Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Kairi's smile dimmed as she thought about the holiday breaks coming up soon. Halloween was first, but that wasn't really a break. Then Thanksgiving and Christmas, which were a little ways off. Regardless, she gazed at Sora in wonder. After everything that just happened with Noel, how could he still be so nice to her? She avoided Sora for Noel for a while, and he avoided her for the same reason, and it all just blew up in Kairi's face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 "What's wrong?" Sora asked, his own smile diminishing as he noticed her dim expression. Was it something he said? Maybe the suggestion was too soon after what happened with Noel? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Kairi stopped their swaying and gripped Sora's shirt as she kept her grasp on him. "I'm sorry, it's just..." She closed her eyes and ducked her head slightly. "I'm surprised you're being so nice to me, after everything with Noel..." She knew Sora was hurt by her being with Noel recently, and now he pretty much humiliated both of them in front of the campus. Wasn't Sora upset with her? "To be honest, I'm kind of expecting an 'I told you so...'" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 Sora blinked in surprise. I suppose it makes sense she would feel that way, but..."I was upset that you were with Noel, but you're more important to me. Our friendship means more to me than anything." I love you. But Sora knew those kinds of words weren't to spoken aloud. Not now when she was so broken. Besides, Sora could barely believe it himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Kairi moved closer to Sora, wrapping her arms around him as she leaned her forehead against his shoulder. Sometimes, I don't think I deserve your friendship, she thought, eyebrows furrowing. Sora would make someone incredibly happy someday. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 Sora inhaled sharply by the sudden closeness but wrapped his own arms around her, offering a small squeeze. "Hey, it's okay. We're okay now." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 "I know," Kairi murmured. She took in a breath, inhaling Sora's calming scent. " shouldn't have had to stick up for me." Yes, they were best friends, but...Noel nearly fought Sora because of her. That wasn't right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 "I'll always protect you, Kairi," Sora murmured putting a hand behind her head to stroke her hair. "Because I want to." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Kairi clutched Sora tighter at the words. It was a promise; she didn't even have to ask to make sure. Sora had protected her for so long, it was as natural as breathing. She was lucky to have him, in more ways than one. "Thank you, Sora," she whispered. She felt him smooth her hair. That was natural too. Them being like this--it may have been odd for two people who were just "friends", but...Kairi liked it. A lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 "You're welcome," He whispered. In the distance, a new set of voices could be heard, breaking the couple apart. Sora sighed. They should probably head back to campus now before the others worried too much... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Kairi released Sora slowly, looking up at his handsome face as she remained in close proximity. "Thank you for the dance, Prince Charming," she said to him, glancing at his flower crown. She would make sure to grab a picture with him before they left the gardens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 Sora did another theatrical bow and kissed her hand lightly. "Of course, princess. How 'bout that picture now?" He made a picture snap with his fingers and adjusted his flower crown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Kairi's heart fluttered. That kiss on the hand was innocent and part of his role, sure, but...Sora probably didn't realize how much that affected her. Regardless, Kairi nodded and moved to stand beside Sora, taking out her phone. She adjusted her crown as well. Holding out her phone, she looked up at Sora, her other arm wrapping around his lower back. "Ready?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 "Yup! Cheese~" Sora replied, looking into the camera with his signature grin. His heart was pounding, but he hoped it wasn't evident to Kairi. He couldn't let her know his feelings. Not with what happened Noel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Kairi looked into the camera as well, the side of her head touching Sora's with how close they were. She smiled sweetly as she got the shot, that smile softening as she pulled her phone closer to see it clearly. "That's a keeper," she thought aloud, arm still around Sora's back. She was definitely framing that one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 "You'll have to give me a copy," Sora said. He looked at the image with a warmth building in his heart. He would have to find the perfect frame for this. Maybe his mom could find something from her shop? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 "Of course," Kairi assured him, taking back her arm. She stepped over and grabbed her bag from where she placed it by the bench, slipping it over her shoulder. "Shall we?" It was time they got back to campus. Kairi had another class soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 Sora offered his arm again. "We shall." His next class would be soon, and Sora couldn't be late (again). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Later that night Lightning knew it was late, nearly midnight, but...she couldn't sleep. She found herself out in the halls of the dorms and approaching one particular room--Riku's. She knocked on Riku's door softly, hoping she didn't wake him up. She felt awful for stopping by, but...she needed to see him. She had a horrible nightmare about Chase. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 The knock on the door brought Riku out of his slumber. The boy never slept heavy anymore though. Being a Master had given him keen senses. Opening the door slowly, Riku was surprised to find the girl on the other side. Lightning. "Light?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Lightning tucked her hair behind her ear. Yeah, she definitely woke him up. "Hey," she greeted softly. She couldn't ignore how his voice sounded when he was sleepy--all heavy and low. It was...adorable, really. "Sorry I woke you..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 Riku rubbed at his eyes and shook his head. Knowing Lightning, there was a good reason she had come. He trusted her. "It's okay. What's up?" he asked, stifling a yawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 "Um..." Light admired how messy Riku's hair was with sleep. She lifted a hand to her head and sighed, focusing. This wasn't such a good idea, now that she was here. She didn't want to come off as weak, yet here she was. "You know what? Never mind. It's...dumb." She lowered her hand and felt her cheeks heating up. "Sorry to bother you." Light turned to leave, feeling ridiculous. She was a grown woman. Running to a guy when she had a nightmare was...childish. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted September 8, 2018 Riku grabbed her wrist gently and called out to her softly. "Hey, wait. It can't be just nothing." Riku's eyes were awake now, glowing in the darkness. "Talk to me, Light." She seemed afraid. Was it related to Chase? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted September 8, 2018 Light stopped and looked back at Riku when he grabbed her wrist. Fear flashed over her expression briefly, but she calmed herself quickly since it was Riku and not Chase holding her wrist. She took a small step closer, speaking quietly so she didn't wake anyone else in their rooms. "...I had another one," she admitted weakly, glancing up at Riku. He knew of her nightmares. She'd had a few the past few days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites