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Forever Love

Roleplay The College Chronicles (1x1 with aoi hoshi)

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"You're going to stay with me tonight, right?" Light asked him quietly. She couldn't imagine leaving Riku's side after this. She wouldn't object to a bit more kissing back in her room, but...him holding her in his strong arms sounded great. Lightning wasn't much of a softy, but being with Riku changed her. She softened up quite a bit, and she knew it would only continue as long as she was with him.

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"Of course," Riku said lowly. In truth, he never wanted to be apart. There boy realized it wasn't realistic and maybe even strange given the amount of time they've known one another, but there was something about her--something that made him feel whole. Like, until he had met her, there had been something missing that even he didn't realize he needed. 

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Lightning closed the distance between them and kissed Riku again at the words. That was a good answer, because she wouldn't accept his refusal. His short silver hair brushed her arms, tickling her skin lightly, and his lips pressed against hers tasted heavenly. Lightning was no amateur when it came to physical gestures, though romance was unfamiliar territory. Would Riku change that?

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Riku melted into the kiss, feeling her lips meld with his. The sensation was paradise. Bringing a hand to cup her cheek, Riku deepened the kiss. He had little experience being a boyfriend, but he would do his best to make sure Light was happy. She deserved only the best. 

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Light's heart skipped at the hand on her face, and she matched Riku's intensity. This... It made her breathless, but she couldn't get enough. She had deprived herself of this kind of feeling for so long by acting cold, she was sure, but....with Riku it all changed. From the first time she saw him at that party, she changed.

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He felt sparks dance along his skin from her touch. How could a kiss do this? Was this how it felt to be in love? His heart hammered inside his chest so hard the sound was in his ears drowning out the soft tick of the clock above them. 

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Lightning pulled back slightly so her nose brushed his. "I think," she began, breathless, "we should take this back to my room." They had more privacy, and it would be more comfortable. Riku's lap wasn't uncomfortable by any means, but making out on a few mats in the university's gym didn't scream "cozy" to her.

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"I think you're right," Riku finished in a whisper. No one seemed to be around now, but he could only imagine what would happen if one of the instructors caught them or even one of their classmates. Pictures clearly traveled fast here. 

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Lightning smirked faintly at that whisper and pecked Riku once more on the lips before she retreated. She rose from his lap, though she did offer her hands to him as soon as she was standing. She just had to grab her jacket and they could walk back together.

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He took her hand, pulling himself back up swiftly. "Guess we'll just grab our stuff then?" It felt strange being even this much apart. The feel of her lips still lingered. 

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"Mm," Lightning hummed with a nod. "You might want to grab those mouse pants of yours when we get back." Her smirk grew with humor. She remembered those pants; they had a mouse symbol on them for some reason that she didn't yet understand. Regardless, Riku would need a change of clothes, since he would be staying with her tonight.

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A blush decorated Riku's cheeks at the comment, but he tried schooling his expression back into something cool. "I can get you a pair if you like them so much." His current pair were a gift from the King and Queen who, he supposed, in some ways had become akin to family. 

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Lightning tugged on Riku's hand, starting toward the bench where she left her jacket. Once she had it, she led him out of the gym. "I may wear tight clothes a lot, but I'm still a girl who appreciates a good pair of pajama pants," she assured him. She would take a pair if he wanted to get her some, but it wasn't necessary.

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He followed her without hesitation. "They're actually really comfortable," Riku replied, "and warm. Plus, I know my friends wouldn't mind sending out an extra pair." Though, he wasn't sure if he was ready for Mickey's teasing. The mouse king would likely want to meet Light too. Not that he opposed, but it may raise more questions. I'd like her to know everything one day.

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Lightning looked up at Riku as she walked beside him, holding his hand securely. Even this felt different--but a good different. "Thanks," she told him gently. She appreciated him going out of his way. He was very sweet to her.

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"It's no problem, really. If you ever need anything, I'll be there for you. I promise." Riku's tone was resolute but gentle. A steady declaration of his feelings towards the pink haired girl beside him. 

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Lightning fought her blush, but she ultimately lost. She faced forward again, eyes on their path. "You're too much, Riku," she said softly, but it wasn't meant as an insult. Not in the slightest. He was incredibly kind, sincere. She had never met someone like him. He had a certain...mystery behind him too, but she would solve it with time.

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"You deserve only the best," he insisted, tightening his grip on her hand. Light was special. He wanted her to see that too. Though, he was sure her past circumstances would be the obstacle to overcome in that regard. Mending her hurt. He could do that, right? Or at least help. 

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Lightning lifted her free hand to hold Riku's arm as they walked, leaning against him slightly. She closed her eyes as the words reached her. She didn't know what she did to deserve him, but she was grateful. She could see herself falling in love with him, easily. She had already fallen this hard.

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The moment Riku and Lightning walked into the cafeteria with their finger intertwined, everyone stared. Including the couple's friends. Sora, who had been drinking a paopu smoothie, nearly choked on the pulp. "I-Is that Riku and Lightning...!?"


Naminé looked up from her soup and cast a glance towards the new couple. Her smile was small but knowing. "I'm not too surprised. Those two were dating for a while?"

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Kairi put a hand to her mouth, but then she turned to Sora. Their bet! They made a bet regarding when Riku and Lightning would start dating. She lost, but she didn't even care. This meant she got to go to Corona! 


Roxas smirked. "Looks official to me," he said, lifting a hand to wave at the couple. "About time." There was so much tension between them before. This was bound to happen. What happened at the gym last night, after he and Namine left?

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Sora grinned back at her. "Guess we're going to Corona," he said quietly. It made him happy to have won the bet. Finally, he would have the chance to take Kairi to see the floating lanterns! 


Riku rolled his eyes but swung his and Lightning's hands with a comfortable ease. "Yeah, yeah, you're one to talk." He knew this was coming, but he wouldn't not fight back. It simply wasn't in the boy's nature. 

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Kairi lowered her hand so she could grin back at Sora. "Yes!" she cheered with excitement. She couldn't wait!


Roxas rolled his eyes in good nature, though he didn't miss Lightning's blush. Apparently this attention got the best of her, but it was nothing to be ashamed about. "I'll get there," he said in his defense. Eventually.

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"We'll have to figure out when our next break is, so we can make plans. I can get us good seats too," Sora said, his own voice rising with excitement. He couldn't contain himself anymore!


Naminé's eyes flickered to Roxas briefly, her brow furrowing. Was that in response to the two of them...? Or something else?


Riku arched at eyebrow at their exchange. "Don't tell me you two were taking bets on when we'd get together?" He believed it, sure, but it was still amusing to know even his friends had been taking bets. 

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Kairi's gleeful smile turned nervous as she looked to her older best friend. Lightning lifted an eyebrow to back his question. "Uh...well...." she started, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "Maybe?"


Lightning smirked. Those little devils, she thought. They bet on her and Riku? She looked to her boyfriend, wondering how exactly he would react to this new information.


Roxas turned his head to the blonde girl beside him. His eyes widened briefly, but then he smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as his eyes danced away from hers. Too much?

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