aoi hoshi 3 Posted October 29, 2019 Sora broke a bigger chunk off and offered it to Kairi. "Want more?" From the corner of his eye, he watched as Roxas and Naminé wove their way towards what looked like a costume contest. Are they entering? Naminé's heart sped up at his touch and silently, she wondered what it would be like if, instead of holding her hand, he had kept his hand around her waist. I suppose we'd be a real couple then... Smiling at his enthusiasm, Naminé smoothed out her gown and followed Roxas to where the sign up sheet. It took a few moments for them to get to the front of the line (and then find a pen), but soon, the duo was given a number and position in yet another line. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 10, 2019 Kairi accepted Sora's piece of the paopu treat and followed his line of sight to the people gathered by a small stage setup. "Oooh, I hope they win," she said over the noise of the party. If her designs won another contest? That would be amazing! But, Roxas and Namine also looked fantastic as the god and goddess they were. Roxas stood close to Namine in line, eyes darting around at their competition. There weren't many couples costumes, not that he was surprised; it was college after all, and many students remained single around this time of year. Then again, he was still single... Namine wasn't really his to claim. They were just part of a costume together. He balled his fists briefly before relaxing. He couldn't think about that now...though it was hard with all of the gazes directed Namine's way. Many of the party-goers recognized her beauty tonight, accentuated by the costume Kairi designed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 12, 2019 "I'm sure they will!" Sora said with a confident grin, "Your designs are incredible." Really, anyone who didn't pick Kairi's design had to be blind. From the corner of his eye, Sora caught a group of jocks watching them with big, drunken grins. I don't like that...what are they smiling about...and did one of them say Kairi? Naminé remained unaware of the hungry gazes around her and brought hands hands together excitedly, the golden bangles hanging off her arms chiming. "I can't wait to see everyone else's costumes! I wonder if anyone else will have costumes like ours?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 19, 2019 Kairi playfully twirled one of her pigtails. She appreciated that compliment. “Thank you,” she replied over the roar of the music and commotion around them. “Should we go cheer them on?” Roxas smirked, almost proudly. “Doubt it,” he said, lowering his head to be closer to Namine’s so she could hear him. “One of a kind designs, right?” Nobody else had Kairi’s costumes to wear. And none looked as good, at least in his book. Especially in Namine’s case. He forced his eyes away from her, swallowing. He had to keep it together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 19, 2019 Sora pumped his fist. "Yeah! I'm sure they'll appreciate some extra support!" As they were walking towards the contest, Sora paused. "Where did Riku and Lighting go anyway?" "Very true!" Naminé agreed with a nod. Roxas looked especially handsome in his costume tonight. She was sure he'd wow the crowds too. He had certainly wowed her after all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 19, 2019 Kairi tolled her eyes at the mention of the couple, smiling. “Probably making out somewhere,” she joked lightly. Riku could hardly keep his eyes—and hands—off Lightning lately. The costume Kairi designed for her probably didn’t help much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 19, 2019 "Heh, probably not too far off," Sora snickered. Though, it did make him happy to see his best friend in a good, committed relationship. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 19, 2019 Kairi snickered as well, her arm brushing Sora’s as they found a spot near the front of the crowd for the contest. Someone wearing a banana costume just left the spotlight and a pirate took their place. Namine and Roxas would be up soon. Roxas looked to Namine and smiled faintly. He was confident in this. Their costumes were awesome and being in front of a crowd didn’t scare him any. He wasn’t sure how Namine would be, but he would be right next to her. To prove this, he took her hand and held it gently. She would win the crowd over, no question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 19, 2019 Sora felt a tingle race up his arm at the contact as he followed Kairi to their seats near the front. "I don't think they'll have too much competition," Sora comments out of the side of his mouth as the guy in the banana costumes passes by. Naminé smiled at the gesture and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "We can do this." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 19, 2019 Kairi giggled again, but it was mostly drowned out by the cheers for the pirate costume. Then the announcer called for Roxas and Namine. The redhead clapped her hands immediately for her friends. Roxas agreed wholeheartedly and led Namine out into the open space for the spotlight. Announced as the “God and Goddess of the Night”, he smirked and held Namine’s hand up slightly, motioning to her with his free hand. He was both happy and frustrated with the hoots and hollers that followed. Happy because loud applause could help them win this contest. Frustrated because most of the noise came from guys eyeing Namine up and down, just like at the gym. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 19, 2019 Sora whooped enthusiastically as he saw their friends come on the stage. They both looked awesome! "You really outdid yourself, Kai!" Genuinely, Sira would be surprised if someone else won. The crowd loved them! Naminé felt shaky as she walked towards the center of the stage. Her heart pounded loudly, and briefly, she wondered if it would burst out of her chest. When Roxas motioned to her, Naminé wasn't entirely sure what to do. The cheers of the crowd intensified, so she blew a small kiss--the gesture the first thing her mind could think of in the moment--before doing the same to Roxas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 19, 2019 Kairi clutched Sora’s arm closest to her as she squealed in delight. They looked amazing! And to hear Sora say something so genuine and kind made her heart flutter. He was impressed! Roxas nearly froze at the blown kiss, but instead he played it cool. He smirked and then lowered himself to one knee, bowing his head and touching his lips to Namine’s hand he still held. He looked up at her after the action was done, staring in awe. She truly was a goddess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 19, 2019 Naminé looked down at him softly and touched the side of his face. Even dressed as a god, he was still her knight in shining armor. She wasn't sure what the audience thought then, seeing them together like that, but Naminé didn't care. The announcer cleared his throat after a moment, signalling them to leave. When they left the stage, Naminé clasped her hands together excitedly. "I think they really liked us!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 19, 2019 Kairi turned to Sora once their friends left the stage. “So are you going to tell him to ask her out or am I?” she joked. It was obvious to anyone that Roxas and Namine has feelings for each other. What just happened, it wasn’t exactly subtle. But it was absolutely adorable. Roxas shook his head, smiling warmly at Namine. “Nah,” he replied softly. “They really liked you.” Sure, he didn’t notice anyone ogling him, but that was because his eyes were on Namine. She was stunning, and he wasn’t the only guy to recognize that tonight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 30, 2019 "Someone needs to," Sora joked back, shaking his head. Even before the final battle with Xehanort, Sora had seen how much Naminé had meant to Roxas. His memories spoke volumes. As their display did just now too. "Wanna go find them?" Naminé blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't know about that...You were pretty impressive out there yourself." How did he always manage to make her heart flutter this much? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted December 1, 2019 Kairi nodded. “Yeah, let’s go,” she agreed. She would let Sora lead. Trying to navigate through this crowded house would be tough. She’d just follow him. Roxas smirked. Noticing her headpiece slightly crooked, he lifted his hand and carefully fixed it, also brushing her bangs away from her eyes. “I do what I can,” he replied humbly. He wasn’t much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted January 11, 2020 Sora led the way with ease, weaving through the throngs of dancers until he could spot two familiar blondes ahead. "I think I found them!" Naminé dipped her head shyly. "Well, you did amazing." She hoped he didn't notice the blush blossoming across her cheeks at his touch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted February 14, 2020 Kairi stuck close to Sora as they made their way through the crowd of people. As they passed, she thought she heard her name. She glanced over her shoulder briefly, but she couldn't spot the person who spoke. As she turned around, she ran into someone and had to stop in her tracks. "Oh!" she gasped in alarm, looking up at the taller guy whose chest she hit. "Um, sorry..." She caught Sora still going, and not wanting to be left behind, started after him, but the guy grabbed her wrist. "Hey, wait," the guy said. Kairi noted that his breath smelled of beer. "You look familiar... Do I know you?" " No, I don't think so," Kairi replied, tugging slightly to get free, but he didn't release her. "No, I've definitely seen you around before," he insisted, tilting his head. Roxas took his hand back and smiled softly. He caught that blush, but he wouldn't say anything; he didn't want to make Namine uncomfortable. "Thank you," he told her. He appreciated her confidence in him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted February 17, 2020 (edited) Sora narrowed his eyes at the guy and pulled Kairi away and behind him. "Dude, what's you problem?" Edited February 19, 2020 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted February 20, 2020 Kairi put a hand on Sora's back. "Sora, it's fine. Let's--" "Whoa, easy!" The guy held up his hands, smirking in his buzzed state. "It was just a question. I thought I'd seen her before, that's all." What was this guy's issue? He assumed Sora was a possessive boyfriend or something. Why else would he freak out like this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted February 22, 2020 Sora calmed a little Kairi's touch but still maintained his glare. "Yeah, well, and now it's time to go. C'mon, Kai." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted February 22, 2020 Kairi looked from Sora to the guy, who rolled his eyes at her fellow "geek" and then focused on her. She stared back. Why did he think he knew her? Her hair sometimes got her recognized, and then there was the fight with Noel... "Oh yeah!" the guy exclaimed, smiling widely. His voice reached the people around them, but the music was still too loud for everyone to hear what he said. "You're that girl from the flyer, aren't you?!" Kairi felt sick instantly. Not this again... She thought that blew over. "Just the face. Not the rest," she said in her defense, gripping the back of Sora's shirt tightly. "Classmate got jealous. That's all." "I can see why." The guy looked her up and down. "You're hot as hell. Your outfit doesn't leave much to the imagination, sweetheart. Thanks for the preview." He then winked, making Kairi want to hurl where she stood. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted February 22, 2020 Without hesitation, Sora punched the guy in the jaw. The collision itself wasn't audible over the music, but the loud gasps from their growing audience were. "Shut up! You don't know anything about her!" "Sora...Roxas, we have to help!" Naminé exclaimed. Seeing Sora like that. So angry...she hadn't seen that in a long time. Not since Xehanort... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted February 22, 2020 "Sora!" Kairi cried out in shock. She reached for him instantly as his target stumbled and fell into a couple other people in the room. Quickly people moved a step away from the action, forming a circle around the three of them. "Sora, stop," Kairi tried, stepping up to be beside him as she clutched his arm. As disgusting as she suddenly felt, the guy could have friends. Then again, so did they--Roxas and Riku. Roxas turned his head at the commotion, and upon hearing Namine's insistence, he nodded. "Stay here," he told her firmly, his hand finding her waist as he glanced at her. He then pushed his way through the throngs of people to get to his friends. Still buzzed, the punch didn't exactly hurt. He stood and smirked. "Heh, that all you got, tough guy?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted February 22, 2020 "Don't worry, Kairi," Sora said before his fiery gaze focused back on his opponent, "I haven't even gotten warmed up yet." His fingers itched for his keyblade. Just one hit. One hit would take this guy out. "Okay..." Naminé bit her lip and wrung her hands together worriedly. What if this turned into some kind of brawl? To think anyone would still be holding onto the memory of that...flyer though. It made Naminé sick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites