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2 quid is good

To anyone still holding out hope for Treasure Planet, Atlantic, Wreck it Ralph or Jungle Book, I got three words for ya

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As the world announcements went on I knew that Atlantis probably wasn't gonna happen. I knew Wreck-It Ralph wouldn't happen since there are SOOOOO many other video game characters in it and it probably would have been a nightmare to include a whole world based on it. The Jungle Book was disappointing but I'm convinced that it will make it into the series eventually. nevertheless, I'm happy with the world list we have.

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3 minutes ago, 2 quid is good said:

There are no discussions in this forsaken place, also I just remembered random isn't it's own section anymore which probably causes this to happen



Imma cri now T.T

Imma cry with you. T_T

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