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Some Impressions after Playing the Demo

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Hey guys! I've finally played the demo and it looked really cool. 

Since I know that most of you haven't played it yet, I'll let you know about my experience playing it. 

First of all, I was impressed by the graphics. They were really good on the Ps4 Pro, and I'm sure the TV was 4k too. 

One of the things that impressed me the most was Young Xehanort. From past demos and trailers (from some months ago) he really didn't look that good. But now we can clearly see his perfect skin. He's very good looking now.

Now, moving forward to the gameplay (that is the key point of this demo), let me say that it is a totally different experience than seeing it on video. I was afraid that I wouldn't get much enjoyment since I had already seen the demo more than ten times, and I guess some of you may think that way too. However, you may rest assured that playing it is a total different experience. I really loved fighting the enemies while exploring all the ways I had to do so. We have shotlock, keyblade combos and finishes (and transformations), attractions, a bit of flowmotion, magic, and a lot more. It was just a shame that we didn't have four tier spells. Oh, and also, I didn't know that Aero was in the game

From the Toy Story demo, I tried my best to explore the three keyblades but even though I played it four times (we didn't have time limit to play it), I still needed some time to understand them better. Nonetheless, I understood that each keyblade has a specific shotlock adapted to them, and it is great. The variety of attacks makes this game a lot different from KH1 and KH2. if you could let me say, I think this is a perfect mix of all past games' gameplays. 

From the Olympus demo, I used the Dream Eater link but, seriously, it's very difficult to experience it with a limited demo like this. For some reason I couldn't use the other links from the Toy Story demo, but nonetheless it just makes me more hyped for the game. Besides that, I understood that Second Guard actually lets you have different finishers. If you strike enough, the finish Stun Impact will be replaced by Ragnarok, and then again it will be replaced by Ars Arcanum. I don't know if there are more finishers.

I didn't have the chance to use the specific atraction where we create a path with water (something like splash) and in the finisher you just go all the way back to the path you created and it makes a really good scenery, like the Ariel's link. I just know this because I saw someone using it there. And it is the perfect example of how the design of the game can improve our enjoyment from the gameplay. Believe me, playing it is really different than just seeing it.

Basically, there were two negative points of my experience. First thing is that it was really short. The demo ended after the battle with the Gigas, so there weren't many enemies to defeat unfortunately. And secondly, it was too loud there and I couldn't hear the soundtracks well. This just means that once we get the game and play it at home, we'll enjoy the gameplay really better.

I loved this experience. I hope you end up experiencing it too if you get the chance. Nonetheless, January is coming up, so let's just get ready :3

Edited by VocaloidLover13
I did ctrl+enter and it just created the topic while I was still constructing it.

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Vocaloid, thank you for sharing this. I have been thinking for a while now that by seeing the trailers I'll get to play the game with no issues since seeing it was like "playing it" through command recognition. The point you stated about experiencing it being diferent than watching it makes me even more hyped since it leads me to believe my beliefs are not that accurate as I thought. Only 2 months to go :D

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5 hours ago, KeybladeMasterBalo said:

Vocaloid, thank you for sharing this. I have been thinking for a while now that by seeing the trailers I'll get to play the game with no issues since seeing it was like "playing it" through command recognition. The point you stated about experiencing it being diferent than watching it makes me even more hyped since it leads me to believe my beliefs are not that accurate as I thought. Only 2 months to go :D

I'm happy that you feel that way.

If I loved the demo despite the short amount of enemies and the inability to turn back (since once you defeat the enemies they won't show up again), then the whole game will be really the peak of our enjoyment. Not to mention that besides the gameplay part, there's also the story part which we all love and will surprise us a lot, I'm sure xD

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On 11/16/2018 at 8:47 PM, VocaloidLover13 said:

I'm happy that you feel that way.

If I loved the demo despite the short amount of enemies and the inability to turn back (since once you defeat the enemies they won't show up again), then the whole game will be really the peak of our enjoyment. Not to mention that besides the gameplay part, there's also the story part which we all love and will surprise us a lot, I'm sure xD

I think there are still some things that might surprise you gameplay wise. I am sure the "Heartless popping out again" thing will be in the final game and was probably rigged in the demo to make sure people moved along and refrained them from going back and forth as the game tends to do. And yes the story is already awesome :D

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