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The Future Direction of the Kingdom Hearts Series

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I love this series but I am heavily critical of it at the same time. I am to most of the things that I love. So I really hate the mindset that if you love something you are blind to it's flaws. That's not really healthy. 


Your comment about most of the characters having a great concept but bad execution made me think about not just Kingdom Hearts but other franchises as well, cause this could be said about a lot of them for at least one character. And some of these characters are fan favorites due to concept alone because fans then fill in the blanks by themselves without it really being in the canon.


I really do think the Disney stuff and Final Fantasy stuff should have more of a presence. Disney takes up like 85% of the game so it really should not be filler. Final Fantasy characters could have more of a role too. I feel they could have both complex and interesting original characters with an interesting, not confusing plot while also expanding on the Disney and Final Fantasy side if they set their minds too it. It does seem like KH3 is at least somewhat improving on Disney worlds it seems like Final Fantasy is gonna keep up with just having cameos. 

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  On 7/27/2018 at 1:16 AM, Tyranto Rex said:

I love this series but I am heavily critical of it at the same time. I am to most of the things that I love. So I really hate the mindset that if you love something you are blind to it's flaws. That's not really healthy. 


Your comment about most of the characters having a great concept but bad execution made me think about not just Kingdom Hearts but other franchises as well, cause this could be said about a lot of them for at least one character. And some of these characters are fan favorites due to concept alone because fans then fill in the blanks by themselves without it really being in the canon.


I really do think the Disney stuff and Final Fantasy stuff should have more of a presence. Disney takes up like 85% of the game so it really should not be filler. Final Fantasy characters could have more of a role too. I feel they could have both complex and interesting original characters with an interesting, not confusing plot while also expanding on the Disney and Final Fantasy side if they set their minds too it. It does seem like KH3 is at least somewhat improving on Disney worlds it seems like Final Fantasy is gonna keep up with just having cameos. 


Definitely agree with you on the first one. However, I didn't say that the characters were executed badly...it's just that there hasn't been any execution for most of them. Just blank friendly slates that are put in sad situations for the audience to cry at because it's a sad situation. 


Yeah it's odd that Disney takes up so much of the content in the game, but in the story it's treated like filler. Also what you said about maybe square just doing both sounds absolutely great. That would probably be the best outcome for everyone. However, that would be the option that would take the most effort. But for the bare minimum, Square has to do one or the other in order for the series to still work in the future. 


Is KH3 improving on Disney worlds? How is that? Not that i'm refuting your claim, just curious what you mean.

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  On 7/27/2018 at 4:19 AM, LeYenrz said:

Definitely agree with you on the first one. However, I didn't say that the characters were executed badly...it's just that there hasn't been any execution for most of them. Just blank friendly slates that are put in sad situations for the audience to cry at because it's a sad situation. 


Yeah it's odd that Disney takes up so much of the content in the game, but in the story it's treated like filler. Also what you said about maybe square just doing both sounds absolutely great. That would probably be the best outcome for everyone. However, that would be the option that would take the most effort. But for the bare minimum, Square has to do one or the other in order for the series to still work in the future. 


Is KH3 improving on Disney worlds? How is that? Not that i'm refuting your claim, just curious what you mean.


Yeah I might have phrased that wrong. I don't think the characters are bad either, just a lot of them are not going to their full potential and they come off as weak because of it. I think BBS is a great example of this for multiple characters (like I don't necessarily hate Terra but I have a lot of issues of how he is written).


It looks like to me that they are intertwining the original plot more with the Disney plots at least a little more with this installment. We actually see the main bad guys there instead of just seeing cut scenes of them between worlds. But we shall see how that plays out.

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As someone who has loved Kingdom Hearts my entire life, I can understand your worries and concerns regarding the future of the series. Like you said, it's managed to remain as popular and beloved as it is because we've been invested into these characters and the world and the lore of the series since we were young, and as such, we have an emotional attachment to the games, ya know?


I'm surprised at how well Nomura has managed to juggle his original characters, making them stand on their own! I surely do believe that Disney must continue to influence a part of what Kingdom Hearts is, because that's one of the halves that comprises this series! The Final Fantasy half should definitely have more of a presence, and they don't have to be fatally important to the story of Kingdom Hearts, per se, but they can be more prominent in the series, ya know? I'm also welcome for any crossovers with Square's other franchises like Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest! The World Ends With You worked, so these other properties could work as well!


I do believe, though, that we'll get to see the most character development in Kingdom Hearts III, since as you also said, Kingdom Hearts III will focus on resolving the issues the original characters have, therefore, they'll have more screentime! So I think we'll get enough development that we can rest easy when it comes to the future of all these characters we love in the Kingdom Hearts series, ya know?


I can't wait to see what the future holds! :D

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  On 7/28/2018 at 6:41 PM, The Transcendent Key said:

As someone who has loved Kingdom Hearts my entire life, I can understand your worries and concerns regarding the future of the series. Like you said, it's managed to remain as popular and beloved as it is because we've been invested into these characters and the world and the lore of the series since we were young, and as such, we have an emotional attachment to the games, ya know?


I'm surprised at how well Nomura has managed to juggle his original characters, making them stand on their own! I surely do believe that Disney must continue to influence a part of what Kingdom Hearts is, because that's one of the halves that comprises this series! The Final Fantasy half should definitely have more of a presence, and they don't have to be fatally important to the story of Kingdom Hearts, per se, but they can be more prominent in the series, ya know? I'm also welcome for any crossovers with Square's other franchises like Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest! The World Ends With You worked, so these other properties could work as well!


I do believe, though, that we'll get to see the most character development in Kingdom Hearts III, since as you also said, Kingdom Hearts III will focus on resolving the issues the original characters have, therefore, they'll have more screentime! So I think we'll get enough development that we can rest easy when it comes to the future of all these characters we love in the Kingdom Hearts series, ya know?


I can't wait to see what the future holds! :D


I'm fine with Final Fantasy taking a seat from the series. But it would be a real pity to see it completely disappear, as is what is probably close to what we will be seeing in KH3. If that were the case, this could be turning out to be a sort of bait and switch.


As for what KH3 will do to improve the character writing...I would say it's a bit optimistic to say that everything will be fixed. One wouldn't expect a quality of a fanfiction to go from a C+ to an A in a fortnight. Of course we'll get resolutions which will put the overall story arc to a close which in itself will be quite satisfying. For now, I'm probably going to be satisfied with whatever KH3 gives me because my expectations are at what are appropriate for Kingdom Hearts. lol I really only care about seeing Roxas and Xion happy again  But it would be really wonderful for Kingdom Hearts to step it up a notch in its character writing. I'm not asking for it to become conventional in its methods of storytelling. I'm fine with it being abstract and arbitrary with its concepts, but as for the actual structure of the plot and characters they could really use a lot of reformation. 


Also the fact that KH3 has so many character's stories to resolve is probably what will be the bane of its ambition. Resolution is priority, so we probably won't see much development. Rather just making sure that everyone is happy in the end and that the methodology behind the bringing of that ending is sound.


Like-you know that feeling when you're carrying your groceries all fine and dandy and then it just gets all jumbled up in your arms. And then you open the door to your

house and it just takes all of your effort to settle all of the groceries on the kitchen counter without dropping and destroying everything? That's sort of how I see it.


But I'm definitely still hopeful for the future o/

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  On 7/29/2018 at 9:23 AM, LeYenrz said:

I'm fine with Final Fantasy taking a seat from the series. But it would be a real pity to see it completely disappear, as is what is probably close to what we will be seeing in KH3. If that were the case, this could be turning out to be a sort of bait and switch.


As for what KH3 will do to improve the character writing...I would say it's a bit optimistic to say that everything will be fixed. One wouldn't expect a quality of a fanfiction to go from a C+ to an A in a fortnight. Of course we'll get resolutions which will put the overall story arc to a close which in itself will be quite satisfying. For now, I'm probably going to be satisfied with whatever KH3 gives me because my expectations are at what are appropriate for Kingdom Hearts. lol I really only care about seeing Roxas and Xion happy again  But it would be really wonderful for Kingdom Hearts to step it up a notch in its character writing. I'm not asking for it to become conventional in its methods of storytelling. I'm fine with it being abstract and arbitrary with its concepts, but as for the actual structure of the plot and characters they could really use a lot of reformation. 


Also the fact that KH3 has so many character's stories to resolve is probably what will be the bane of its ambition. Resolution is priority, so we probably won't see much development. Rather just making sure that everyone is happy in the end and that the methodology behind the bringing of that ending is sound.


Like-you know that feeling when you're carrying your groceries all fine and dandy and then it just gets all jumbled up in your arms. And then you open the door to your

house and it just takes all of your effort to settle all of the groceries on the kitchen counter without dropping and destroying everything? That's sort of how I see it.


But I'm definitely still hopeful for the future o/


Well, we'll see what happens! I'm sure that we're going to get a healthy, bulky story that'll give each character a chance to shine, and like you, I'm particularly looking forward to seeing what happens between Roxas and Xion, because those two deserve each other! :')


And well, in terms of the game's theme being resolution, you are right. It will bring to a close all arcs, or at least try to bring them to a close as much as possible without leaving loose ends. I believe Nomura and his team will succeed on delivering a good conclusion for us while opening up potential future arcs for the existing characters that will carry on into the next saga! I can't wait to see what happens next! :D


And yeah, I get what you mean! With the grandness KHIII carries, it also has an equal amount of risk, but we'll see how it pays off in the end, ya know?

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