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The Real Reason KH3 was Delayed (My Thoughts)

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Hey everyone, so something occurred to me while I was watching the new Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer. The game looks pretty much finished in terms of game play and story cut scenes. Sure, they might want to polish it up and make it look even better before the time of release, but I think everything is pretty much set in stone. This made me wonder why Kingdom Hearts 3 was pushed back to January? The answer: Localization. The localization process, the process of translating and voice recording in a language other than Japanese can take some time, and is one of the last things a video game company does. For example, let's take a look at Persona 5. Persona 5 had already been released in Japan when Atlus announced another delay for the English version of the game, this was because of localization. Even Nomura himself said in interviews during TGS that they are reprogramming the mouth movements of the characters to fit the English script. And with the absence of English dialogue from the TGS trailer, this only furthers my assumptions. What do you guys think? Would you rather have an earlier version of the game with Japanese dialogue and English subtitles? Or are you glad the game was pushed back for an almost simultaneous release for the English dubbing to be completed?    

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I'd rather wait, since I grew up with the English VA's and prefer them over the Japanese VA's. Also, I don't think it was because of lack of dubbing that they didn't play an English trailer at TGS. Remember, TGS is the Tokyo Game Show, which takes place in Japan, so it would make more sense for them to play a trailer in their own native language rather than in English.

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Timing is everything. I'd rather have Nomura go over the game with a fine toothed comb and make sure everything is 100% before launch instead of halfassing the process. I live in the States but I don't mind waiting the extra 4 days for release. If you halfass the process, you're going to end up with halfassed results. 

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I doubt the trailer being in japanese has anything to do with it. TGS is a Japanese event for a primarily Japanese audience, so they focus on them. E3 is an American/worldwide event, so English is the way to go, as they did.


The dubbing not being done, like for the Tangled world, is a possible side effect from rescheduling since they delayed. They could very well have different reasons for delaying, like tweaking gameplay or graphics which would've made it easier to just reschedule the dubbing process.


As for if I'd want to play the Japanese versions... I dunno. The KH original characters are fine, but Japanese Goofy is just not my cup of tea.

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I think this was pretty much the case. I think the Japanese version would have been released like a few months earlier than the English dub but they wanted them to release closer together to they delayed it. I don't think it had anything to do with the overall production. I don't really understand why there is still a four day difference but I'm not working on the game so I don't know.

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I doubt the trailer being in japanese has anything to do with it. TGS is a Japanese event for a primarily Japanese audience, so they focus on them. E3 is an American/worldwide event, so English is the way to go, as they did.


The dubbing not being done, like for the Tangled world, is a possible side effect from rescheduling since they delayed. They could very well have different reasons for delaying, like tweaking gameplay or graphics which would've made it easier to just reschedule the dubbing process.


As for if I'd want to play the Japanese versions... I dunno. The KH original characters are fine, but Japanese Goofy is just not my cup of tea.

For me it's Donald and Mickey's Japanese VAs. Donald I can't even tell if he's actually saying words in any language, and Mickey just seems eargratingly too high pitched.

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That actually I think has nothing to do with it. If you recall, the feedback for the summer event where they had it contained “floaty” and the control lag where you move the stick and then after a pause the character moves. The team took that into consideration and surely had to work and fix the combat and the stick problem. That is likely why they delayed for a month.

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That actually I think has nothing to do with it. If you recall, the feedback for the summer event where they had it contained “floaty” and the control lag where you move the stick and then after a pause the character moves. The team took that into consideration and surely had to work and fix the combat and the stick problem. That is likely why they delayed for a month.


I don't think that would cause such a big delay though. I mean we don't even know what month it was originally gonna release in. It could have been in October or November, who knows? And I don't think they would delay a huge game due to what a small group of people said. I'm pretty sure they even confirmed they mostly delayed it do to marketing and wanting to release it close to the same time as possible. And do to competition.

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For me it's Donald and Mickey's Japanese VAs. Donald I can't even tell if he's actually saying words in any language, and Mickey just seems eargratingly too high pitched.

I understand that feeling.  Donald is basically hard to understand regardless of the language.  For me, I don't really like Goofy's Japanese voice.

Edited by ienzo628

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Timing is everything. I'd rather have Nomura go over the game with a fine toothed comb and make sure everything is 100% before launch instead of halfassing the process. I live in the States but I don't mind waiting the extra 4 days for release. If you halfass the process, you're going to end up with halfassed results. 


and people are going to be very VERY VEEEEEEEERY pissed about it. Especially for this game

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