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My Top 5 Favorite Heartless

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Mine are in no particular order

1) ansems guardian

2) the first and second kind we meet

3) The car heartless from timeless river (they so look like curela de vils)

4) the demon tide because they underline the scary idea of the heartless having a hivemind.

5) darkside and shadow sora. I always like the idea of a hero having to fight a manifestation of his own darkness.

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There are so many awesome Heartless and I would be lying if I were to say that choosing the top 5 would be easy, but I think to be more fair, I would divide this question into two lists; one for the Pureblood while the other is for the Emblem:
Pureblood Heartless top 5 would end up being:

1)  Invisible 
2) Orcus
3) Neoshadow
4) Dark Hide
5) Flame Core

Emblem Heartless top 5 would end up being:

1) Kurt Zisa
2) Phantom
3) Luna Bandit
4) Destroyed Behemoth
5) Ruler of the Sky

Honorable mention:

- Wyvern
- Dark Thorn
- Water Core
- Windstorm
- Angel Star

Concluded Top 5 in General:

1) Invisible
2) Kurt Zisa
3) Orcus
4) Neoshadow
5) Phantom

That was a long list to make after viewing all the Heartless types, to be honest, I am more of a Pureblood fan compared to the Emblem, because I find them much more awesome looking, darker, gloomy and also fitting the name of "heartless" unlike the Emblem that most of the times end up looking funny/ less serious. Thus, the majority are Pureblood on my finalized list. 

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