveying anything but. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Jari, however, immediately enlightened him, explaining his dilemma with wrapping. Yev let out a defeated sigh, casting a sideways glance at the table still filled with unwrapped gifts. "You have come to the wrong elf, I'm afraid. While I boast my talent in many places, and have many strengths, gift-wrapping is not among them. This is one skill that I was never taught, but I am trying to make do." He gestured irritably toward the table, striding over to it as well, his white robes with golden accents billowing behind him as he rolled up his sleeves. "We'll start from the top," he said, removing his gloves and carefully setting them aside. His fingers were long and pallid, as though they never saw the light of day, fingernails short and trimmed meticulously. "You set out a roll, like so, and cover half your gift. Now tape it–" The blond elf was attempting to wrap a knitted cape, one which he had made himself for Nergal, without first putting the plushy, soft, cloth item in a box. This ended in a rather messy fashion, but he thought that his handiwork seemed fine. He secured a fancy red bow on the side, wrote Nergal's name in his best penmanship yet, and moved on. They went on in this vain for some time, Yevgeni wrapping a gift to demonstrate (or the very best that the elf could do, seeing as he did not know how to properly do it himself), and then encouraging Jari to give it a try. He did eye the bottle with curiosity before laughing under his breath. "Now, forgive me, but do tell: who are you giving that bottle to?" ----------- The elder fey wheezed as he came to a halt before Prince Jynn. He looked as though he'd ran a marathon, and gave the prince a look of bewilderment, as though he'd been purposely hiding from him. "Your Highness," he began, paying no mind to the sack or presents or noticing that Jynn might've been busy. "Your mother, the Queen, has requested that you prepare a speech to give your people at the Christmas Party. She says that it is of utmost importance, since you will one day be the one to guide these people to glory." ---------- Ren glanced over and waved as Raiden approached, offering his old friend a smile. "Greetings, Lord Raiden. It is wonderful to see you here! I was wondering if you would be attending the party." He looked the Mystran lord up and down and smirked. "So . . . what are you getting the queen? Anything extraordinary?" The redhead did not, thankfully, notice Odin or Ahriman, who seemed to be enjoying themselves. --------------- Elia was bouncing off the walls (quite literally) of the foyer, singing Christmas songs at the top of her lungs and hanging mistletoe in every corner that she thought needed it. She absolutely loved this time of year in Kilkis Seres, and this year was no exception. "I caaxaannnn't waiiiiiiiiit!" she cried, bounding into someone (insert your character here), apologizing profusely, and flying up the stairs, to check on the kitchens and to see if her help were needed. ---------------- Meanwhile, Queen Shiva looked as regal as ever, striding down the hall with presents protruding from her arms. Several threatened to fall, but she refused any help that was proffered to her. "Thank you, but I think I can handle a few gifts myself," she said with a half-laugh to whoever offered, before finally arriving before the Christmas tree in the grand hall. She looked up toward it and smiled. It was a lovely tree, with silver-blue garland shimmering under rainbow-colored bulbs, an elegant silver star propped at the top of the 14' tall tree. Ornaments of all kinds–most incredibly ancient–weighed down practically every branch. It was a magnificent sight, and always filled her heart with warmth whenever she saw it. "I wonder if it does the same for Eclaire," she thought idly to herself, realizing that she had not seen her retainer yet that day. Would she be attending? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted December 25, 2018 - Leviathan, Rabiyu, Aura and Aurion - Kilkis Seres - Christmas Day - "Ah yes, I do suppose it is quite a rare sight for me, ruler of the Divine City of Heimdall, to be walking on the streets of Kilkis Seres with such a small retinue, but I did not wished to cause a scene, not a big one at least," Leviathan said as she followed Arthur, "It was better this way, I think. My husband thought the same, and if any problem were to raise then the Judge Magister is here to protect me." Rabiyu glanced at Leviathan and gave a faint nod of agreement. Sure she was here as the retainer of Thea Nero Leviathan, but she was also invited by the Frostbearer to her Christmas party, for a reason she didn't understand. "Trust me, Master Gancelot, the Tide Mother is quite safe. I prepared a scouting patrol way ahead of time to search for any possible threats," Rabiyu said calmly, "And as you can see, there was no problem with having such a small retinue." "You think? Thank you. It is kinda embarrassing to say the least. We are not used to wear such fancy clothes," Aurion answered Arthur, trying his best to balance the gifts on his hands. "These ensembles were gifted to us by Eli's sister-in-law. I think these are the fanciest clothes we ever owned," Aura said with a nervous smile, "I am afraid that I will ruin them before the night ends." A new familiar voice was heard, the familiar voice of Morana. Leviathan was interested in the young woman that was standing in front of the group. Rabiyu gave her a small bow while both siblings waved at her, or at least one of them, the other was busy with the gifts. "Well, it seems our small group is getting bigger and bigger," Leviathan giggled, "We should hurry up before we are late. I am sure Queen Shiva is already waiting for us." With that, Leviathan resumed her walk towards the palace, closely followed by her retainer and the two human siblings. Rabiyu kept looking towards the palace as she held a wrapped medium sized box on her hands, wondering if she was going to be able to give that person her gift. A set of handmade scarf and hat, and a necklace made of silver and diamonds, both made by her. She had, of course, buyed gifts for the rest of the guests, but this one she had made herself for a very specific person. 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Endless Thundaga 533 Posted December 25, 2018 Jynn Venas-Kilkes Seres Jynn walks up to the fence of Melstrome’s pasture, giving the horse the carrot in his hand. He then reaches in his bag and pulls out a blue ball with a handle on top. “Merry Christmas bud.” Jynn hurls the ball into the pasture, with Mel chasing it and tossing it around, rearing and bucking. Jynn turns around to find an elderly fey telling him about the speech he is to give today. Jynn nods. “Yes. I am well aware. Thank you for reminding me.” He walks towards the steps of the palace and pats Helios on the back. “Come on inside. Make yourself at home.” Jynn enters the palace with Helios. Jynn and Helios manage to reach the room with the tree. “Let’s put our our gifts underneath the tree. We’ll be opening them later.” He turns back to the tree and notices his mother admiring it while holding some presents. “Merry Christmas mother! Apologies for leaving without notifying you this morning. Wanted to get back as early as I can.” He sets his bag down. “Prehaps you’d like some help?” Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 25, 2018 Helios would step off, watching as Maelstrom was taken away to his pasture. Once he saw his chance Helios would reach into his bag before walking over to the royal mount. He would take out what seemed to be a carrot bouquet before placing it down, the dozen carrots all together. "Merry Christmas, Maelstrom." He chuckled. He then stood back up and walked away, following back with Jynn as he carried his bag. He noticed the elderly elf, hand on his hip. "As if Jynn doesn't have enough pressure as it is." He joked, smiling at the prince. He followed him inside, entering the grand hall. As always, it was meant to impress, and the large Christmas tree didn't disappoint. He looked up, rather shocked at how big it was...did they had this one transported all the way from the sky trees from the north? Probably. He saw Jynn greet his mother as Helios would head to the tree. He knelt down and carefully placed the presents under the tree. Actually deciding what to get everyone was harder than he expected. He had been agonizing over it for months. Hopefully he didn't disappoint. He stood back up, getting the red bag away as he would turn to the queen, approaching the royal family. "My queen." He spoke, bowing his head. "I thank you for inviting me to such an event. My parents send their regards and greatest wishes." He added, smiling. Arthur followed along, Morana walking with the gifts. She didn't bring a lot of them, but she did bring to certain people who she had specifically gotten attached to. They would approach the gates, the guards almost in shock as they watched the ruler of the north approach. They didn't even question it, letting the large party inside as they welcomed them. Arthur would glance at the siblings. "How has the north been, if I may ask? Is it as cold as they say it is?" He asked, his eyes gleaming before looking back at his gifts. He hoped Athena liked the gift. What could you give to someone who already had everything one could ask for? Morana was quiet for most of it, simply walking along. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted December 25, 2018 -Eclaire, Retainer of the Queen- The girl had been up since before the dawn, working tirelessly. She had gone to bed early on that Christmas Eve, needing plenty of time to finish her gift. It had been hard and took longer than she wanted, but now she was almost done. As the first rays of dawn crept over the hills and bathed the palace in radiant light, the pink-haired catgirl slumped in final relief. All of her hard work, her hunting and her bargaining, finally paid off. In her hands was a pendant, mixed with Lightforged gold from Mare Luxerion, and with the shiny black obsidian mined from the depths of Mare Luxuria. The cord was made of linked gold and obsidian, alternating between links. In the center though, was the real toil - a bright pink amethyst, forged from a bit of her aura. The entire pendanct was about the size of a silver dollar, with a bit of weight to it. Eclaire laid it in the small, simple box before wrapping it, finishing with a simple red ribbon. Picking it up, she snuck downstairs and slid it under the tree, next to the other gifts she had gathered - none with as much work as the pendant she made. Done, she decided to go for a walk to loosen up after her hours of work. Of course, by the time her walk around the garden had ended, everyone was awake and arriving...and there she was. Shiva stood before the tree, clearly delivering presents. The girl's tail flicked and swished happily to and fro, and then she walked up behind her, resisting the urge to wrap her arms around the Queen she loved dearly. "Merry Christmas, my Queen." She said, a soft smile born on her lips. Most likely the queen would have been alerted to her presence by the soft jingle that accompanied Eclaire, courtesy of a Christmas bell she had put around her neck. She even had dressed for the occasion, thought forgot her scarf upstairs. "The tree is beautiful." (Eclaire's christmas outfit, minus the weird thing on her hip) 2 Nero Kunivas and Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rikunobodyxiii 700 Posted December 25, 2018 {Mariel: Kilkis Seres; Shops} "Hello, Ren." Mariel greeted with a smile. "I received last minute news that some old friends were arriving for the festivities. I couldn't pass up the chance to actually get them something." Her smile brightened as Raiden approached. It faltered slightly as she watched Odin and Ahriman walk away. What kind of company was Odin keeping now? "Glad to see you out and about, Lord Raiden." She said, brightening again. "It's a bit down to the wire for shopping, but still some good options left." Mariel wished she had the present she had for Raiden on her, but she could get it to him later. She had quite a few rounds to make this Christmas. "Who are you shopping for?" She asked, hiding her own interest as to what Raiden was getting Shiva. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted December 25, 2018 The queen offered her son a warm smile and a peck on the cheek, since her arms were full of presents and anything more would've proved troublesome. "Oh, I think I have it, my dear. Thank you." Shiva knelt before the tree, tucking presents where she thought there was a void of them, if such a space existed. The tree was practically overflowing with gifts. "How was your morning stroll? Is Bherna going to be joining us? I made her something special that I hope that she likes." By then the grand hall began filling with more guests. She smiled warmly at Helios. "Hello, Helios. I am so glad that you and your friends were able to make it. How was the trip?" She did not yet see the Tide Mother, though she hoped that her old friend was able to make it. She missed her dearly, and it had been much too long since their last encounter. The gentle voice of her retainer caught her attention, however, and she turned around on heel to find Eclaire standing behind her, as cute as a button in her Christmas dress. "Eclaire!" Shiva greeted warmly, not hesitating to wrap her arms around the catgirl in a hug. Shiva wore a fragrance of freesia and red plum, a scent which likely would be detected by Eclaire given her heightened senses. "Good morning! I love your dress. How are you, dear? I am glad that you like the tree. Many of these ornaments have been passed down through the generations of the royal family, most of which far older than me. It brings back a lot of memories." Some memories good, while others bad. A tear formed in the corner of Shiva's eye which she attempted to blink away. No, she refused to think of the bad. Not on that day. (I love Eclaire's outfit @Saber Lily) ------------ "Hello, everyone," Athena greeted timidly. She held her hands together in front of her, smiling shyly while taking note of the rest of the group. Everyth emerged from behind the princess, a few gifts stacked neatly in the crook of her arm which she delivered before the tree. The princess noticed Arthur and fled over to his side, interlocking his fingers in hers and giving him a warm smile. "Merry Christmas, Arthur. I never thought that we would be celebrating such a foreign holiday in a world other than our own, did you?" ------------ Elia noticed the gathering in the grand hall, though did not stop long to greet them. She was searching for a specific dreadnaught and kitsune, as she had made gifts for both and wanted to ask them of their favorite ribbon color. She hoped that the two would like what she presented them with. She checked a few rooms and bound into someone else, this person grasping her shoulders and causing her to glance up. Stern violet