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Forever Love

Roleplay The College Chronicles (1x1 with aoi hoshi)

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"Hey," Kairi replied, though the greeting went to everyone. "What's going on?" They seemed like they were all relatively relaxed, but conversation had been present before she approached. She hoped she didn't interrupt...


"We were just talking about the festival this weekend," Roxas answered, casting a small glance Sora's direction. He felt for him, he really did. This couldn't have been easy for his Somebody, given the circumstances. Kairi had told Namine, who told Roxas...but Sora also briefly mentioned that he and Kairi got into an argument. He hadn't really gone into details, though. "I have to go, since one of my classes requires we do a public performance."


"No kidding? That's awesome, Roxas," Kairi said, standing beside Namine. She would definitely have to check that out. She wondered if Noel would like to watch too...

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"Tickets are going on sale in the campus center today," Naminé added, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "So we were going to buy some today." She wanted to give Sora an opportunity to speak to Kairi, but he seemed frozen. His heart, she sensed, was fractured from the fight with Kairi.


Sora remained silent as the exchange took place, kicking a stray pebble into dirt. The festival. He was sure Kairi would go with that boy. He had to be the one she had mentioned to him during their argument. The way they interacted was much too close. It only makes sense that she would like him better than me. I've never been anything special...

Edited by aoi hoshi

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"Oh, I need to do that too... Does that mean you're taking Lightning this weekend for your date, Riku?" Kairi asked, fingering the strap of her bag. She needed to grab a ticket for herself. If Noel wanted to go, she guessed he could come too. Even so...Kairi glanced over at Sora, seeing the way he kicked at the ground. He...didn't like her being around, did he? Maybe she needed to keep her distance. 


Roxas smirked at the mention of Lightning. He hadn't seen her today, but the day of the date was coming up. He wondered how Riku would handle the pressure.

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"Uh, yeah," Riku scratched the back of his head as a blush filled his cheeks, "I figured it would be a good place to have a date." He thought of Lightning's soft smile again and tried to hide a Sora-esque grin--which was epically strange given his best friend's own sour expression. He wasn't quite sure what to do about the two of them. They had always been close, so it felt like...things would work out, right?

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Kairi smiled at the words. "Of course. You could win her prizes or---ooh!" She squealed when arms suddenly wrapped around her waist, the small shriek escaping her out of her surprise. She heard chuckles and looked over her shoulder to see her comrade from earlier. "Noel!"


Noel laughed softly, proud of himself for scaring her. "Gotcha," he said, smiling. He took his arms back from Kairi when she whacked him in the chest. He lifted a hand to his chest at the strength behind it, even if she giggled softly now. She was stronger than she looked. "What's going on?"


"Oh!" Kairi turned to her friends. "Noel, these are my friends--Namine, Roxas, Riku, and..." She pointed to each person as she named them off, but when it came to the boy she was closest to--or had been closest to--her smile dimmed a little in nervousness. "Sora." She then motioned to the boy beside her. "Guys, this is Noel. He's a freshman too." The boy lifted a hand in a polite wave.

Edited by Forever Love

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"Hello," Naminé waved back hesitantly. She wasn't sure how much she should say. The atmosphere was thick, and she could practically feel Sora's anger.


The boy in question's eye visibly twitched. He didn't say anything to the other boy until Riku elbowed him slightly. "Hi," he deadpanned. He really didn't like this boy now. Too friendly. The irony of his own thoughts didn't reach him, however. 


Riku cleared his throat. "Freshman, huh? What's your major?" He could sense Kairi's nervousness but was surprised that she was so willing to introduce her new...friend to the group.

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"I'm a double major. Sociology and Environmentalism," Noel declared proudly. He saw the blond boy--Roxas--blink in surprise. Noel rubbed the back of his head. "I find the workings of the world pretty interesting." The way people worked, and in turn how the environment worked, and how they collided. There was a lot to study, but he was pretty confident in himself.


"Noel's been especially intrigued by the restoration of Radiant Garden," Kairi added, looking up at the taller boy. He smiled down at her. "He's actually doing a study on it for a paper. I figured maybe he could talk to Leon and the others for some credibility." They were the ones who had a huge hand in the world's restoration. But...so did Sora. Kairi looked over at him, not sure what to make of his expression. He didn't seem too...thrilled by Noel.

