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Forever Love

Roleplay The College Chronicles (1x1 with aoi hoshi)

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Kairi leaned back in her seat, taking her hand away from Sora's arm. "Disgusting," she grumbled. Those girls were awful. She had never encountered people like that. So far this party didn't have good company.


Lightning smirked and nodded slightly in agreement. "College girls are...interesting," she added. She wasn't personally like that, but quite a few were. They lacked self-respect and confidence, so they threw themselves at guys for a night to feel better.

Edited by Forever Love

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"These were exactly the kinds of girls I had to deal with at Destiny," Riku grumbled in annoyance. Thankfully, he hadn't made the same mistake twice though. Glancing around the room as he ate, Riku noticed the party goers starting to become more aggressive with their drinking. A few more toga-clad frat boys stumbled through as well, and Riku could spot more and more couples swapping spit in public areas. "Though I think after we eat, it might be best to head back to the dorms. Things are starting to get out of hand again."


"I'm guessing Snow won't take care of it?" Sora asked, looking to Lightning. He took bite out of his second burger.

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Lightning scoffed. "Don't count on it. He's probably participating, knowing him," she explained. Serah was on her own. She said she could handle it, and "chose" Snow. Lightning would let her clean up his messes; it wasn't Light's job.


Kairi smiled sadly. "You really don't like him, huh?" The animosity was definitely there, from moment one--at least in Kairi's perspective. She did see Lightning yell at Snow earlier, after all.


Lightning shook her head. She didn't know what Serah saw in him, but she would always wonder that.

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Naminé's features softened then, mirroring Kairi's. "I can't say I blame you. It must be hard having him around so much too..." Especially since Lightning very clearly cared for her little sister and didn't want to see her hurt.

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Lightning looked to the group and saw a few similar expressions. She adjusted herself, sitting more upright and uncrossing her arms. "Yeah, well, he's not my problem anymore," she grumbled. Snow was Serah's problem now. Lightning pushed herself up from her seat. "Thanks for letting me join you." She turned, stepping past Riku's seat and leaving the room. She decided now was a good time to leave, like Riku said. She had enough excitement for one night.


Roxas blinked and looked after Lightning, confused. That was an abrupt exit. Had they said something wrong?

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Without thinking, Riku trailed after Lightning. He caught her shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" A few onlookers stopped and stared at the duo, their eyes burning holes even through their drunken haze. Maybe this wasn't the best time, but...here he was. No turning back now.

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Lightning stopped immediately due to the touch, one she hated to admit had her heart skipping. No, not gonna let that happen, she promised herself. Yeah, Riku was handsome, but she wasn't the kind of person to date in college--or date at all. She turned slightly to look at him, then his hand on her shoulder. She quickly and lightly brushed him off. "I'm fine. Tired, and annoyed by Snow's posse." She wanted to leave, as he suggested moments ago.

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"Right," Riku said and removed his hand with an evident blush on his cheeks, "H-Have a good night then. We'll be heading out pretty quick  too I think."

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Lightning nodded slighty. Attentive as ever, she saw that blush. It nearly made her smile, but she didn't let herself fall prey to it. "Watch your girls on your way out," she advised lowly, looking to the obnoxious guys nearby. She then looked to him one last time and started out again. She wasn't worried about herself on the walk back; she could handle it on her own. But...she had to admit that Riku's concern for her--and that face--would be on her mind for a while.

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Riku nodded, “Right. Thanks, Lightning. For everything.” Riku added the last part a little more quietly before turning back to his friends. Going back to the dorms felt odd when the party was still so lively, but Riku knew how they usuallly ended. House trashed and clothes scattered across every room. Already some girl’s bra adorned a lamp shade.

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Kairi disregarded her food and stood. “Can we go?” she asked. She wanted to get out of here. The party didn’t exactly make her want to stay. It was more dramatic than fun.

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Naminé took one last bit of her hot dog before pushing her plate away. The other guests were getting too rowdy for her liking, and the idea of more drunken flirts bothering Roxas made Naminé’s blood boil. “I agree. We have to get ready for classes anyway.”

Edited by aoi hoshi

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Roxas stood as well, though he didn’t bother throwing any of his food away. The place was a mess and it wouldn’t do much good. “Let’s go,” he insisted, seeing Kairi take him up on it. She didn’t hesitate in the slightest. Ever since those girls, Kairi and Namine has both been pretty quiet...and tense.

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Unwilling to abandon his plate, Sora took his food with him as the four of them quickly and quietly exited the party. Loud whoops and screams could still be heard outside but the throbbing pulsing me of the music had died down into subtle background noise. “That was...exciting,” Sora commented after a moment of silence had passed between them. His grin was wry.

Edited by aoi hoshi

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Roxas glanced over Sora’s way, just in time to see Kairi’s expression. “Ummm, that’s one way of putting it,” he agreed, ruffling his hair. It was nice during the dancing and when they initially arrived, but things went south pretty fast. Were they even there two hours?

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“Always looking on the bright side, huh, Sora?” Riku said, cracking a grin. Sometimes that quality drove him crazy, But...Riku couldn’t help but admire the trait as well.

“Someone has to,” Sora retorted with a grin of his own. Once they were inside the dorm, Sora dumped the remains of his plate into the trash and stretched both his arms with a long yawn. “I’m beat. Gonna hit the hay I think.”

Edited by aoi hoshi

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Kairi nodded slightly. “Us too, I think,” she said for herself and Namine. She looked to her roommate. Kairi was for sure going to crash. But first she would probably shower to get the stench of alcohol off her skin.

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“I definitely need to get some sleep. And change.” The smell of beer wasn’t horribly potent anymore since she had washed the stain right away in the sink, but the stench hadn’t entirely dissipated either. She wondered if the guy who had spilt on her would remember anything tomorrow? Probably not. Hopefully, they just wouldn’t see each other on campus much. Or at all. Naminé would be very happy if that were the case.

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Roxas nodded slightly. “Alright, see you guys tomorrow,” he said to the girls and Riku. The sophomore was in a different room. Roxas waved to Kairi and Namine and started toward his and Sora’s room. He was ready to pass out.

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“Night,” Naminé chirped back, following Kairi back into their room.


Sora offered a quick wave, his words coming out in a yawn. “Night.”


“See you guys tomorrow,” Riku said and have a mock salute to his friends. As he walked back towards his own dorm, his thoughts strayed again to Lightning. She was quite the enigma. One minute she would display an act of kindness, the next she became hard as stone. Was there something more to her story? There had to be.

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Ten days passed since the party. Classes began and the party was a distant memory at this point. Kairi was happy to have a schedule again, especially when the schedule involved her friends. All of them signed up for a politics and government class together as a gen ed requirement. Kairi sat in one of the seats of the ascending rows for the classroom, though it felt like an auditorium; the class numbers were huge compared to Destiny Islands High. Kairi rested her chin in her hand as she listened to the lecture, Sora on one side of her and Namine on the other. As she expected, Roxas was on Namine’s other side. He slouched in his chair, bored. His excitement was reserved for his music classes. Hers was for her fashion courses. Namine, art. Sora and Riku, she wasn’t entirely sure.

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Naminé, who often doodled during her classes, occasionally snuck a glance down at the Professor; a man with an obvious combover, large glasses, and a voice that held a slight but ever present nasal quality to it. He was writing on the chalkboard below, the white chalk making a light clicking sound each time it touched the blackboard. The artist was puzzled at first as he started to write; the topic of today's conversation a mystery until finally Naminé read the word 'monarchy' followed by a question. Good or Bad? Nudging Kairi lightly with her knee, Naminé did a subtle nod towards the board. 

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Kairi looked over at Namine at the nudge. “Hm?” she hummed, then following the notion toward the front of the room. Monarchy? Her princess title immediately came to mind, and the words that followed on the board had her slouching in her seat. She wanted to hide already.

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“Monarchy,” Sora mouthed to Riku before the realization dawned on him. Kairi was a princess, right? He saw the redhead slouched in her seat and poked her with the eraser part of his pencil. “You okay?” He whispered.

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Kairi looked up at Sora a little, shorter than him now that she was farther down in her seat. “They don’t know about me, do they?” she asked, keeping her voice soft for obvious reasons. She was happy just being Kairi. She didn’t want to be known as Radiant Garden’s Princess of Heart.

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