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A dear friend of mine has passed away

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His name was Jasper and he passed away this morning. I don't know when the funeral is going to be but I hope I will be strong enough to get through my panic attacks because where they're having the funeral is an hour away from my house. Ever heard that saying of people with water colors?

Well to most people, water colors are just a type of paint that stains paper. But to me, water colors are colors that are turned into memories. People like Jasper who give you such good colors(memories), are the ones that no matter where they go, those colors(memories) will be stained forever in your heart and they will never leave.

I wrote a poem in dedication to him but I can't even get to the end without crying so I'll have to update this post some other time.

I think this is the hardest part of love and that's learning to let go even though you're not ready to... I will never be ready to let go... :

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Thanks everyone. I'm glad to have friends that really care about me. If you all need help with anything too I would help you as well. Friends help friends out. I know that nothing can bring him back but at least I can I don't have to keep this locked up inside me. It really helps to get it out.

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Don't worry if you a friend to talk to or shoulder to cry on just talk to me or the other members of this site, because we are here to support you and everytime you fall down we are here to help you get up.

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That's very sad to hear. I hope he has a good afterlife. After all, he sure sounds like he was a good person. Just remember that we're all always here in case you need it. For anything.

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Yes he was a very good person. If anything he was like a role model to me. What's really good to know is that sometimes before someone passes away, angry words are exchanged. However, the last words I said to him were, "You have to make the best of what you've got. No matter how bad things are, you can count on me to help you." If he was thinking about those words before his death, I'm sure he'll have a peaceful rest.

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oh no...i'm sorry to hea that..:( But i'm here for you, i'll always be here right now or whenever yuo need me. Don't, worry, i've experaince this plently of times, but i mange to still find a way to be happy. but i know that he's in god's hands now and god shall watch him for the rest of his life. *hugs* I hope i can cheer you up somehow.

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Im sincerely sorry, I cant imagine or understand how close you and your friend were. But I hope it wont hurt you for ever. Im not sure you've had experience with death before but eventually the pain passes and I find it comforting that at least in death they wont be in anymore pain.


One more thing Im sorry if you found anything in my post callous

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I'm really sorry for your loss, well you see, you can't do anything to take that feeling of sadness away, but the lest you can do at those times when you feel like you really miss him, and get that sorrow of never being able to see him again, remember the good times you had toghether and think of him on the best shape ever, remembering that whenever he is, he is

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It's always hard to lose someone dear to you :/ But it's easier to deal with if you let go. It might be hard, but letting go doesn't mean forgetting. Just know that Jasper is in a better place. Don't dwell on his death, think about the good times, okay?

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if i didn't live a few thousand miles away from you, i would come visit and see if i could do anything for you, but i do. i am very sorry for your freind, and you, the last thing anyone needs is such pain. but we all have to let go eventually, even if it means so much to you that you don't. (why is it that all of your threads in personal makes me sad? don't you ever have anything happy going on? i mean, there is like one thread about 9/11 but even that is an unhappy event.)

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@Evil-Ven thanks for caring about me. I will keep that in mind if I'm ever needing to talk about anything.


@Deadpool Nothing you said was callous. It's the truth and it really seems like you care. I have experienced death before though but this is one of the death that are exceptionally hard to take in


@Eterna I think "be strong man" was a pun :) and thanks for being here in chat for me


@Gizelita thanks for the advice and I'm glad that I have friends here to chat with


@Hinako_U you're right the best thing is to let go of him. Hopefully I can find a way to do that. Thanks for your advice


@HelpMeRanSama I'm sorry to make you feel sad ;_; I will try to stay strong for him


@VENROXAS that's ok if you don't have any advice, just chatting with you is enough for me


@Sora96 a funeral is a celbration for him I agree. It symbolizes the end of his pain


@Chaosx that's ok if you can't come visit I understand. But I will be happy to chat with you


@Hige Unari yes I am a girl ^_^ and it's ok if you can't visit me either. I will be happy to chat with you too


@plus50living thank you I will chat with you if I need too

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Wow, I`m so sorry to hear that, even though hes gone, i bet he`ll never forget you, just as you`ll never forget him. trust me, i know whats it like losing someone, preious to you, but as long you have friends, nothing gonna stop you.;)

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I hate hearing when someone that my friend cares about dies. It's something that they can't just 'get over' and continue being happy. It is something that is very hard to comfort about, and it makes me feel useless. However, you have my condolences and my deepest sympathies.


He will always live on in the hearts and memories of you and your friends.

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