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KH3 wish: Skip Boss after repeat failure

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Well in Mario games they allow you to skip levels and platforming is the core of Mario games,if a kid is having trouble and wants to skip a boss,why not give him the option in easy mode,it won't ruin OUR expirence of KH3 so I don't see the problem.


Do not misunderstand me,I don't need this feature,I'll play KH3 on critical in my first playthough if it's available,but some people don't see games the same way we do,they didn't grew up with unforgiving games like Castlevania 1 or Super Mario Bros on NES and they don't like losing too much.Video games are about having a good time,so if skipping a boss can make them happy without ruining MY expirience with the game,then it's fine by me


That is also true. If they did add this feature in let's say beginner mode in would not harm anyone, people could just decide for themselves.

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Don't you mean play on Proud Mode because you can't get the secret ending on Beginner mode?  I've beaten KH1 on Standard mode and had to go through all the trouble of completing Jiminy's journey.  Granted it was more tolerable than KH2's.

He means play on Beginner if you don’t wanna get smacked upside the head to the point where you’d just give up.

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He means play on Beginner if you don’t wanna get smacked upside the head to the point where you’d just give up.

Oh okay.  Well, I would just put down the game for a few days or have a friend beat or try to beat it for me.  I mean, before KH 1.5 and 2.5 came out, my younger sister and I would sit around my television getting smacked around by Sephiroth in KH2.  We pretty much had a competition of who could hold out the longest against him, none of us survived.

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Don't you mean play on Proud Mode because you can't get the secret ending on Beginner mode?  I've beaten KH1 on Standard mode and had to go through all the trouble of completing Jiminy's journey.  Granted it was more tolerable than KH2's.



most people don't care about secret endings and will just watch on youtube anyways


if a game is too hard, lower the difficulty

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