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New private video uploaded on the Official Kingdom Hearts Youtube Page

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Thanks for sharing this info with us, Connected!


Omg, I thought Gamescom was already over, but it turns out it goes on till Saturday!? There could still be a chance for this event to yield us a new trailer! That'd be so badass! And even if we don't get anything, there's still the Sony event happening next month, not to mention Tokyo Game Show!

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If you Google search the private video's URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UPwEzA-Ye8) then it appears to be a old KH2.8 video – there are links to it in 2016. Seems like nothing to see here

Can't see why they'd upload a private video of an old video lol. Even if it's just port news, it wouldn't be the same video from way back then. We shall just have to wait and see.

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Can't see why they'd upload a private video of an old video lol. Even if it's just port news, it wouldn't be the same video from way back then. We shall just have to wait and see.


They uploaded it in 2016 – it's probably always been in that playlist by mistake and has just been noticed by the community now. Or maybe they added it to the playlist by mistake and didn't bother removing it since it's a private video. But the video itself has been on YouTube since 2016

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While there have been privated videos that turned out to be new KH 3 trailers before (Example: the three privated videos that came out before the announcements at E3 2018 turning out to be  three new trailers.), I kind of doubted that was something new. The one for Spain is apparently ALSO an old 2.8 video. 

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inb4 it's just a trailer for the HD Collection getting ported to Xbone and/or the Switch.


Which would still be pretty sweet.

Xbox, I can see. Switch is probably less likely, but that'd be cool too.

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These private videos are just old KH2.8 videos that were uploaded in 2016, and were then made from public to private.


This can be seen by googling the private videos' URLs - the search results will show you people linking these URLs to share a KH2.8 trailer (the E3 and TGS 2016 ones).


Here is the private video on the Spanish playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCkk_EVFDy8

If you google this, the search result is of a user who shared this to show the E3 2016 trailer for KH2.8 with Spanish subs: https://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_kingdom-hearts-hd-2-8-final-chapter-prologue_2123719_s160


Here is the private video on the German playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UPwEzA-Ye8

If you google this, you can find many search results of people sharing the TGS 2016 trailer for KH2.8 with German subtitles. Eg: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1242682435763038&id=177902742241018&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDUE-N6Lp3E9N6SMNaBo8rq8ImAutVBtdzWRRVSpHKKYutW9DQrTzvZ1aMYwKNbN3OV3a7LFKhtQm5iyv1pPlsCRtuApAdUNxNdTZN-toQ1X31hZJHhlWFezCZUR6np5fnbfqs&__tn__=-R


We don't know why these were made private.


You can also refer to the explanations provided so far by DChiuch:


If you Google search the private video's URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UPwEzA-Ye8) then it appears to be a old KH2.8 video – there are links to it in 2016. Seems like nothing to see here


They uploaded it in 2016 – it's probably always been in that playlist by mistake and has just been noticed by the community now. Or maybe they added it to the playlist by mistake and didn't bother removing it since it's a private video. But the video itself has been on YouTube since 2016


I hope this clears up any misunderstanding.


In any case, this does not negate that there could be new trailers releasing soon. Keep an eye on the PlayStation Lineup Tour and our upcoming TGS 2018 coverage!

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