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"I'm sure it will turn out great," Naminé encouraged, though her eyes kept darting back to Sora who stood amongst them as if the conversation weren't happening at all. He had even pulled out his phone, sliding through a trail of messages on the screen. Naminé felt bad for the keyblade wielder but wished he would still engage with them. Especially with Kairi right there. Please Sora...she begged in her mind.


"Yeah, and I bet Sora could give you some good intel too," Riku suggested. He elbowed Sora by harder this time, causing the brunet to nearly drop the device.


Sora glowered at his friend but seemed to have gotten the hint. He stuffed his phone back into his pocket and shrugged, refusing to meet Noel's eyes. "He'd probably be better of with Leon and the others. They know more than I do."

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Noel shrugged, though he did catch a vibe from Sora that he couldn't quite put his finger on. "Alright then. If you have any contact information, I'll definitely take it," he tried. Was it just him or was this Sora character a bit...distracted?


Kairi nudged Noel lightly with her elbow. "I can help you with that," she offered, to which Noel grinned. She smiled back, but it didn't reach her eyes. Sora was the reason for that. 


"Cool." Noel admired the way Kairi's red hair shone in the sun. It was more vibrant in natural light, and it made her eyes bright too. She was seriously beautiful. How was she a fashion major and not modeling? "So...still up for that coffee? I've got a break between classes."


Kairi nodded. "Mm-hm," she hummed. She could definitely use a pick-me-up; she hadn't gotten much sleep the last few nights. She directed her next words to her friends. "I'll see you guys later, okay?"


Noel put a hand on Kairi's lower back, lifting the other to wave. "Nice to meet you guys," he called. Kairi stepped in front of him, his hand on her back moving with her before he let it drop and followed her off. That was a bit intense, and kind of awkward, but...it was no big deal. He got to spend time with Kairi now.

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When Kairi and Noel had left, Riku jabbed Sora in the arm. Hard. "What's your problem?" Not that he didn't already know, but the admission from brunet was important. He has to acknowledge his feelings...nothing will change if he can't do that...


"Ow!" Sora rubbed his arm gingerly and glared at Riku, "What are you talking about?" Why was everyone so upset all of a sudden? He hadn't yelled at Noel.


"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Riku said before adding with an eyeroll, "And that wasn't even hard!"

Edited by aoi hoshi

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Roxas leaned against his arms on the table. "He's right, Sora," he admitted. "You weren't exactly...cordial." He could understand why, of course, because if he was in Sora's position regarding Namine instead, he would be pretty uptight too. Roxas glanced over at the girl, but then focused back on his roommate. 

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"Oh, and you would have been in my shoes?" the brunet snapped at his other then, crossing his arms, "I was as nice as I could be, but I'm not going to smile when I see him all over Kairi. Grinning like an idiot." Sora wanted to rip Noel's hands off of Kairi. The second he noticed the other boy's hands on her back, Sora had felt both his heart sink and his fury rise.


Naminé watched Sora's behavior with a sad smile. He really does love her. His heart is aching to be by her side again. But what can I do? The memories have to stay. The hurt has to heal...

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Roxas blinked at the hostility, but then he furrowed his brows. "So you're jealous," he stated, confident in his deduction. Sora hated seeing another guy with Kairi, not that it was that hard to figure out in the first place. But Sora needed to acknowledge it for his own sake.

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"J-Jealous!?" he sputtered, though the word had hit the bullseye perfectly, "I'm not jealous. Kairi and I aren't like that. She's--"


"The girl you treasure most," Naminé reminded him with a wry smile. She thought about Castle Oblivion for a brief moment. How she had taken those memories of that very girl--her best friend--and replaced them with herself. How Sora had still, even then, found his way back to her. His most precious person. 


"Well, but not like...," Sora fumbled for the right words. She was exactly that, right? But Sora wasn't the jealous type.


"Exactly like that," Riku poked in the chest. Right where his heart was. "You love Kairi. It's as simple as that." How thick was his best friend really?

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Roxas shrugged his shoulders, smiling faintly. "So what're you gonna do about it?" he asked Sora. He had to do something or this jealousy would eat away at him. Sora loved Kairi. He had to acknowledge it--and as more than just friendship. Sora may have loved her as a friend, but he loved her as more than that too. Like Namine said, Kairi was the girl Sora treasured the most, out of anyone. Not even Sora could deny that.

