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Forever Love

Roleplay The College Chronicles (1x1 with aoi hoshi)

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“I woke you up. Don’t you want to go back to sleep?” Lightnlng lifted an eyebrow slightly. Riku may have said not to feel sorry for coming over late, but she still disturbed his rest. As nice as it was to see him shirtless with disheveled hair, she didn’t want to keep him up if he needed to sleep.

Edited by Forever Love

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Riku waved the suggestion off with a smile. "It's fine. It's the weekend now anyway, so I don't need to be up early anyway." I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing you were upset. But the thought stayed hidden as he sat on the edge of his bed with the mug in hand. 

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Light smiled faintly. “Okay. You pick.” They would watch a movie, but since she picked the last one, it was Riku’s turn this time. They had the same taste in movies, so she didn’t worry too much on what he would choose.

Edited by Forever Love

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"Hmmm," Riku pulled the laptop across the bed so that it could sit in his lap. He wanted something with action. "This one looks good," Riku commented, after scrolling for a minute. On the cover, a bright red race car was featured with a burly man standing alongside it with his arms crossed. 

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Lightning sat next to Riku and moved a little closer to see the screen. She rolled her eyes and smirked. "Typical," she murmured. He would choose a tough-guy film. Oh well, it was better than a drama. Besides, she figured she would fall asleep with him here anyway.

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"But good," Riku replied with a smirk of his own. Not that he had ever seen the movie before. All his adventures had kept him and his friends relatively out of the loop when it came to things like movies. Selphie had berated him and Sora for missing some blockbuster series about kids involved a death arena. Not that I would have wanted to watch at this point anyway. Not when it makes me think of the Keyblade Graveyard...Absentmindedly, Riku wrapped an arm around Lightning's shoulders and used the other to pull a pillow to prop them up slightly. 

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Light's smirk remained at Riku's gesture. She looked up at him from her place next to him, her side against his. He was undeniably good looking, that was no secret. But...most guys that looked like him were complete jerks. Riku proved her wrong. He was good, and gentle, and kind. As tough as he could be, and as tough as Light herself could be, they were comfortable enough with each other to let those guards down. It was...nice, to connect with someone on that level.

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Riku didn't say anything as the score of the movie filled the room and a close up of the leading actor filled the screen; but what was nice was that...he didn't have to. He and Lightning just understood one another. She was beautiful, but she wasn't like the other girls had he developed feelings for in the past. There was a subtle melancholy to her; one that he connected with so well. Even her touch, the feel of her side against his was so natural and comfortable. 

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As the movie played on, Lightning found herself dozing off. Her head rested against Riku's shoulder, his warmth comforting and inviting and all-around soothing. She absently snuggled closer to him, leaning into him more. She exhaled a soft breath. Thank you, Riku....

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Riku pressed a kiss to the top of Lightning's head, his voice and eyes growing more and more sleepy. "Sweet dreams, Light."


One day later...


"Has Noel tried calling you since the fight yesterday?" Naminé asked. She was walking with Kairi to the cafeteria for some lunch. People stared as they went, but Naminé wasn't sure why. Maybe it was still the aftermath of the fight with Noel? News seemed to spread fast here...

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"Nope," Kairi replied with a shake of her head, flipping through a magazine for more fabric patterns for future projects. "And honestly, I don't want him to. He's a jerk." She looked over at Namine and then at the path ahead, seeing most people meet her gaze and turn away--or snicker. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She didn't understand... Were people talking about her fight with Noel? No, it wasn't discreet, but it didn't involve any of these people.

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"True," Naminé agreed. She was about to say something else when a brightly colored poster caught her eye. It didn't look to be for an event, but the blonde noticed several students holding a copy as they gawked. What was going on? What was on the poster? 

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Kairi caught sight of the poster too. She saw that a lot of people held them and then stared at her, but why? As they passed a bulletin board, Kairi noticed another one. She stopped, placing a hand on Namine's arm to stop her too. That was when she realized what everyone was gawking at--her. It was a picture of Kairi. She snatched it from the wall and studied it with wide eyes. Yes, it was her face expertly photoshopped onto a model's body from a magazine. She wore jeans and her top was only lingerie as a male model cradled her body. Bold letters covered the spread, reading, "Let Kairi take your measurements and you'll get to score! Meet her in Room 119 in the fashion wing for your own personal fitting!"

Edited by Forever Love

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Naminé's heart stopped, horror filling her eyes. Was that supposed to be...Kairi?! Another student passed by, a boy in one of her art classes, and wolf whistled at Kairi. 


"Is there a sign up sheet or do I just stop by?" the boy hollered over his shoulder. 

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"Girl, I'll model for you any day!" another guy shouted from across the hall, eliciting laughter from his peers.


"You'll like my measurements!"


"Ugh, how desperate can you be?" a girl snickered as she walked by with her friend. "Practically advertising what a sleaze you are. Pathetic."


All of the remarks echoed in Kairi's head as she looked around, her pulse beating in her ears. This couldn't be happening... Who would do this? Was it Noel? Did he put someone up to this because she wouldn't...? He was the one who assumed something happened with her and Sora that day in the classroom! Kairi's grip tightened on the paper, her fingerprints pressing creases into it. I have to get out of here. I can't... I can't...

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Naminé tried to say something, anything to help, but her lips were dry. The blonde was paralyzed. Did these people really have hearts? Say something, Naminé. Kairi needs you. "..." But what would help? What was she supposed to do?

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Kairi's eyes darted among the group of people, going from one person to the next. She completely forgot Namine was with her; if her friend tried to reach her, she couldn't hear her. All of the voices and cat calls and whistles blurred together. Kairi turned around instantly and started away, but a guy stopped her.


"Hold on, sweetheart. I want you to take my measurements," he crooned, moving closer to her.


Kairi lifted her hands and shoved the guy away from her. He ended up getting caught by two of his friends, and they all "ooh"d at her action. Not only did the sounds blend together, but her surroundings became blurry--moisture filled her eyes. She ground her teeth together and fled, pushing her way past people to get away as fast as possible.


Roxas, who had been speaking to Sora about one of their mutual classes, stopped short when he heard the commotion. He turned his head, he and Sora hanging out on a brick half-wall that separated the walkway from the campus grounds. A blur of red hair moved quickly past them, but with the crowd of people around, it was hard to see just who it was. A gap allowed him a glance. "Hey...wasn't that Kairi?" he asked, eyebrows furrowing as he then looked to Sora. What was going on?

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Sora followed Roxas's gaze and furrowed his brows as he saw a familiar trail of red hair fly past. It was Kairi, but...why was she running? A sick feeling pooled at the bottom of Sora's stomach. This isn't good. Something's wrong. "I'll catch you later," Sora told his other, not bothering to see the boy's reaction as he broke into a sprint. I have to find her. Luckily, years of training and adventuring had given Sora a great deal of speed and stamina. He caught up to Kairi with relative ease, and caught her wrist. "K-Kairi! What's wrong?"

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Kairi yanked her wrist from the grasp instinctively, thinking it was another guy trying to come on to her. Her glare fixed on the person, but then she realized it was Sora. She lowered her gaze instantly, unable to look at him right now. Not during all of this... She lifted the flyer she still had in her grasp, though it was mostly wrinkled by her tight hold on it now. See for yourself.


Roxas watched Sora run off, but then he rose to his feet to see where Kairi had come from. Wasn't she supposed to be with Namine?

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Hurt flashed across Sora's face briefly, but that quickly dissolved into anger when he saw the poster. The photoshop was hastily done, but the image it created was clear. "Who did this?" Sora growled. The paper crumpled in his hand. If it was Noel, Sora didn't think he could hold back. Whoever did this was sick. 

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Kairi nearly answered, but another wolf-whistle in her direction made her hide her face in her hands. "I have to go," she said, then turning to flee again. She had to get out of here, escape to her room or something. She couldn't be in front of all these people right now. Sora, especially. He shouldn't have had to see that, but...

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"I'll come with," Sora replied quietly. He couldn't let her be alone. Not when this was happening. "Where do you wanna go?" He wasn't sure where somewhere private would be, but there had to be someplace they could hide out for a little while. He would suggest his and Roxas's dorm, but that would likely only add fuel to the rumors.


Naminé looked at the space Kairi had been and then back her own hands, which were clenched in frustration. Why couldn't she say anything? Why didn't she do anything? Kairi was her best friend. Yet, she did nothing to help. I should find her. I should help her. Why could she help Kairi escape prison cell but could only stare blankly when something like this happened? Kairi must think I'm pathetic...

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"I don't care, just...away from these people," Kairi called over her shoulder as another guy eyed her up and down. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to get that image out of her head before it burned into her memory. Stop looking at me, stop looking at me.... A tear slipped past her lashes as she rounded a corner quickly. She had to hide.


Roxas noticed that a lot of the students dispersed when Kairi fled, but...why? He looked over a wall and saw a picture, one that was clearly photoshopped, because Kairi would never pose so provocatively. What the hell? Roxas thought, searching for Namine. He found her after another short walk, and she looked defeated. "Namine!" he called, picking up his pace into a light jog to reach her. Was she alright?

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Sora glared at the guy; the expression on his face enough to make the boy snap his wandering eyes forward again. "Let's get a smoothie then," Sora offered, holding out his hand with a half smile. "Kairi?" He saw the tears then and pressed his lips together. What was wrong with people? Was there really that much cruelty in people's hearts? He walked around her so that they were face-to-face. "It'll be okay," Sora assured gently and brought a thumb to her cheek to erase the tear streaks on her cheeks. 


Naminé lifted her head at the sound of her name but could only give a weak smile when she saw Roxas approach. "Hey...," she mumbled with a sigh. 

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Kairi stopped when Sora stood in front of her, and then when he wiped at her cheek, she lost it. She shook her head a little and ducked her chin, more tears leaving her eyes. It wasn't going to be okay! Someone plastered those flyers all over campus! Everyone knew about them by now, and there was nothing she could do to fix it. She would face ridicule every time she left her room now! "Sora, I can't--I can't do this right now, okay?" She had to get away from everyone. As sweet as he was being, he didn't get it... She was seen as a sleaze now. He would never know how that felt.


Roxas stopped in front of Namine, catching the look on her face. That smile wasn't genuine. "Hey," he replied, eyebrows furrowing. "Are you okay?" Nobody said anything to her, did they? He knew the poster revolved around Kairi, but Roxas still worried about Namine.

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