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Dave Ramos

What are your thoughts on KH's current story direction?

What are your thoughts on KH's current story direction?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your thoughts on KH's current story direction?

    • Super invested, I wanna see the climax of this saga
    • I like the craziness of it all
    • Always excited for new story developments
    • I'm not sure about the latest events
    • KHUX's ongoing story complicates it further
    • I prefer the Disney-world's stories
    • I gave up long ago
    • Many questions, few answers!
    • I only care about gameplay
    • Something else? Share below!

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I believe the story is at its peak, and I absolutely cannot wait to see how this will all wrap up in Kingdom Hearts III! Whenever I discuss Kingdom Hearts with people, I tell them that I liken the story of the series to that of a long running Shounen anime. It has all the trappings of one, along with the overarching story events and the arc that has kept us invested for the past sixteen years! It's truly been extraordinary to see how a simple elevator pitch transformed the JRPG scenery into what it is now, with Kingdom Hearts maintaining its popularity and increasing it over the years!


Story wise, I can't wait to see how the Xehanort Saga will end. I'm sure we're in for some epic revelations, hidden truths come to light, reconnected pieces that finally fit together, and the key to unlock it all! I'm sure we'll get a satisfying conclusion, with Nomura sure to leave a tasty morsel of what's to come for the next saga in this beloved series! 



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I want to see how it ends, but...

I can't help but feel that the series is just becoming a series of more and more contradictions and a ton of shock value for the sake of it, just based on trailers.

I also don't care for whatever Union Cross is doing. That game had its chance to wrap me in, but it didn't.

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~These twists and turns confuse me so, CONFOUND IT ALL, I love it though!~ <3


but thats what makes it unique there is not a  single game out there that tells its story Like KH does and it is proud of being different even if you think the story is doo doo you have to have respect for the fact that kh does its thing regardless. Me? I love  the crazyness of it all

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