eyes met with Elia's, ebony waves cascading down her shoulders. "Elia, be careful and watch where you are going. Such recklessness is going to get someone hurt one of these days." Elia turned her gaze down to the ground, locking her fingers together as she squirmed uncomfortably. "Sorry, Sis. It's just, I'm so excited!" Ariana offered her sister a compassionate smile, closing the door behind her and wrapping an arm around her younger sister's shoulders. Her wings fluttered gently behind her. "I know. You've always loved Christmas." "It's not that. Everyone's here! We're together!" Ariana laughed. "Yes, that too. It is wonderful to see life in the halls of the palace this year, isn't it? What I like most is seeing everyone get along. It's a nice change of pace." Elia then remembered the purpose of her quest, turning her gaze up to her sister's with a look of bewilderment. "Have you seen Henry?" "Henry Hansees?" A frown furrowed Ariana's brow as she concentrated. "I don't believe I have, no. Why?" "Ah, well. I'll go find him then. See ya!" With that, Elia bounded away in search of her friends once more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted December 25, 2018 - Leviathan, Rabiyu, Aura and Aurion - Kilkis Seres - Christmas Day - Leviathan, gently and regal as she was, couldn't help but to be slightly amused by the guards' reactions to her presence, it was funny in a sense. People back at home were so used to her presence that such reactions were quite rare, at least those from the Cerulean Palace. "It depends on where you are, Arthur. For instance, we spend most of the time in Heimdall, where Queen Leviathan is the ruler of. The weather is quite nice, not to hot and not to cold, and in winter we do get snow from time to time," Aurion answered as he gave a nod to the guards, "But if you travel farther into the northern towns and cities? Now that is a different story." "We stayed a couple of months in the city of Exire, home of the Queen's husband, King Asura, and the weather there is cold most of the time, with the city being mostly surrounded by mountains and being next to the Frozen Wastelands," Aura said, "We had sunny days, but it was still cold. Even then, we had a great time." While the three of them were talking, Rabiyu was looking around the palace, it had been so long since the last time she had been there. The place looked different, decorations hanged from the windows, trees were decorated with flashing lights, it was lovely. The moment the Tide Mother stepped into the entrance of the palace, two guards stood straight and played a pair of trumpets. "Introducing Her Royal Highness, Ruler of The Divine City of Heimdall, Thea Nero Leviathan the Tide Mother and her entourage. The Lady Eliltari Ar-Feiniel, Judge Magister of the Knights of the Round. Aurion and Aurora Aeternum, attendants to her Royal Highness" Leviathan slightly shook her head and giggled, this kind of entrance was way beyond what she imagined, so hoped for something less extravagant, but she was used to it. The siblings were looking at the tree, it was both amazing and beautiful. Aura helped her brother to put the presents under the tree while Rabiyu stood by the Tide Mother's side. "Greetings, Queen Shiva de la Alexandria. It has been such a long time since our last meeting," Leviathan said in a regal tone as she walked towards her friend, she stopped in front of Shiva and gave her a gentle smile, "I have missed you so much." Without a care in the world, and without waiting for any reaction, Leviathan leaned towards Shiva, giving her a kiss in each of her cheeks before also kissing her forehead. "How have you been, my dearest friend?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 26, 2018 Helios would smile at the queen. "Cold." He mused in response of how the trip over was. Soon enough the others arrived. The grand hall was being filled with the sight of the guests strolling in, the initially quiet place soon buzzing with energy. Hellos would glance around, his eyes landing on Arianna. He smiled, stepping away from the queen and prince to greet her ever so lively. "Hello, Arianna. Merry Christmas." He chimed as he would then turn to Elia. "Merry Christmas to you too, Elia." He cooed. Arthur and Morana entered the grand hall behind the royal group. Arthur would slide away from the group ajd carefully place his gifts beneath the tree, before being greeted by someone familiar. His eyes gleamed as he watched the princess approach and greet him. She was beautiful! Then again, she always was. "Merry Christmas, Athena." He spoke, stepping closer. "I never thought we would be celebrating such a holiday in anywhere like this. A whole new world, with a whole new monarchy and history..." Arthur held her hand, his fingers interlocking with hers. "To be spending it with you is just as magical, my princess." He cooed. Helios would see Aura and Auron arrive with the group, quickly disappearing from Arianna's side to Aura's and Auron's. "Aura! Aurion!" He squealed, hugging the two before letting go. He took Aura's hands, smiling at her. "Wow." He whispered. What could he possibly say? He tried to come up with a witty comment or compliment, but nothing came out. Instead, all that came out of his lips again was; "Wow." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vaude 536 Posted December 26, 2018 Jari eyed the present warily, seeing the lovely cape gingerly placed within the wrapping paper and finding out that it went downhill after that. Politely he watched until the very end, his eyes wide with interest as he learned the basics, and when all was said and done he was offered a chance to try. With the bottle out already, he was more than happy to try, but he licked his lips tentatively at the question. "It's a secret," he uttered, eyes darting elsewhere in embarrassment. "You know her. I'll leave it at that. Now, hand me that ribbon over there, would you?" He laid down the wine bottle gingerly on the side, guessed the length of wrapping paper, and fought the scissors long enough to grow frustrated and carve out the remaining half of the cut with his sharp fingernail. Next he placed the bottle's middle smack-dab in the centre so that the neck would be covered enough, and the bottom would be covered with a thick layer. When he did such, he looked very proud of his wrapping and taped it all up so that there seemingly was more tape than paper. "All set!" Did I do well, or did I do well?" he asked, his eyes filled with pride and accomplishment, and with him fully knowing the answer to be both. ~~ ~~ ~~ Raiden smiled at his draconic and angelic friends, performing a Mystran bow to both of them, having forgotten to do so beforehand. Old habits die hard, even among friends. "I would not miss one of Shiva's events for the world. It is rare that we can celebrate events like these together, and for the first time in countless years with the humans from the World Below to boot! It is exciting, and will be memorable for centuries to come, I am sure. As for something for the queen, I . . . well, I do not know what to give her. We have not met each other for almost two millennia. All I would know is what she previously liked, and that would seem old-fashioned and silly, I am certain." He scanned the shop, filled with all sorts of odds and ends, and espied a chess board with squares of carved ivory and fine blue stone, and pieces carved brilliantly by a fine artisan. Ritzy? Maybe, but he remembered that she had a fancy to chess all those years ago. It astounded him how that game persisted through the years. "Maybe a chess set? If not used, it would make a nice decoration. Thankfully she is the last on my shopping list. Everyone else is accounted for, including yourselves, my dear friends." 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted December 26, 2018 -Eclaire, with Shiva- The intrusion by Leviathan was not missed by the retainer, who scarcely got to hug back before Leviathan intruded. Tail bushy, ears up, and brow furled, she looked on jealously as Leviathan planted three kisses on her Queen, one for each cheek and one for her forehead. The jealous feelings fueled the dark succubus side, but she took in a deep breath to keep it down. Stepping forward, she slipped her arms around Shiva, hugging her stomach tightly, but not enough to cause any discomfort. "Thank you. I forgot my scarf though." Her eyes softened, the catgirl trying to not glare Level 5 Death at the woman before them. "And...they...may be old and cherished, but they do not match" She frowned and moved over, running her thumb over the corner of Shiva's eye, to wipe away the tear. "...I am sorry. Was my hug too tight?" Her ears drooped a bit, tail slack, clearly not realizing the tear had been there before her jealous hug. -RHAEDYN THANE- The door to the hall, though, burst open with a flurry of snow. The sound of metal greaves against the ground echoed as the Iron Lord of the North, Sovereign of Ithuriel, Herald of Winter and Bringer of First Light, to the East Dragon of Death, and to the West the Rising Sun, Deliverer of Toys, Bane of Cabbages and Smiter of Weeds; The Wall upon which Darkness Breaks, the Last King of Ithuriel, He of Many Names but One - The Lord of Iron - strode across the threshold, lugging a massive woolen sack the size of a sleigh. In one hand he carried a massive wreath of the freshest ferns, laced with mistletoe, with four live partridges merrily singing within. His ragged fur cloak, adorned with the Ithurian Wolf, now was changed for the deepest red cloak, and atop his head was pertched a Santa hat. "Rhea insisted I wear the hat." he intoned, striding forward. He lifted the wreath and presented it to Shiva, though with the height difference it was above her and Eclaire. "To which door shall I hang this mass of ferns and mistletoe? Rhea made it herself before I once more willed my Ithurian armor." He sounded both confused and amused at the contraption. "Also she insists I say one more thing loudly." He cleared his throat. "HO HO HO!" He bellowed heartily, holding the wreath even higher. This caused one patridge to panic and fly off with mistletoe, where it jauntily perched above Athena and Arthur. Clearly, a certain Valkyrie had decided to cause plenty of harmless chaos this Christmas time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Endless Thundaga 533 Posted December 26, 2018 Jynn Venas-Kilkes Seres Eclaire appears and wishes Shiva a Merry Christmas. Jynn also reciprocates. “Merry Christmas Eclaire! I see you’re dressed for the occasion.” The guards play their trumpets, announcing an appearance of another royal. Leviathan appears and wishes his mother a Merry Christmas as well. Did he know her? Perhaps Shiva never introduced Jynn to this “Lady Leviathan”? He looks to Eclaire, who doesn’t seem too happy about Leviathan’s introduction. Jynn takes notice of Rabiyu, Aura, and Aurion. “Hello! Merry Christmas you three!” Arthur and Athena catch the prince’s eyes as well. “Merry Christmas, friends!” Rhaedyn, the Lord Of Armor, also appears with a giant wreath and insisted tha Rhae made him wear the Santa hat perched on his head. Jynn gives him holiday wishes as well. “And of course, Merry Christmas to you as well, Rhaedyn.” Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted December 26, 2018 - Leviathan, Rabiyu, Aura and Aurion - Kilkis Seres - Christmas Day - The siblings were taken by surprise by the sudden appearence of Helios, and more surprised with the hug they both received. Both Aurion and Aura hugged Helios back, he was, after all, part of their family. "Hello, Helios, It's been a while," Aurion said, "It is good to see you again," Aura was more embarrassed than ever at this point, she knew that Helios was coming to the party, he looked handsome in his ensemble, something that Aura quickly noticed. "Y-Yeah? I take it that you like it?" She asked in a very timid tone, something not that common coming from her, "It was a gift from Eli's sister-in-law, Arien. I was hesitant at first, but she worked so hard that it would have been rude from me to not wear what she made for us." Aurion was somewhat amused by his sisters and Helios's behavior when they were close to each other, but that was how lovebirds behaved, he guessed. Instead of intruding on their time, Aurion walked towards Rabiyu, who was standing a few meters away from the two Queens and the retainer. "Aren't you going to put that gift under the tree, Rabs?" Aurion asked, "you gave me all those other presents, but kept that one. Is there a reason? Or is it for someone in particular?" Rabiyu turned around the look at Aurion, her cheeks had a faint red tint, and it was no make up, no, she was blushing, and it was even more noticeable because of her pale skin. "It is quite alright, Aurion, I will deliver this gift personally when the time comes," she answered. The white haired elf noticed that, after the Tide Mother greeted the Frostbearer, she tilted her head and was paying very close attention to Eclaire for whatever reason, perhaps something to do with her behavior. The Tide Mother was almost a head taller than Shiva, and to some, it would look like as if they were relatives, sisters even. Leviathan indeed loved Shiva as much as an older sister would love her younger sibling. The door to the hall burst open, taking some of the guests by surprise. It was the Lord of Iron himself. Rabiyu stood straight as the tall Iron Lord passed by, as he was, by far, more important and powerful than her. Aurion noticed this and bowed slightly at the Iron Lord. Leviathan's eyes remained on Eclaire for a moment, before a strange, yet familiar presence made her turn around, only to find the Iron Lord of the Frozen Wastelands, the Sovereign of the long lost Ithuriel, in front of her. She bobbed a curtsy to him as a sign of utter respect, as she was taught since she was a young age that the Lord of Ithuriel deserve it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nero Kunivas 3,046 Posted December 27, 2018 - Soren Monroe, Sentinel for Festivity - Kilkis Seres, Shiva's Palace - Christmas Day - This time of year was often one Soren could not attend, due to duties as Sentinel of Isopolis and in the past, his service in Kilkis Seres's Military, but now, he was able to acquire some free time so he could fully experience Christmas with all those he cared about, rather than being alone or with the prisoners as their Warden. Surprisingly, Soren had taken the time to purchase and wrap Gifts for all those present at the Festival within the Palace, which meant he was later than some others, but wouldn't be too far behind the legendary Rhaedyn Thane, who made his grand entrance adorned with a Santa hat...upon his helmet. Soon enough, Soren entered through the main doors: He was dressed in a sharp set of dress blues, with padded shoulders though only lightly so, for Soren made up the difference with his own, buttoned up, straightened and form fitting just as it should be, from his military days and from other festivities in his life whenever he could actually make it to them. In one hand, he held a cane, the top adorned with a metal Sigil of Kilkis Seres as a pommel and inside, it held a hidden blade: This was essentially a medal, like the two that were upon his breast, for bravery and exceptional service, but this one was a rare honour, something he still holds with pride in his kingdom and all the good he accomplished. He never made a big deal about it, of course, he just let his actions speak for themselves and simply just be who he always was and is today. He also wore some fancy, shiny black shoes and in his other hand was also a sack of gifts, for all present. Carefully emptying the sack of its gifts and placing them under the grand tree, Soren approached the throne and took a knee before Queen Shiva, standing up his cane next to him as he did so beside Rhaedyn. "Your majesty, I too bring gifts on this celebrated day and..." Soren cleared his throat, noting he was being a bit too courteous, raising his head to look upon Shiva. "Well, Merry Christmas to you, my queen. And to you all, a Merry Christmas!" He went on, looking around the room as he did so, but he still waited for Shiva's word on when he should stand up. - Meksis, the Chaperone - Kilkis Seres, Shiva's Palace - Christmas Day - "Ahh, it's...been five thousand years since I last celebrated Christmas...but it feels wonderful to be here on this blessed day, my friends!" Meksis announced as he had entered shortly after Soren, accompanying him and dispensing his gifts to the Tree for opening at a later point, giving the Queen a respectful bow as he did. "Your majesty." He spoke kindly, then looked around. "I only wonder if Maxis can make it...he's usually punctual, I can assure you." He spoke softly to himself initially, though he had faith Shiva heard him, though he was caught off-guard by the presence of an Iron Lord, giving him a prompter bow out of surprise. "My Lord of Iron, I am honoured by your presence! I'm, unsure if we've met, forgive me." Meksis called out, putting his hands together as he asked for forgiveness, his passive Aura of the Chaperone aiding in his courtesy. - Nergal, the Polite, Gift Bearer, Red Baron, Renewed Remnant of Meksis - Kilkis Seres, Shiva's Palace - Christmas Day - During all of this, someone else had arrived, for he too was invited to the festivities, placing a fair few gifts under the tree, he was masked at first, but out of politeness, the man removed both it and his hood, putting them away as he took a deep breath, reveling the festivity in the air, extending his arms and even spinning on the spot for a moment, opening his eyes as he softly smiled, approaching the greater crowd. "What a momentous occasion indeed, my friends! Christmas Day...a time of love, gifts, good and the company of good men and women. I honestly feel as if I've missed out on this entire life, if I'm to be honest. All five millennia of it. I truly appreciate this opportunity, all of you...particularly you for extending your invitation, your highness~" Nergal spoke softly and calmly, yet occasionally his voice would break due to strong feelings straight from the heart, as he was honest; he truly did love this time of year, despite it being only his first true Christmas experience, giving a slow bow to Queen Shiva as she resided upon her throne, observing all the happy people who had come together on this blessed day. 1 Mystics Apprentice reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted December 28, 2018 Helios would finally feel his bare feet on the ground as he looked at Aura. He nodded at her, his feet now bashfully shifting against the marble floor beneath. "You look like a goddess, Aura." He said. It truly did take his breath away. It was a rather pleasant surprise. A sight of a lifetime, or maybe once every special occasion. "It seems I have been blessed in many ways today." He chuckled, looking down at himself. "I hope I do not look like a clown. My father wanted leaves, my mother wanted actual cloth. They somehow compromised." He reached out, gently taking her hands in his. "I'm glad that there is a celebration so happy and prosperous for us to be able to celebrate together. Even with the cold." He cooed. Thankfully they were inside, otherwise the birds outside would be catching onto him and end up trying to insist on him to dance to get Aura's attention, much like they did. "Merry Christmas, Aura." He said, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Arthur was surprised by the sudden influx of people incoming. He watched as a partridge ended up flying over the two. Arthur would glance up, reaching up as he offered an arm for the bird to land on. It landed on his armored arm, Arthur lowering it down with a chuckle. He looked up at Athena. "I can't tell if this is a sign of approval, or of irony." He mused, looking back at the bird and then back at Athena. "Another year and every passing one ends up bringing more than the last. Merry Christmas, Athena." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites