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Too easy?

Do you think they are too easy?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you think they are too easy?

    • Yeah, they're far too easy.
    • They're about right.
    • They're so hard. /shot

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As a whole it's pretty easy, but there are some challenges that are hard in the KH series, like Sephiroth in KH1, or Sephiroth in KH2, or every single boss in Com/Re:Com on proud mode


I never have a problem at all with Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts.

Chain of Memories is different because it uses a Card system.

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Of course it's "too easy" for most people. It's a Disney game. It's targeted for little kids who want to see their favorite Disney character. You can't expect it to be too hard.

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They weren't really originally designed for the older audience it's received. It's for younger kids mostly, so the difficulty shouldn't be so hard for that targeted audience.


Each game does have it's own moments when there were a few bosses or areas where I did have somewhat of a challenge in completing certain parts of the game. Sometimes it's really hard at first until you get used to the controls as well.


also your poll was extremely grammatically wrong so I fixed it.

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They weren't really originally designed for the older audience it's received. It's for younger kids mostly, so the difficulty shouldn't be so hard for that targeted audience.


Each game does have it's own moments when there were a few bosses or areas where I did have somewhat of a challenge in completing certain parts of the game. Sometimes it's really hard at first until you get used to the controls as well.


also your poll was extremely grammatically wrong so I fixed it.


Why, thank you.

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Being a Disney game, it's targetted towards a younger audience. And of course, any game is easy if you're overlevelled or button mash your way through.


Tell that to the people who played the Ninja Gaiden series :P They all died from the evilness and hardness of the game....

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The ting is, Final Fantasy is really easy until the final dungeon, where you suddenly get screwed over by every random encounter (Some encounters in FF4 and FF10 at the end can instantly kill your party if you're unlucky)

If anything, I think KH keeps the same difficulty a Final Fantasy game has for the first 3/4 all the way to the end.

And KH certainly has no shortage of opportunities for self imposed challenges; only only person has been able to beat my KH2 challenge.

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I'm not sure, I think it's just about right since I don't play it a lot o-o

But it's easier than Touhou for sure...Also I didn't notice that I played EASY MODE the first time I played KH2...GDI I can feel Saix laughing at me and saying I'm lame >A< (I'm replaying it again on standard mode and it's kinda hard for me xD but now I don't have the PS2 setup or else I would be playing it right now but I have some work to do)



Being a Disney game, it's targetted towards a younger audience. And of course, any game is easy if you're overlevelled or button mash your way through.


Tell that to the people who played the Ninja Gaiden series :P They all died from the evilness and hardness of the game....


Then tell them to play Touhou. I bet it'll make their head explode trying to figure out the safe spots and 1cc-ing the game on Normal mode :PNo playing Easy mode because its made for elemntary school kids

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I don't think the kh games were easy, but they weren't really all that hard either(proud mode wasn't even all that hard if ya knew what your doing)...I'd say they were just about right:p kh1 though was definitely the hardest so far...I mean I just tried playing it and I'm stuck somewhere:p(how the heck did I beat it as a kid?)

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