Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning took her bag of candy too, though she stepped away from the stand with Riku so someone else could play the game. Her eyes fell to the ground. "Um..." she started intelligently. This next bit of information about her... Only she and Serah knew it, for obvious reasons. But...Lightning felt like she could tell Riku. He was a man of his word, trustworthy. "...Lightning isn't my real name." He may have called her Light on occasion, but...that wasn't right either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 "It isn't?" Riku asked, blinking in surprise. He had always found it to be an unusual name, but the thought it not being her name at this point seemed...odd? "Then...what is it?" He didn't want to pry too much, but there was a spark of curiosity he couldn't stifle. Who was the girl he was so infatuated to? A name could unlock so much about oneself. Riku thought about his own aliases. Ansem. What could hers mean? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning lifted her gaze to Riku. He was genuinely curious? She put on a small smile. "Maybe I'll tell you in a few more dates," she hinted with a tilt of her head. She wasn't going to tell him right away. It was very personal--it was her birth name, after all. Besides, it gave her another reason to see him after today. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 "So, there will be another date?" Riku asked hopefully. He tried keep his excitement subtle. This had to mean she was enjoying herself, right? Riku wasn't much of a ladies man after all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning's smile grew. "If you're lucky," she said, stepping past him to go further into the carnival. She glanced over her shoulder at him and placed a piece of cotton candy in her mouth. If this went well, and she was sure it would, there would definitely be another date. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 Riku followed her into the carnival, strings of lights hanging above them like series of constellations. "Wait up," Riku called, weaving between other patrons; he caught her hand. It fit perfectly in his. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning glanced at their hands, an intimate touch that she had never really had before. It was...nice. She hummed softly and twined her fingers with Riku's, embracing the warmth of his hand. She had to admit, though, it was a very smooth move on his part. "Where to?" she asked him. She liked how this date was going already. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 Their fingers interlaced, Riku swung their hands lazily as they walked. "I'm not sure. A ride? We haven't done any of those yet..." Up ahead, a large ferris wheel was visible. It reached high into the sky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning followed Riku's gaze and blushed. Hopefully under the lights her red cheeks weren't so visible. "The ferris wheel is awfully...romantic," she hinted, looking up at him. "Are you sure you want to take that leap?" He seemed like the mysterious type. Did he want to change his reputation for her sake? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 (edited) "I've never been much of a romantic," Riku confessed, rubbing the back of his neck, "so I think we'll just have to give it go? Never know till you try." He wasn't quite sure they would be comfortable on such a ride, but it was worth a try, right? He could see the light red tinging her cheeks and smiled at how cute she looked. There was an innocent quality to her she blushed. Something vulnerable that he wanted to protect no matter what. Edited August 21, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 "Me neither," Lightning agreed with a faint nod. She squeezed his hand. "But you're right. We might as well give it a go." She grasped his hand a little tighter and led him toward the ferris wheel. Riku made all of this so easy. Did he realize that this was the most comfortable she had been with anyone in a long time? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 As they drew closer to the ferris wheel, Riku found himself growing more nervous. The lights grew brighter, and the line of couples stretched further and further. It would take forever for them to even get tickets...He also noticed how close the other couples coming off the ride seemed to be. One pair even exchanged a tender kiss that made Riku look away. Second hand embarrassment. He wasn't quite sure what to tell Lightning though. Would she think he didn't like her if he tried backing out now? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning lifted an eyebrow at the sight before her. Lots of hand-holding, which was fine since that was what she and Riku were doing. But there was cuddling, and kissing, and lots of touching. She and Riku weren't exactly at that level. She risked a glance in his direction and relaxed a little when she saw his face. Okay, so he wasn't comfortable with this, either. That made her feel a little better. "Hey," she called, smiling faintly at him. "Let's skip this one for now." Lightning looked to another ferris wheel not too far off, but this one went upside down. "Why don't we try that one instead? I think that one suits us better." And she didn't mean that in a bad way. She suspected he liked thrills, just like her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 (edited) Riku followed her gaze and visibly relaxed. He was glad she felt the same. "I'd like that. We can scream our heads off on that one," Riku squeezed her hand playfully. The line wasn't horribly long either, so it should be easy enough to get tickets too. As they approached the ticket counter, Riku pulled out his wallet and handed the worker a handful of munny. The worked sighed but handed Riku two green tickets. Edited August 21, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning watched Riku pay for yet another attraction. She kept a hold of his hand as they stepped up to the line. "Are you sure you're okay with paying?" she asked. "I don't mind..." He insisted upon it when he walked here with her, but still... Lightning believed in equality in the sexes, so she didn't mind paying her share. Riku didn't need to impress her with stuff like that anyway. She liked him for who he was--for the guy she was slowly unraveling as time went on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 "It's okay," Riku reassured, stuffing his wallet back into his pocket, "you can pay for the next one?" It felt strange to ask her to pay for anything, but Riku liked that about her. She was considerate of his feelings. Not many girls were like that--something he knew from the past few dating experiences he had. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 "Deal," Lightning replied with a slight smile. She was glad he didn't get pushy with trying to pay for everything; a lot of guys flaunted cash around her, but that wasn't what mattered. To Lightning, it was experiences that carried weight, not how much money sat in someone's wallet. She finally released Riku's hand to get onto the ride, where they were locked in a caged seat together--and very close. Her leg and side were pressed against his. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 "Ready?" Riku asked as the ride began to jerk forward. He gripped the bar in front of them rightly, body coiled for whatever crazy drops and twists this ride would bring. The closeness he shared in Lightning brought a happy buzz throughout his body. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 "Born ready," Lightning replied confidently. "You?" She also gripped the bar as the ride started, the ferris wheel went around one time, but it was picking up speed. They were bound to go upside-down in a second. Of course, her stomach had been doing flips since Riku took her hand moments ago. Something about him... It was different than other guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 (edited) "As I'll ever be," Riku shot back with a nervous grin. He grabbed her other hand again. This was the best date he had been on. How did he end up so lucky finding Lightning? Was this his little taste of destiny? If it was, he would hold onto it with all his strength. Edited August 21, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning grasped Riku's hand as well, and that was when they flipped backward. And once the cage righted itself, they rocked a little, before going around and up and then flipping again. Lightning started to laugh. Who knew something so simple could be so thrilling?! If Serah could see her now...she wouldn't believe it. Then again, she didn't believe it much either. She recognized that the last few times she'd truly laughed, Riku had been right there with her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 Riku gasped when they flipped backwards, but then his laughter mingled with Lightning's. They were rocketed to the top, and for a second Riku could see a full sky of stars between the metal grates of their cage. "This is much fun!" Riku yelled as they rocked back down. He could ride this thing all night! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning only continued to laugh, but her laughter could be deciphered as agreement. She squeezed Riku's hand when they went upside down again, and then almost got stuck that way. "Best ride yet!" she confirmed. True, it was the first one they had been on, but she wasn't sure if there was one that could beat this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted August 21, 2018 As the ferris wheel finally slowed down, Riku tried to catch his breath from all of the laughter. "Wanna go again?" he asked as their cage was opened, "We can get more tickets?" The line was growing longer now, but it was possible they could still sneak in another go around. He loved the idea of hearing Lightning laugh again. It was a perfect sound to him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted August 21, 2018 Lightning took in a breath and nodded. "Sure," she agreed. That sounded like fun. As they got out, she tightened her ponytail. The line had definitely gotten longer, but that was okay. This ride was fun. "Get a place in line? I'll grab the tickets." It was her turn to pay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites