aoi hoshi 3 Posted October 31, 2018 Sora's arms only stayed at his sides a second before wrapping them around Kairi tightly. Her frame was slender and fit perfectly against his, and when her voice was in his ear, Sora tried to keep the red from his cheeks from becoming to obvious. "You're welcome. I'm glad I found it." I'm glad I found you... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted October 31, 2018 "Me too," Kairi murmured, resting the side of her head against Sora's. His spikes tickled her skin lightly with a faint breeze. He was warm in the chilly air, so she kept her hold on him. To feel his arms around her frame like this was comforting, safe. She liked it. Sora felt like home... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted October 31, 2018 Sora breathed in the moment. The lilac scent of her shampoo, the soft glow of her red she just felt perfect in his arms...He wanted to kiss her. The desire had come up more than once recently, but in this moment, Sora found his heart nearly breaking at the thought of not making that one final vow. I can't just kiss her though. Her feelings...I don't know what she's thinking. How she feels about me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted October 31, 2018 (edited) Kairi pulled back slightly, just enough that she could look at the young man who held her. And that was exactly what he was--a young man. No longer was Sora the boy she grew up with on the islands. His childish cheeks were gone, replace by a slim, fit face with a sharper jawline. He stood a few inches taller than her now, to where she had to look up at him every time she wanted to see his pretty blue eyes. His body was firm, toned, sculpted from his adventures over the past few years. Kairi knew he was handsome, even if Sora didn't see it himself. But...his heart attracted her most. He was selfless, and kind, and compassionate. Kairi knew he was a catch. Every girl on this campus talked about him at least once, much to her jealousy. Edited October 31, 2018 by Forever Love Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted October 31, 2018 He watched her expression shift and tilted his head, much like a puppy would. "Something wrong, Kai?" Sora's voice came out collected but inside he his heart shook. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted October 31, 2018 Kairi smiled weakly at that held tilt. How cute could he be, without even trying? "No. I'm just..." She moved her hands to sit on his shoulders. "...I'm just admiring you." He'd grown up, and a lot of that had happened while he was away from the Islands. Away from her. The memory made her sad, but...he was with her now. She got to see him grow more as a person every day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted October 31, 2018 "Ad...miring me?" Was there really anything to admire about him. He was just an ordinary boy from an island, right? At least that's what he had always been told. Sora wasn't the 'cool' one like Riku. Not that he begrudged his friend anything. Riku was great. It was just... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted October 31, 2018 Kairi nodded. "Is that so hard to believe?" she asked with a small laugh, appreciating this close proximity while it lasted. Sora may not have been thinking the same thing, but...she would while she could. She was sure he saw other girls around campus that caught his eye, other girls he wanted to... Kairi stopped her train of thought, not wanting to ruin this moment. She could think more on that when she was in her room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted October 31, 2018 Sora found himself bashful again. " know, growing up with Riku...he was always the more "admirable" one. I'm more ordinary by comparison." He wanted to draw closer to her, her violet eyes magnetic. But the space between them was already so limited. He didn't want to push her boundaries too much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted October 31, 2018 Kairi placed her hand on Sora's cheek at the words, unable to help it. "Sora, you're anything but ordinary," she assured him with a soft smile. "Trust me." He was...incredible. Riku had his own accomplishments, but so did Sora. He and Riku weren't the same, but that was a good thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted October 31, 2018 Sora closed his eyes, leaning into Kairi's touch as he brought his own hand to cover hers. "Thanks...It means a lot hearing that from you." Me and Riku. We were always trying to impress you as kids. But he seemed better than me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted October 31, 2018 "Sure," Kairi replied, her voice a murmur as she gazed at him. She ran her thumb along Sora's cheek slightly, appreciating the warmth of his hand atop hers. This was how it was supposed to be, wasn't it? Just her and him, together, like this... Everything in her told her they were fated to be together, no matter what. But...nothing had happened to really support that. Not in reality. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted October 31, 2018 "Kairi...," Sora started but couldn't finish the thought. This didn't feel like the right time. They were close. So close. But something about the moment felt too public. They were in their own world right now, but their bubble of bliss could be so easily popped. What where would the right place be? The right time? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted October 31, 2018 (edited) Kairi smiled a little at the way Sora said her name. It always sounded better laced with his smooth tone. She wasn’t sure what he wanted to say, but she would listen. Especially since Sora looked...sad? Maybe disappointed. But why? Edited October 31, 2018 by Forever Love Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted October 31, 2018 “We should probably get going...” Those weren’t the words he wanted to say, but what else could he convey without giving away his feelings? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted October 31, 2018 That’s what you said the last time... Kairi lowered her gaze from Sora’s and took her hand back, stepping out of his hold. She turned to grasp the handle of her suitcase and then looked to him. Right, she thought. Of course they would need to get back. It was late after all. Kairi tucked her hair when a breeze came by, the girl starting forward wordlessly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 7, 2018 They reached the dorms in a companionable silence, but Sora's mind whispered to him each step. Trying to coax a confession from his lips. The boy, however, managed to keep his features smooth. "Guess that's it, huh? Back to classes tomorrow." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 7, 2018 "Mm," Kairi hummed as they walked. She absently fingered the seashell pendant Sora gave her. She wondered...did he not like her like...that? Every time they got close--so close--he broke it off. Maybe waiting isn't good enough, she thought. Waiting on him seemed...lonely. Was Noel a step in the right direction? Was she better off pursuing other guys and only remaining friends with Sora? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 7, 2018 "We'll have to start planning our trip to Corona soon." Sora opened the door for her with a gentleman-like flourish. "After you." He wondered, at her response, what could be going through her mind? Was she happy? Sad? Tonight was a big night for her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 7, 2018 Kairi blinked at the gesture. But then she playfully rolled her eyes and stepped through, pulling her suitcase with her. "Such a gentleman," she teased softly. Sora was such a good guy. The girl who ended up with him would be lucky... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 7, 2018 Sora followed after Kairi, keeping close as he climbed the stairs towards their dorm rooms. "I try." I wonder if Kairi ever wants to be with she was with Noel? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 7, 2018 One week later Kairi looked herself over once more in the mirror. Her hair was in low pigtails and she wore (fake) glasses, as well as her high school uniform and stockings. She dressed it up a bit, though, adding suspenders and knotting the shirt to show her stomach. She also undid a few buttons, making the look a bit more revealing. Considering it was college, and Halloween, she figured she could be a bit scandalous and get away with it. She and Sora were dressing up as nerds, and she couldn't wait to see how he looked. He's going to look adorable. Roxas felt a bit of dread upon seeing his costume on for the first time. "I can't believe Kairi made me this," he said to Sora. "A dress?" Well, the correct term was toga, but his comment still stood. He had more fabric that felt more like a scarf-cape combination that went with it, since he and Namine were dressing up as Greek gods. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 7, 2018 Naminé giggled seeing her friend. "You look adorable, Kairi!" She adjusted the golden laurels sitting in her hair and came to sit on her other's bed. The fabric of her gown, an elegant black, flowed with her as she walked the short distance. Her gladiator sandals gleamed and the string of fake Greek coins attached jingled. "Better than being dressed as Cupid," Sora offered with a smirk, "He usually just wears a diaper." He glanced at himself in the mirror then, catching sight of the taped up spectacles and drawn on freckles. I look ridiculous but good? His suspenders were bright red and accented with an out-of-place bow tie clinging to the collar of his floral print shirt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted November 7, 2018 "And you," Kairi said, turning around to face her roommate, "look gorgeous. A goddess if there ever was one!" Kairi was proud of her creation; Namine's dress was classy, elegant, and a bit on the sexy side, but to her friend's comfort level. "Roxas is going to be drooling over you." Roxas rolled his eyes but otherwise finished with his costume, tying the ropes around his waist for a belt and putting on the gladiator shoes that went up to his calves. He also had a golden arm band and some kind of crown. What did Kairi call it? A laurel crown or something? Regardless, he looked himself over. "Well, it's definitely better than a diaper..." He wondered how Namine would look... "You can pull of the geeky look, though. New fashion statement?" he commented with a smirk, teasing. Lightning leaned against the wall outside Riku's room, one foot against the wall. She had an arm across her chest as she twirled her handcuffs with the other. The metal circled her finger as she watched other students walk by in costumes, though some just looked like lingerie to her. Her view was tinted due to her aviator sunglasses, even if it was nighttime, and she wore a police hat. Her costume wasn't really meant to be worn in the field--it was a jumper with short-shorts, boots, and quite a low cut. Kairi clearly went for a theme on this one. Thankfully it was long-sleeved to help fight the cold, though. And she had a belt around her waist so she didn't have to swing the cuffs around all night... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted November 7, 2018 "Oh, stop it," Naminé swatted her friend's words away with an embarrassed blush. "You did an amazing job with the designs." Though the question did echo in her thoughts: what would Roxas think? Would he like it? How did his costume turn out? Sora pushed the blond playfully and adjusted his bow-tie. "Maybe. I really do like the suspenders." Sora couldn't help but think of how Kairi would look. They had never worn matching costumes before, even back on the island as kids. Him and Riku usually wore something similar, but that was usually by accident. Riku whistled lowly as he eyed Lightning's costume. Kairi certainly had outdone herself. His costume had been relatively simple: a pair of black pants, long-sleeved shirt, mask, and knit cap, but Lightning..."You already look ready to arrest someone, officer," he teased. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites