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Rose Riku

Kingdom Hearts III Concept Article

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Also, we need to see a real romance blossom between Sora and Kairi. It's what everyone wants, right? It can retain its innocent flair, but I'd like to see their relationship take a step forward.




And i'd still like Sora to be immature. xD


But other than that... i agree with most of it, i guess.

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I wouldn't mind Sora and Kairi's 'romance'... er....'blossoming' whateverthefiretruck that's suppose to mean. But Sora still needs to be his goofy self - even if he is older. Or he wouldn't be Sora. Y'know? I do want it to be more... serious... than the previous titles. MORE EMO! BRING ON TEH EMOOOO



Jk. Not emo. xD Just more... idk the right word. xD

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i agree with you rose

i think that sora still needs to act goofy

and when they say blossoming they mean ummmmm


well i cant think of the word now

ummm muter i think is the word


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I wouldn't mind Sora and Kairi's 'romance'... er....'blossoming' whateverthefiretruck that's suppose to mean. But Sora still needs to be his goofy self - even if he is older. Or he wouldn't be Sora. Y'know? I do want it to be more... serious... than the previous titles. MORE EMO! BRING ON TEH EMOOOO



Jk. Not emo. xD Just more... idk the right word. xD


I'm just saying, since Kingdom Hearts is so similar to Final Fantasy, I don't think they should bloom ANY relationship--just add more contestants. ;D

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I'm just saying, since Kingdom Hearts is so similar to Final Fantasy, I don't think they should bloom ANY relationship--just add more contestants. ;D


LOL! I really don't care what they do with Sora and Kairi as a relationship/frienship whatever. Kairi will probably get kidnapped again though. >.>


Those dang princesses. xD

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Im waiting for Sora to turn evil.....i KNOW its gonna happen....i just dunnoz how...*shifty eyes*



and Kairi is as useless as hell i mean AT LEAST ORIHIME IS FUNNY AND CAN HEAL!!! KAIRI ISNT EVEN FUNNY!!!


...........she used to be useful but just as ansem heartless said "You've served your purpose, but now its over!"


I think Sora and Namine deserve eachother (cuz i think Sora can do better than Kairi)

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Roxas x Namine is incest.

Make another topic discussing pairings if you want, this is going to get off topic, lol.




I still don't want them to blossom love-relations too much in any KH.

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Probably the same.

Hopefully they wont use the triangle so much, though.

That got pretty annoying.


Though i wonder what they'll add-- kh1 had trinities, kh2 has drive forms. Do you think we'll still have drive forms in kh3, or would his change of clothes decimate that?

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i think that when he changes clothes the drive form will not chage with it


i wonder if they let you dress sora up



i also think that they need to make bad stuff happen when you dont press triangle at the right time.

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i agree with Cellar Door...

I mean well this game is meant for kids 10+

even though teenagers and some adults play this game more than

kids cause kids won't understand :)

but still. the whole serious relationship, romance, bla bla bla thing

with kairi and sora would, err, sorta, kinda just throw everything off with the kh games.

it seems good enough just to see sora and kairi secretly liking each other but not finding out xD

and well who doesn't like funny face making, goofy, sometimes ignorant (in a good way) sora???

i love sora personally by who he is and how he's still pretty immature even as a teen xD

so i hope kh3 won't ruin everything that's been become today (:

even though I doubt it cause of how many games of kh have come out and every

single one still rocks (except maybe COM cause of the card battling system...)

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xD I luvvles sora tooz i dunno why but i always liked the adorable characters! like Orihime, Honey and Momiji. i guess its cuz i act like them xD


anywho (back on topic)


i am waiting for Reno and Axel's original to meet

and for another chapter to be added to Cloud & Sepheroth's battle

OH! and DONT want Sora to end up looking like Cloud....THAT would be BORING

but Sora SHOULD be taller and his feet smaller (cuz u know, Riku looks better now that he's 16)

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hmmm you got a point


umm how did we get to Axel and Reno


Axels sorty Dead

if nobodys can die .....and Reno will naver be in kingdom hearts

you think anyother Final Fantsy people will pop up in KH3

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