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KHBbS Let's address Terra's so called "stupidity"

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That reminds me, when Aqua says 'I've been to the worlds you've been to, and I've seen what you've done'

What is she referring to? She seems if anything to gain more faith in him in two of the worlds, and only gets a slight implication from Maleficent.


Yeah, I don't get that. Unless she's referring to the things he's done both good and bad, which aren't particularly related to what Terra was told to do.

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I never thought Terra was stupid. He was however, WAY to naive:p I mean, I couldn't help but feel so sorry for him when all the freakin villains kept making him do there dirty workxD and of course, Terra was trying to be nice:p(and probably not judge a book by the cover) but c'monxD those guys are just screaming bad news Terra...And he ends helping them anyways-_-'. Hes actually one of my fav kh characters to

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OK Terra is NOT stupid or gulible, he just has a very trusting nature, and can't see through the lies that are said to him.

But I get the feeling that when he comes back in KH3(Hopefully) he'll be on his guard more.

I've been playing as Terra the most.

I'm on lvl. 60 with Terra and strangly I'm lvl. 33 for both Ventus and Aqua.

The reason for that is. . . I've always focused more on power than speed and magic.

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rofl i agree :D terra is not stupid but gullible because he wants to get stronger and belives MX (because he normalizes darkness not as evil but something you need to take charge of inside of you or it will engulf you completely)

He trusted MX because there was no reason not to trust him, and having just been "betrayed" by his Master/father and one of his best friends, he was at his most vulnerable.


I never thought Terra was stupid. But maybe immature. I don't think the only reason that he trusted MX was because there was no reason not to trust him--I think it's also because MX flattered him. It seemed to me like he'd rather be flattered than take criticism from somebody who cared for him. I also think there are things that Terra did that weren't very wise. For instance, if he just did his mission, or even gave Eraqus a report after finding MX, Eraqus might have made him a master. Instead, he obsesses over his darkness, making it even worse. Of course, all of this falls right into MX's plan.


Terra's situation is similar to Riku's. It's just that, Riku had someone who believed in him, and that darkness and light could coexist (Mickey if that wasn't obvious). Terra though, being surrounded by the DURKNESS IS EVILZ! rule for almost his entire life, you can see how difficult it was for him. He longed for the understanding and acceptance of his teacher and fellow pupils, but asides from Ven, who idolizes Terra as an older brother figure, everyone couldn't give it to him.


Aqua says it many times throughout her scenario that Terra wouldn't go down the wrong path, but that's just reassurance for her own disbelief. Regardless of how long they've known each other, how strong he really is, she couldn't bring herself to trust that he would be fine, which led their friendship down a rather shaky path. That and with her new appointment as a Master, it goes without saying that she becomes a bit detached from her friends and gains somewhat of an air of superiority, seen by badmouthing Terra when he's only done wrong in one world, and by suffocating Ven and treating him like a 3 year old who can't do anything by himself. And after the battle with Vanitas in Radiant Garden, she takes it upon herself and believes that only she will be able to fix the problem.


It's not like Aqua's concerns were unfounded. Terra seemed to be the weakest, emotionally, and I think she treated Ven like the emotionally unstable boy who came to live with them all those years ago. And though it's true that he grew a lot stronger, Vanitas would have killed him if Mickey hadn't arrived in the nick of time to save him.


Also, what Aqua said to Terra, in both Japanese and English, sounded more like concern rather than "badmouthing". To me, badmouthing would be like "You are so stupid, Terra!" I suppose it could have been worded better. I think if it was me I would have started with "I heard you did (....). Is it true? And what does Terra do in response? Does he tell Aqua what really happened, reassure her that he's fine, and than fill her in that he found MX? No, he storms off, commanding everyone to "stay put!" This sound like someone with an "air of superiority" to me. I also think he was one maturity level away from saying "I'm taking my keyblade and going home!"


I also think Ven responded more maturely to Aqua than Terra. At least he was willing to talk to her before Terra stormed off.


Though, this entire thread pretty much resulted from too much empathy for Terra, who is the least liked out of the trio for not being a shota or female, and a general annoyance at Aqua, or just a general dislike of her English dialogue. And by that I mean the words that come out of her mouth, not the voice.


I have to admit, at first I thought that Aqua was too condescending, thus she was annoying. Now I think that because she's pretty and kind of sexy, it's good that her character has flaws. I think it saves her from being a Mary Sue. There are times that I'm annoyed with my sister, but I don't hate her. In a similar way I think Aqua's flaws make her more relate-able.


All in all, I'd say that Birth by Sleep has a storyline full of characters that mature, or learn an important lesson sometime along their journeys: Terra learns that it is better to accept criticism from a friend who was trying to help him, than to be flattered by someone who was just trying to use him. He also learns not to fear his darkness.


Aqua, thanks to Yen Sid, learns that she needs to start believing in her friend(s) instead of always trying to protect him(them).


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rofl i agree :D terra is not stupid but gullible because he wants to get stronger and belives MX (because he normalizes darkness not as evil but something you need to take charge of inside of you or it will engulf you completely)

He trusted MX because there was no reason not to trust him, and having just been "betrayed" by his Master/father and one of his best friends, he was at his most vulnerable.


I never thought Terra was stupid. But maybe immature. I don't think the only reason that he trusted MX was because there was no reason not to trust him--I think it's also because MX flattered him. It seemed to me like he'd rather be flattered than take criticism from somebody who cared for him. I also think there are things that Terra did that weren't very wise. For instance, if he just did his mission, or even gave Eraqus a report after finding MX, Eraqus might have made him a master. Instead, he obsesses over his darkness, making it even worse. Of course, all of this falls right into MX's plan.


Terra's situation is similar to Riku's. It's just that, Riku had someone who believed in him, and that darkness and light could coexist (Mickey if that wasn't obvious). Terra though, being surrounded by the DURKNESS IS EVILZ! rule for almost his entire life, you can see how difficult it was for him. He longed for the understanding and acceptance of his teacher and fellow pupils, but asides from Ven, who idolizes Terra as an older brother figure, everyone couldn't give it to him.


Aqua says it many times throughout her scenario that Terra wouldn't go down the wrong path, but that's just reassurance for her own disbelief. Regardless of how long they've known each other, how strong he really is, she couldn't bring herself to trust that he would be fine, which led their friendship down a rather shaky path. That and with her new appointment as a Master, it goes without saying that she becomes a bit detached from her friends and gains somewhat of an air of superiority, seen by badmouthing Terra when he's only done wrong in one world, and by suffocating Ven and treating him like a 3 year old who can't do anything by himself. And after the battle with Vanitas in Radiant Garden, she takes it upon herself and believes that only she will be able to fix the problem.


It's not like Aqua's concerns were unfounded. Terra seemed to be the weakest, emotionally, and I think she treated Ven like the emotionally unstable boy who came to live with them all those years ago. And though it's true that he grew a lot stronger, Vanitas would have killed him if Mickey hadn't arrived in the nick of time to save him.


Also, what Aqua said to Terra, in both Japanese and English, sounded more like concern rather than "badmouthing". To me, badmouthing would be like "You are so stupid, Terra!" I suppose it could have been worded better. I think if it was me I would have started with "I heard you did (....). Is it true? And what does Terra do in response? Does he tell Aqua what really happened, and than fill her in that he found MX? No, he storms off, commanding everyone to "stay put!" This sounds like someone with an "air of superiority" to me. I also think he was one maturity level away from saying "I'm taking my keyblade and going home!"


I also think Ven responded more maturely to Aqua than Terra. At least he was willing to talk to her before Terra stormed off.


Though, this entire thread pretty much resulted from too much empathy for Terra, who is the least liked out of the trio for not being a shota or female, and a general annoyance at Aqua, or just a general dislike of her English dialogue. And by that I mean the words that come out of her mouth, not the voice.


I have to admit, at first I thought that Aqua was too condescending, thus she was annoying. Now I think that because she's pretty and kind of sexy, it's good that her character has flaws. I think it saves her from being a Mary Sue. There are times that I'm annoyed with my sister, but I don't hate her. In a similar way I think Aqua's flaws make her more relate-able.

And I have to say that I do get annoyed when some fan boy is like "Aqua is the most important character because she has BOOOOBS!!!". Though, I don't think this makes her a bad character. However, I also get annoyed at fan girls who only think that male characters are good if they're "bishonen".


All in all, I'd say that Birth by Sleep has a storyline full of characters that mature, or learn an important lesson sometime along their journeys: Terra learns that it is better to accept criticism from a friend who was trying to help him, than to be flattered by someone who was just trying to use him. He also learns not to fear his darkness.


Aqua, thanks to Yen Sid, learns that she needs to start believing in her friend(s) instead of always trying to protect him(them).


Ven learns that just because he has hardships with his friends, it doesn't mean that his friendship with them is over.


Even Eraqus learns that he was being hypocritical to Terra, seeing as his own heart isn't pure light.


Oh, well. At least Terra and Aqua get to reflect on their newly gained wisdom in their respective prisons...


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Terra is just like Sora in this aspect. To trusting


you see, I've always shuddered to think about what Sora would do in such a situation. While Sora usually has a good sense of right and wrong, I can't help but feel that he often just goes with whatever the people say to him. I mean, God forbid Maleficent got to him first and told him heartless were good guys and donald and goofy were evil. (hmm...possible plot line for DDD? lol)


As for Terra being like Riku...Not really. Riku was a little power hungry, and liked using the darkness. Yes, he wanted to help Kairi, but unlike Terra he didn't care what happened to anyone else along the way. Usually, Terra didn't know what he was doing was wrong and tried his best not to do anything evil. Poor Terra was just used, and his guilt for everything showed that he isn't really a bad person. Although giving in to the darkness because Xehanort goaded him into it...not the best self control.


And I think Aqua was just worried about her friends, and didn't want anything to happen to them.

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Terra is just like Sora in this aspect. To trusting


you see, I've always shuddered to think about what Sora would do in such a situation. While Sora usually has a good sense of right and wrong, I can't help but feel that he often just goes with whatever the people say to him. I mean, God forbid Maleficent got to him first and told him heartless were good guys and donald and goofy were evil. (hmm...possible plot line for DDD? lol)


As for Terra being like Riku...Not really. Riku was a little power hungry, and liked using the darkness. Yes, he wanted to help Kairi, but unlike Terra he didn't care what happened to anyone else along the way. Usually, Terra didn't know what he was doing was wrong and tried his best not to do anything evil. Poor Terra was just used, and his guilt for everything showed that he isn't really a bad person. Although giving in to the darkness because Xehanort goaded him into it...not the best self control.


And I think Aqua was just worried about her friends, and didn't want anything to happen to them.


tutti frutti. I would have to agree with Deathrebirthsenshi. For the most part it is to be deceived if you don't have the required experience, especially if you are confined to a certain area for who knows how long. Sure Riku was power-hunger, but that was to help Kairi. Terra, even though I still think he's gullible, didn't really do anything wrong. Maleficent did control him to take Aurora's heart, but that was her work, not Terra's. Though, unless you coun't using darkness which I think is debateable, I don't really see Terra doing anything wrong. Like a number of others had stated, he more so wanted to be accepted and become a Keyblade Master, which was kind of his downfall though understandable.

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I played terra last for a reason. reason being that I knew that i was going to get fustrated with not only his fighting style but for his decisions as well. I saw that he didnt really think through the fact that he was using darkness, and yet tried to hide it (like in the exam and other places throughout the game)adn he got involved with the characters that lets just say not exactly those from the light.


As far as aqua goes she was following Eraqus' orders to look/spy on terra for his own sake because Eraqus was concerned about terra through what he saw terra do in the exam.

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Terra is not stupid. Being gullible does not mean you're stupid. He just doesn't make the wisest choices. And you also have to recognize that out of the three Keyblade Wielders (Terra, Aqua, and Ven), Terra has the most darkness in his heart. That's why Terra make's his wrong choices. There's a difference between being stupid and making wrong choices.

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I'm pretty sure making stupid choices is related to stupidity.

Terra by our Earthly standards IS stupid, but you have to realize that we view somethign a certain way because we are predisposed to it. If you were only ever exposed to four or so people for most of your life, one of whom was Master Xehanort, who your own master trusted and told you to trust, why would you assume someone like, say, Maleficent is evil?

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I like Terra. He is the first person to not assume black cloaks mean evil which means he is the only one who doesn't classify based on stereotypes. Master Eraqus and Aqua just attacked him without complaint, particularly Eraqus because he asked Aqua to spy on Terra. I think the spying meant a huge betrayal to Terra as well as Aqua so is it any wonder that he just ended up on his own. Remember, he was still friendly toward Ventus and what Aqua did just confirmed what Xehanort said to him. He was also easily willing to admit his mistakes like the incident with Peter Pan.

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