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Fullmetal Keyblade

Too Much Information, Nomura...

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I disagree, but I understand though. Despite the new trailer showing me new stuff I still don't what the hell is going on! Even if it Nomura did gave me some new information I still don't what to expect in Kingdom Hearts 3. Nomura said there's tons of twists and surprises in Kingdom Hearts 3 so I believe there's more to this game than the trailers are not giving us.

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This fanbase is filled with babies who don't know what they want. Nomura deserves better. Should just keep this series Japan exclusive since the Japanese fanbase isn't nearly as whiny or entitled.

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Well, we honestly had not been getting much for about four years. It was only around late 2017/ early 2018 where information started coming out regularly now that the game was coming out soon. So of course they want to keep up the hype. Which is what the trailers are for, for hype. That's why they are showing all the Disney worlds and what not, they need to sell the game. If they stopped suddenly, the casual fans would forget about the game and move on to something else.


Now I get the feeling of wanting to be surprised, but I know at least with Disney worlds they usually revealed them a head of time anyway for every game so far in the series. They might not have gotten their own individual trailers but we usually saw bits and pieces of them. Kingdom Hearts 3 is the biggest game since Kingdom Hearts 2 so they are gonna hype it up as much as possible. I do agree the new trailer was a bit overwhelming though.


I know that personally I'm usually OK with spoilers (heck, it sometimes makes me more hyped), so sometimes I don't understand what people see as too much. So if you think that they are revealing too much and want to stop watching trailers and getting more information, that's of course up to you. I can understand that as a personal choice.





This fanbase is filled with babies who don't know what they want. Nomura deserves better. Should just keep this series Japan exclusive since the Japanese fanbase isn't nearly as whiny or entitled.


Dude, it's an opinion. They are not whining. You can disagree with the opinion but that does not make you right or make them entitled. People can criticize things believe it or not.

Edited by Tyranto Rex

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I recall a quote from Nomura saying that there is plenty of secrets left and that there are still new worlds to be unveiled. So I wouldn't go saying that he's been spoiling us. Also we still know next to nothing about the story.

Edited by LeYenrz

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The Frozen trailer and the TGS trailer had that effect on me. I felt Nomura was blowing so much potential stuff for the players just to build up some hype and theories.

It's getting annoying. I hate that my anticipation for KH3 is such a roller coaster. I'm probably going to avoid watching the next trailer, cut myself off from KH pages on Facebook and other social media as well.

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You’re definitely not the only one who feels this way. I feel like Nomura should have gone the route of ambiguity by releasing trailers only at the big events for a couple of years and then ramping it up a little before launch. A good example would be Death Stranding. It’s only had about 4 trailers and people are still hyped as firetruck about that game. I feel like Kingdom Hearts should have done the same. As of now they’ve spoiled AT LEAST 3 main Disney world bosses, Ventus in the chamber of waking, Aqua falling to darkness, almost every single world, etc. He’s just showing us spoilers at this point, and if it keeps up, we’ll all already know almost everything about the game before it even launches. I’ve been waiting for this game way too long to let it get spoiled for me so I’m gonna delete YouTube from everything and maybe even log off of this. I love Nomura and his games, but I don’t want to be unintentionally spoiled for something I’ve been waiting for since I was 8 years old.

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