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What do people want from the remaining trailers?

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I'm pretty sure that for the remaining trailers, we'll get some awesome and excellent surprises! With only 5 months left for the game to release, who knows what Nomura will end up showing us? I just wanna see some juicy San Fransokyo gameplay already, and I'm dying for a Treasure Planet reveal! Or Atlantis: The Lost Empire! And like you said, even though we got a 100 Acre Wood Parody trailer, I do really want to see Pooh and friends back in Kingdom Hearts III, so maybe we'd be surprised by the return of 100 Acre Wood as a world? That'd be insane!


And really, just tidbits of story to hype us up, though I hope Nomura doesn't put giant, vital story bits, cuz I wanna be surprised when the game is in my hands! 


But yeah, we could get something at Gamescom, or perhaps Tokyo Game Show next month!

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I don't wanna be spoiled in the trailers, but I'd love to see some more gameplay there. Quick allusions to some keyblades and some finishers without much detail perhaps. About cutscenes, I wouldn't be bad to see some characters that haven't made an appearance yet. But I would prefer to know who the remaining Xehanorts are when I get to play the game.


Yet, I am sure Nomura can shock us even without spoiling us that much. 

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I've always liked World Reveal trailers since we get to see new stuff but with not much spoilers. It was said by Nomura next thing to show will be San Fransokyo but I have a feeling he mislead us to think it will be just that and BOOM then he will strike us with yet another world reveal within the same trailer or maybe just as a small concept. Who really knows...

Edited by KeybladeMasterBalo

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Just the other Disney Worlds I guess, I feel like we've seen enough of the story stuff and we already know the base plot cause of DDD anyway.


Not that i'd be mad if they did show more story i'm just satisfied with what they've showed and ready to play.


Oh wait, FF characters, at least let me know that we'll be able to catch up with Leon and the gang

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Nothing. I’ve already been spoiled seeing Aqua, almost all of the worlds, etc. I really don’t understand why you all want to see everything in the trailers. I would rather be actually surprised when I play the game I’ve been waiting literally a decade for, not just watching everything in the game from a trailer. If anything though, I want to see more combat and satisfying base combos that don’t rely on keyblade transformations.

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Big Hero 6 gameplay. We've been waiting long enough; it's time to show us this world. And since Nomura has confirmed that we'll be seeing it in the next trailer, it won't be long now. I'd also like to see more of Lea and Isa needs some more development. 

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I just want one more trailer with some core story beef to it and in the format of the FFXV Omen trailer.


That would be AWESOME!!!!  :biggrin:  :biggrin:  :biggrin:  :biggrin:

As for what else I'd like to see, I'd love to see what they have in store for the opening cinematic, some official gameplay and cutscenes for the Big Hero 6 world, and finally I want them to reveal the other playable character. PLEASE BE KAIRI! She NEEDS her chance in the spotlight!!!!

Edited by Keyblade101

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I just want one more trailer with some core story beef to it and in the format of the FFXV Omen trailer.

I just don't want anymore trailers.  I just want more of this game left unspolied until release.

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Well I know they basically said they are gonna announce all the Disney worlds so I'm pretty sure they are gonna be the highlight of the trailers with little hints of the main plot, which is basically what they have been doing. What I would like to see....


Some original world gameplay (though I don't think they are gonna have as many playable as people think there are gonna be, I'm gonna guess 5 at the most, we have only seen gameplay of Twilight Town/Mysterious Tower so far, they could at least show Radiant Garden if they don't want to be too spoilerish)


Gameplay of the other playable character(s) (this might be too spoilerish but they could maybe announce how many other playable characters there are gonna be)


Big Hero 6 (already confirmed to be showing up next trailer)


More summons (cause summons are fun and it's stuff to show that won't spoil anything)


I'm actually OK with some surprises but I know others are not, unless they announce everything in the game, I find one or two surprises OK


Of course I want to see the remaining Disney worlds even though I probably already know some of them


I want to see some boss battles as well, don't need to be the big important ones but some of the smaller ones

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