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Master Keeper

Saix VS Marluxia

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You know the uber fan girl in me wants to say Marluxia right but I'm gonna have to break down my thoughts here.


Marluxia- I think next to Xemnas he is the strongest nobody in the Organization. Remember that whole fight between Marluxia and Axel? They were almost even only Marluxia has a slight upper hand... and that was an illusion. I hope we can all agree that Axel is one of the more stronger members (at least stronger than Demyx and Vexen) Not only that he has that flower pod thing transformation. (he can also cast doom on you too. Not sure if youre a nobody and if youd need to worry but still.. its doom and doom sucks) So I'm gonna wildly assume that in power wise Saix and Axel are similar, meaning, 'Hi, I'm Marluxia the flamboyantly gay, and I'm gonna pwn your ass.' But for being someone who doesnt have a heart, Marluxia seems rather arrogant. So I imagine other than power hungry Larxene would follow him. Out of the neophytes, only really Saix, Axel, and Marluxia are ambitious. Demyx and Luxord would probably have a tea party and wait for one of them to decide the winner. And Roxas would do whatever Axel does. Then there are the original 6 (now 5) who probably have zero respect for the guy... so Marluxia has like brute strength and a crazed female as his side kick going for him.


Saix- is calm collect until he rages, right? So he's probably more tolerated. Except Demyx, the whole go do your mission now thing has prolly put a wedge in their relationship , and he would probably interject weakly before going back to his tea party with Luxord. Saix would probably have Axel and Roxas on his team but the question is, would the old members endorse him? Saix was Xemnas's right hand dude, but let's face the facts, Xemnas put him there and he is now dead. I don't think Xigbar or more than likely Xaldin enjoyed the fact Saix was higher than them on the chain of command despite their number. You know Vexen would be on his soap box preaching to kingdom hearts and jesus how the neophytes cant be in charge. I have no clue how Lexaues or Zexion would stand, but I imagine it would be with the older members. i mean they do have the numbers with the neophytes splitting, so why side with them when glory is in their reach again.


So I'm gonna sum it up. I dont think either would get the superior seat. I think Xigbar would be in next in line but seeing how he as serious and ambitious as Demyx, I think he'd step down and hand that over to Xaldin. And if they were gonna go for an intellect, which I'd assume they would, they'd pick Zexion to take over the organization. Think about it, he's charismatic, more than likely well liked on both spectrum of old vs new. And could probably out manipulate both Marluxia and Saix his way to the top.


But if I got to pick one or the other, I'd say Marluxia, simply because he can whisper in your ear and cast doom on you.


Sorry I'm tired and have probably read waaaaaay too much fanfiction for my own good.

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