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Forever Love

Roleplay The College Chronicles (1x1 with aoi hoshi)

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"How?" Light asked. How could Riku relate to what she went through? Did he have siblings or something that he sacrificed a lot of his time for? Did he take care of family too? Whatever it was, it gifted him with wisdom; he had a good head on his shoulders.

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"You have let people help you," Riku explained gently, "Tell them what's going on. Like what you're doing with me right now." If he had only  done that instead of looking to the darkness. His friends would have been there for him.

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Light released her grip on Riku's shirt. "...I'm guessing you didn't do that," she said softly, considering how close they were to each other. He initiated the closeness, and she didn't object. It was...nice, to have someone she could lean on when she needed. Another way Riku was special.

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"Heh, heh," Riku shook his head, thinking back on his misadventures, "Nope. Not at all. But my friends were there for me. They helped me through everything." I want you to feel like that too, Lightning...

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Light hummed softly and nodded. Right, Sora and Kairi. Of course. They seemed like the type to never give up, but then again, Sora didn't look like he had much faith in his relationship with Kairi. But that was a thought for another day. Lightning looked at Riku's hand on his lap. Was he going to tell them about tonight? Were they going to tell anyone? Or would it just be their secret? "Speaking of," she spoke quietly, "how long do I get to keep you?" She imagined his friends wondered where he was.

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"As long as you want me to stay," Riku said and grabbed her hand. He found her eyes. Turquoise meeting crystal blue. He wouldn't leave unless she was okay. Lightning was special to him. She was...his most treasured girl.

Edited by aoi hoshi

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"Hm," Light hummed with a crooked smile. She wrapped her fingers around Riku's and nodded. Right. As long as she wanted him to stay... She wasn't sure how long exactly that would be. A part of her did fear Chase finding her room, but that wasn't why she wanted Riku to stay. She wanted him to stay because...she liked him. More than she probably should have, but....how couldn't she? He was genuine and kind, and he defended her when she couldn't do it herself--and in most circumstances she definitely could, which meant he was smart enough to keep his distance if the time called for it. His level of understanding blew her mind. You're definitely something, Riku.

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Her fingers intertwined, Riku dared to press a kiss to her cheek. He hoped the move wasn't too bold. Scaring her away now would be the last thing the boy wanted. He shifted slightly, touching their foreheads. "Do you want to watch a movie or something? I can log into my Nextflix. There are probably some stupid movies on there right now?" Anything that would take her mind off of Chase and what happened tonight. 

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Light was suddenly short of breath. She swallowed air so her brain could process what exactly Riku said. His kiss on her cheek--which hadn't been amateur or chaste, it had instead been gentle and confident--and now his forehead against hers... She moved her face just a little and her nose brushed his. Her face suddenly felt hot. Earlier that night, when she asked him to distract her at the festival, she thought of him kissing her. He did, but...if either of them moved just a little, there would be actual contact. Light wanted it, but at the same time she didn't want Riku to do it just because he felt sorry for her and what happened tonight. She would never want a pity kiss. "Sure," she whispered due to their closeness, though her heart raced. Light was right--Riku was different. And in the best possible way.

Edited by Forever Love

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Riku lingered for a moment more before breaking away abruptly. His cheeks were red and his heart was thundering from how close they were, but he tried to keep his voice steady. "Do you have a computer?" Riku wanted to slap himself upside the head. Do you have a computer? Seriously? Of course she has a computer! She's in freaking college...everyone has a computer! He probably sounded stupid to her. And after such an intense moment...

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Light smirked but didn't comment on Riku's behavior. "On the desk," she motioned with her free hand. Her laptop was there. He could pull up whatever show he wanted. As long as it distracted her, and Riku stayed, Lightning would be fine for a while.

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Riku cleared his throat but didn't say anything as he brought the laptop back over to Lightning's bed. "You can choose," Riku said settling down beside Lightning again. His arm found its way back around her shoulders. "What do you want? Rom Com? Drama? There are some new titles too," Riku mumbled, having logged into Netflix. He used her mouse to scroll past the various genres. 

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Light chuckled softly, unable to help it. She wasn't much of a "drama" or "rom com" type, so she pointed on the screen to a title. "That one," she said. It was a comedy with some action mixed in; nothing dark or serious. 

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"That looks good." He clicked on the title. An upbeat song began to play as a friendly neighborhood filled the screen. Riku had never seen this movie before, but he was curious to know where it went. "Have you seen this one before?"

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Lightning shook her head. She backed out of Riku's hold, but only for a moment; she scooted back on her bed to lean against the wall, though she reached for Riku's hand. She gave it a light tug for him to scoot back next to her, that way they were more comfortable while they watched the movie. Yes, she was exhaused--not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well--but she had a feeling she would probably fall asleep on Riku's shoulder. His warmth, and overall presence, comforted her beyond comprehension.

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"How much longer, Kairi?" Sora whined. They were back at the studio again working on her project (which was due in only a few days now), but Sora found himself wriggling around with anticipation to finish up this last bit of the needlework. Everything was coming together nicely, but the standing still...? Sora wasn't a fan.

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"I'm gonna poke you if you keep wiggling," Kairi sang, smiling to herself as she pinned fabric she needed to tailor to fit Sora snug. She moved around from his back to his front, working on the shoulders. In order to get his measurements on the jacket, it hadn't been too hard. The pants, however, were another story.

Edited by Forever Love

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Sora visibly stiffened out of fear. He may have saved the worlds (three times!), but needles were still his worst enemy. "Just hurry then!" It was nice being with Kairi, but he would be glad to be done with all these pins. They still had the pants though...I just hope that part goes especially fast. 

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Kairi shook her head at Sora's ridiculousness but otherwise remained silent as she finished pinning the jacket. It only took a few quick minutes. She stepped back and placed her hands on her hips, observing her work. "Can you spin for me?" she asked, then biting her lip as she looked at Sora's handsome face. She wanted to see it from a distance and all sides, just to make sure she finished properly.

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"Like this?" Sora asked, turning around slowly with his arms outstretched. He felt a little silly doing this, twirling much like a princess with an invisible ball gown, but it was for Kairi. The way she bit her lip...She can make anything beautiful. 

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"Uh huh," Kairi muttered in confirmation. She watched Sora with sharp eyes, trying to find any faults in her design. Looks good. Then again, the thought wasn't just for the jacket; Sora looked good too. In the full suit, she knew he would be striking. The pants, however, had yet to be made. She still needed those measurements. She breathed a sigh, both in relief and nervousness. The jacket was good to go--it just needed sewn. But the pants needed done. "Okay, all good." Kairi stepped up to Sora and gently pressed his arms down before moving to take off the jacket, careful due to the pins.

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Sora sucked in a breath as she undid the pins; he knew she was being careful, but there still a slight stiffness to his posture in anticipation of a tiny jabs from the needles. "Phew," Sora sighed once the jacket slid off his arms, "What next?"

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Kairi took the jacket and carefully hung it, double-checking to make sure none of the pins came out. She also took that moment to keep her back to Sora as a blush came to her face. "...I need to do measurements for the pants," she told him, voice soft. This wouldn't be...comfortable, given where she had to measure and how close she had to be to Sora. Would he stick to being her model with this? 

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"Oh yeah, pants," Sora affirmed lightheartedly. The implications of her statement hadn't quite sunk in. "That shouldn't be a problem." Pants weren't a big deal, right? Just a little more measuring around the...Sora paled slightly and swallowed. Now he understood. Pants. "Um...yeah, no problem." Kairi will be quick. It won't be too awkward. 

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Kairi grabbed her measuring tape and turned to face Sora. His paler face didn't go unnoticed. She approached him and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Sora, you're my best friend, right?" she asked, looking up at him at his taller height. She had to let him know that this wasn't a big deal. It was just for a project. So this didn't need to be awkward....right?

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