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KH Characters in Dissidia 012

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I think that Nomura has to give some fan service and have one KH character playable in Dissidia 012. Who do you think it should be?


My guess is either Sora (KH2), Roxas Terra, or Vanitas

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Disney told Square-Enix that they don't want Disney characters fighting one another. This means that since KH is also owned by Disney, there will be no KH characters in either of the dissidia's. So I wouldn't hold my breath hoping for KH characters being in a dissidia game.

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Disney told Square-Enix that they don't want Disney characters fighting one another. This means that since KH is also owned by Disney, there will be no KH characters in either of the dissidia's. So I wouldn't hold my breath hoping for KH characters being in a dissidia game.


Which I find absolutely ridiculous seeing as those characters were created by Square-Enix, not Disney. Greedy buggers. I would totally love to see like Ven and Vanitas as opposites.

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Disney told Square-Enix that they don't want Disney characters fighting one another. This means that since KH is also owned by Disney, there will be no KH characters in either of the dissidia's. So I wouldn't hold my breath hoping for KH characters being in a dissidia game.


Which I find absolutely ridiculous seeing as those characters were created by Square-Enix, not Disney. Greedy buggers.


it could be worse, imagine if 4Kids owned KH... *is now scared for life from speculation*

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Disney told Square-Enix that they don't want Disney characters fighting one another. This means that since KH is also owned by Disney, there will be no KH characters in either of the dissidia's. So I wouldn't hold my breath hoping for KH characters being in a dissidia game.


Um, no. Square owns KH not Disney, all of the KH characters that aren't made by Disney can be used in whatever game square wants. Now i doubt that there would even be KH characters in a Dissidia, but, the reason, has nothing to do with Disney.

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My opinion on the matter? Quoteth someone else: "For every KH character that gets in, 99 FF characters that deserve to get in won't."


Which I find absolutely ridiculous seeing as those characters were created by Square-Enix, not Disney. Greedy buggers. I would totally love to see like Ven and Vanitas as opposites.


You're misunderstanding here. The initial proposal for Dissidia: KH wasn't just for the original characters, but for the original Disney characters as well (Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc.). And you know, smashing people into walls and pillars, and just fighting in the overexcessive DFF way isn't really Disney's style. It's far too violent. They were lucky to even sneak in those three in Days' Mission Mode.


Um, no. Square owns KH not Disney, all of the KH characters that aren't made by Disney can be used in whatever game square wants. Now i doubt that there would even be KH characters in a Dissidia, but, the reason, has nothing to do with Disney.


Um yes. Kingdom Hearts is copyrighted to Disney. All original KH characters are owned by Disney. Square Enix can't do anything with those characters without first getting Disney's approval.


4gr33! W3ll to T3rr4nort comm3nt.

1 don't s33 why D1sn3y should d3s1d3 w34th3r or not th3 ch4r4t3rs th4t Squ4r3-3nix M4DE should f1ght.

1 know 1ts D1sn3y but st1ll, 1ts Pr33ty stup3t of th3m Th1nk1ng they own Sor4,R1ku,Org IIX,ect. Just b3c4us3 they work w1th Squ4r3-3nix.

Of cours3 1f th3y w3r3 not l1k3 th4t 1 p1ck z3x1on.Who know wh4t h3 w1ll do th31r!


... Can you type in English please? Intentional leet speak is not appreciated.

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i think they just need to make a new game with like a few KH charecters and a bunch of other badasses from ANY playstation game like devil may cry and soul caliber 4

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what about aqua?


If anything, it'd be Sora. He was originally considered for the original Dissidia as an unlockable character.


Screw Sora, he's nothing compared to Vanitas.

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If there are going to be any KH characters in Dissidia 012, which there probably won't be, the most likely character would be Sora (my least favourite character of the KH series), which to me would kinda suck don'tkillmefangirlsandSora96 so i kinda don't want any characters from KH in Dissidia,unless it's someone like the BBS characters. (because Sora meeting the FF characters again would be just as annoying as it was the first time, but if Cloud or Squall/Leon beats him up again, then i would be happy with the game)

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why are ff character in kingdom hearts? Dissidia is a crossover game for FF characters, so I don't see a problem with adding in a KH character. But I don't really see it happening.


Why I'm so objected to adding a KH character is that if even just one gets in, s/he will be stealing the spot of many FF characters who deserve it.

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