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"..." Sora remained silent for a moment, but then he sighed. Was there really any use denying it anymore? "I don't know," he finally confessed after a moment. "What can I do? They'll be going to the festival together, and Kairi seems to be...happy." The last word came out softly. Mournfully. He hasn't wanted to admit it. But she was. Without him too. 

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"Does she, though?" Roxas wondered aloud, looking over at Namine. She was Kairi's roommate, so she would know better than most if that were really true. His blue eyes found his other. "She looked a little...sad. At least to me." Roxas wasn't the best at reading people, but he could see that Kairi wasn't the most comfortable just now. Sora hadn't given details, really, but their argument did involve other guys checking Kairi out. They argued about it for a reason.

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"Kairi is...," Naminé spoke slowly, carefully, "doing her best to deal with her pain. What happened with you two; it really hurt her. Noel picked up the pieces but it's--" Naminé abruptly stopped and shook her head. It wasn't her place to say how someone else felt, even if that person was her other. 

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Roxas watched Namine, and not because he thought she was beautiful. He did, of course, especially with how the breeze shifted her hair, but right now it wasn't the true reason. She knew more than she was letting on, most likely; Kairi was her roommate and best friend. He didn't know for sure what she was about to say, but he did look to Sora to see how he reacted.

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"I didn't want to fight like that," Sora confessed lowly. He hung his head slightly as he remembered what had happened. "But those guys...they were treating her like an object. And she said she liked the attention and ugh, it just made me snap." He clenched his fists but then loosened them again. Why did he do that? Why didn't he just remain calm? Smile.


"You should apologize then," Naminé advised gently. She touched his shoulder and smiled. "Kairi will forgive you. You're...special to her."


"Right," Riku encouraged, "Kairi and you and me. We've always been able to work through anything." This was just one more hurdle. He believed in Sora.

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Roxas still didn't know what to make of Kairi liking the attention from those male models, but it wasn't really his place to judge. "Can't hurt to try, you know?" Kairi cared deeply for Sora. Roxas remembered how desperately she wanted to recall his name when Roxas accidentally reached out to her, years ago in Twilight Town. He had tried contacting Namine but got Kairi instead. Her urgency toward Sora then was incredible, and Roxas figured her care for him had only grown since then.

Edited by Forever Love

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"I guess," Sora replied glumly. In his mind, he could still see Noel's hand on Kairi's back. "What if she doesn't want to talk though?" He hadn't exactly been the worlds' best friend. 


Naminé squeezed his shoulder slightly. "She'll listen to you. She's wanted to talk to you the past few days." Kairi had enjoyed her time with this Noel boy, but Naminé could tell the red head was still putting up a front. Her eyes betrayed her heart's true emotions.


"Right. She wouldn't throw our friendship away," Sora said but mostly as a way to reassure himself. He believed what his friends were saying, but the thought of talking to Kairi still scared him. If she rejected his apology, Sora wouldn't know what to do. 

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Roxas smiled weakly. When would Sora talk to Kairi? He wondered if it would be before the festival...or maybe even during. He just hoped Sora didn't face any trouble if that happened. Noel didn't seem like the clingy type, or confrontational, but Roxas learned to expect the unexpected. It was college, after all.

Edited by Forever Love

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As the festival was drawing closer, Naminé found herself bringing Roxas meals in between his practices. She didn't mind, however. The artist often had a few hours to spare throughout the day, so delivering a few extra meals wasn't much additional effort. Today's meal, chicken and mashed potatoes, was warm in her hands. "Roxas!" she called, seeing the boy up ahead. He was surrounded by a group of girls; Naminé pushed herself to smile regardless. 

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Roxas rubbed his head as the girls talked to him, feeling shy. He was definitely not used to this much praise. When he heard his name, he perked up--especially due to the voice. "Namine!" he called, smiling instantly. The hand behind his head lifted to wave to her. Thank goodness she was here. Hopefully she could get him out of this mess.


One of the girls, a brunette with a ponytail, turned to look over her shoulder. Ugh, her again, she thought with distate. Who was this girl anyway? She always brought Roxas food whenever she or the other admirers tried talking to him. Obsessed much? Pathetic. "Anyway, as I was saying, do you know what song you'll be playing at the festival? We are so excited to see you play!"


"Totally!" another girl chimed in agreement. Roxas's voice was amazing.

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