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Forever Love

Roleplay The College Chronicles (1x1 with aoi hoshi)

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Roxas glanced at Riku at that theory, but he quickly returned his gaze to Kairi and Noel. He had only seen that look on Kairi's face when she fought heartless, which meant business. 


"You honestly expect me not to think something is going on with you two? Give me a break!" Noel cried. "I've seen you with him, Kairi. That's not nothing!"


"How many times do we need to go over this before you get it, Noel? We're just friends! Are you that insecure about yourself that you need constant reassurance from me?!" Kairi couldn't believe this was happening. She mentioned going over to her friends since they were nearby and Noel snapped. All because of Sora. But...Sora hadn't done anything wrong!

Edited by Forever Love

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"I wonder where Sora is?" Naminé mused to herself.  She searched the crowd for a familiar head of spikes, but found the boy to be nowhere in sight. ​I only hope Noel doesn't try to do anything too reckless. His heart is filled with so much anger right now. Had the Organization still been in existence, Naminé could have easily seen them trying to turn Noel into a Nobody. 


Riku clenched his fists and took a step forward. Maybe he should do something? Noel was getting more and more aggressive with Kairi. She was, of course, strong enough in her own right, but his protective nature urged him to act. Sora...where are you?

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"Easy, Riku," Light said, placing a hand on Riku's arm. "Let her handle this." At least for now. Kairi could hold her ground. Light knew she wasn't a pushover since the confrontation with those girls at Snow's party. Of course, taking on Noel could be a completely different story. 


"Insecure?" Noel replied, glare sharpening. "If anyone's insecure it's you, Kairi! Throwing yourself all over Sora in that room like that, and at the festival! I saw you!"


Kairi blinked. "I didn't do anything!" That hug? That was innocent!


"Measurements, remember?" Noel lifted an eyebrow. "C'mon, Kairi. As if you didn't put out at least once."


Kairi ground her teeth, and then her hand was flying. A loud smack resounded throughout the area when her palm made contact with Noel's face. She then pushed him roughly, causing him to stumble back. "Screw you, Noel!"


Noel briefly rubbed his cheek. "Funny. You haven't."

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"This is getting out of hand," Riku growled, his eyes burning. Whatever Noel said wasn't okay. That much he could tell. 


"I can't believe I trusted you with my best friend," Sora snarled, suddenly beside the red haired girl. "Treating her like this? In public? Either you've got some serious balls or you're really that much of a tool."His blue eyes, normally bright with cheer, were glinting with livid fire; he hand that usually held the keybalde twitched. "Kairi and I are best friends. Nothing has ever happened between us, and more impartially, Kairi respects herself enough not to let herself be used like that." How could he even insinuate things like that about her? About his Kairi. It made Sora sick with anger. 

Edited by aoi hoshi

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Noel chuckled. "Of course you'd show up," he said, rolling his eyes. "This is so typical! If anyone's a tool, it's you. At her constant beck and call."


"Noel, shut up!" Kairi hollered. "I am so sick of constantly having to watch what I say or do around you. Sora hasn't done anything wrong, and neither have I. You, on the other hand, have done nothing but make me feel guilty for having friends. I mention them and you snap!" She bent down and picked up her bag, which she had initially set down when things got heated. "I'm done, Noel. Whatever this was, it's over." 


"Now wait a second," Noel started, taking a step toward Kairi when she turned away. He snatched her wrist. She wasn't leaving just yet.

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"She said she was done," Sora said lowly and pulled Kairi to him. Out of Noel's grasp. "So, I'd suggest you leave now before things get physical. Because I will always be here to protect Kairi. And even if I'm at her 'beck and call,' so what? She's my best friend. She's special to me. Whatever she needs, I'll find." It was his oath. No matter who she chose, Sora would always be there for her. Find his way back to her. Because she was his home. 

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Kairi clutched Sora's shirt when he pulled her to him, her heart skipping at the action. She kept her grip on the fabric as Noel shook his head at the two of them, eyeing them critically. 


"Did you just threaten me?" Noel said, taking another step forward. Before things got physical, huh? Noel could hold his own. Could Sora?

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"Did you just grab her wrist when she said she was done with you? Because I'm pretty sure that isn't okay. Or when you made some pretty nasty insinuations about our relationship," Sora shot back angrily. Don't summon the keyblade. Don't summon the keyblade. Sora chanted in his head. The world order was more important than teaching some jerk a lesson. 

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Okay, this is going too far. Kairi turned her back to Noel and instead stood in front of Sora, her hands finding his chest. "Sora, look at me," she requested gently. "He's not worth it, okay? Let's..." She looked around and noticed for the first time that they had an audience. She lowered her voice. "Let's just go." She...needed to leave.

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Sora exhaled slowly and shakily before nodding his head. Kairi was right. Noel wasn't worth it. He was just trying to bait him into a fight, and then what? Campus security would be here and they would have to talk to the dean and maybe even the school's president. They could even end up expelled. "You're right...Let's go now. I don't want to fight if I don't have to." 

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Noel scoffed. "Man, you are whipped," he said. He lifted a hand. "Good luck. You'll need it."


Kairi closed her eyes at the words, refusing to turn around and face Noel. She heard his footsteps as he left, and she was glad. Moisture sprung behind her eyelids. She needed to go.

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Sora was tempted to turn around and offer a rebuttal but stopped when he saw Kairi's glassy eyes. "Hey, it's okay now, Kai." he said with a small smile, "Please don't cry." He knew that what just happened hurt her, but it was always so hard to see her tears. 

Edited by aoi hoshi

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"Can we just go, please?" Kairi asked, taking her hands back from Sora's chest. She just needed to get away from the witnesses to this argument. And by "we", she meant for Sora to join her. She...didn't want to be alone.

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Sora grabbed her hand back and squeezed her fingers tightly. "Okay, let's go together then." He wasn't quite sure where they would end up but anywhere was better than here. Maybe the gardens? Kairi always did love flowers. 

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Kairi glanced over and briefly met a few gazes before she started forward, clutching Sora's hand. How embarrassing. I can't believe I let that happen, right here in the middle of campus. How could Noel say such things?! I thought he liked me...

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"I was thinking we could take a walk through the gardens. I never really got to stop and smell the roses the last time I was here," Sora joke, referring to his many adventures fighting heartless beside Donald and Goofy. 

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Kairi smiled weakly, though her heart wasn't really in it. She appreciated him trying to lighten the mood, though. "You lead," she requested softly. She kept her hand in his. Sora didn't pull away, either. Did he do that because he was okay holding her hand? Or did he do it as an act of kindess?

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When he turned his face from her, Sora couldn't help but frown. How could he cheer her up? Would flowers be enough? "Alright," he said cheerfully and began pulling her away from the campus and back into the little town he had once fought his way through. "Just a little further," Sora told her as they found a set of large stone steps. The gardens were being rebuilt, but Leon had mentioned, in passing, that things had been coming together nicely under Aerith's guidance. 

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Kairi walked with Sora in silence, eyes darting around parts of Radiant Garden she hadn't gotten the chance to see lately. She got a brief tour from Leon and the others upon arrival, but...she didn't know this area existed. She followed Sora along the stone steps, smelling flowers as they went. The gardens.

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"Aerith has been tending the flowers here since the reconstruction started. I haven't seen it yet, but Aerith always seemed like she had a green thumb," Sora said as the reached the final few steps. Please let there be at least a few flowers for her to see. 

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Kairi took the last few steps alongside her best friend, but upon seeing the gardens, her hold on his hand loosened. Her periwinkle eyes grew in size as they darted around the area, and her lips parted in awe. “Wow...” she whispered. This place... it was beautiful. Sora was right—Aerith did have a green thumb.

Edited by Forever Love

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Inside the newly crafted garden beds, a spectrum of colors greeted them. Sunflowers, roses, lilies, daffodils, and so many other flowers that Sora couldn't name adorned the scenery. Their perfumes floated and mingled together in that space, causing Sora to sneeze. "Welcome to the gardens!"

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Kairi couldn’t help but giggle at Sora’s sneeze. She released his hand and walked forward, fingering a few flowers as she went by. The scent was strong, but it reminded her of her childhood. When she first met Aqua and spent time in front of Ansem the Wise’s castle. Her grandmother too.

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“Aerith really outdid herself, huh?” Sora observed with a low whistle. A humming bird buzzed by his ear and over to a patch of fresh tiger lilies. “It’s nice seeing this place so alive.” He remembered when the castle had been in ruins. Nothing seemed alive except the heartless then.

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“Mm. Brings back some good memories,” Kairi admitted, plucking a daisy from its place in the ground. She twirled it’s stem snd turned to Sora. She never really got the chance to see this place in ruins like Sora did. She only had her childhood memories to refer to.

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