Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 Kairi looked up at Sora expectantly. "Hm?" she hummed, though she doubted he could hear her. Their dancing stopped since he drew back, but she couldn't seem to catch her breath, either. He was so close... This was the most they'd touched each other since he returned to the Islands a few years ago. And now... Roxas smiled a little. That's what she asked? "Sure," he replied with a small nod. He would love to dance. "I can't promise I'm any good at it, though." Had he ever danced before? Not that he could really remember... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 28, 2018 (edited) Sora's felt his heart stop for a brief moment as he looked at her. Burgundy hair framing her face adorably. Sora scratched the back of his head nervously. "'s nothing. D-Do you want to step outside for a little bit? It's kind of hot in here..." Naminé giggled, taking his hand as they melted into the maze of dancers. "Don't worry. I'm not any good either," she assured. She had drawn dancers once or twice, but Naminé herself had no idea what to do in an environment like this. Edited July 28, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 Kairi smiled gently at Sora's behavior. How cute can he possibly get? she wondered. "Sounds good," she agreed. It was getting hot. She would have to take off her flannel when they got outside. She took back her arms from Sora's shoulders, being careful with her cup since it was still a little full. She would drink the rest once they got out of this crowd. Roxas curled his fingers around Namine's smaller hand, taking in the warmth she provided. One could say it was already hot in here, but he didn't mind too much. He looked around once they got within the crowd. A new song came on, and people around them started jumping with the beat. Roxas smirked and lifted Namine's hand, starting to jump. Might as well! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 28, 2018 Once they were away from the chaos inside, Sora's gaze wandered up to the moon. A dusty cloud partly hid it, but the light cascaded down in soft beams. Loud screams from further down could still be heard, but there was a sense of tranquility that enveloped the space. Sora sighed. "What do you think so far? Better than fighting heartless, huh?" Naminé watched Roxas for a second before joining him. Her cheeks quickly flushed from the movement, but she was having too much fun to stop. Her laughter ran with the others around her. So, this is what it's like to be somebody? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 Kairi followed Sora's gaze up to the sky. She smiled softly, though it was bittersweet considering the mention of heartless. "Better," she agreed, then taking another drink from her cup. Fighting the heartless was stressful, but this was fun. She finished her drink and placed it on the stone wall next to her. Roxas heard Namine's laughter and did the same, tilting his head back slightly. This was awesome! 1 CharlesPaf reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 28, 2018 (edited) Shyly, Sora reached for her hand again, the fantasy of the waltz he had hoped to share with her finding its way back into the forefront of his mind. "Would you like to dance?" When the song ended, Naminé sucked in a few necessary breaths and leaned into Roxas's chest without thinking. "That was so much fun!" His friends elsewhere, Riku decided to wander through the house and away from the pulsating beat of the blaring music. Upstairs, he found a door slightly ajar. He nudged it open with his foot. Lightning, the woman he had seen fighting with Snow earlier, was inside. "Um...hey," he greeted with an uncertain wave. Edited July 28, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 Kairi glanced down at the hand before she met Sora's eyes. "Dance? There's no music," she giggled. Well, no music that was closeby. Did Sora have something in mind? Roxas lifted a hand to Namine's back when she was close. He laughed a little at her statement. "Yeah! Wanna go for more?" Maybe not so much the jumping bit, but they could still dance. He would try his best. Considering his talent with music, he did have some rhythm. Lightning looked up from her place next to the tall window. It was open to let in some fresh air, but this room was quiet, save for the faint music and chatter from outside. At the greeting, she turned her head. She remembered him... He was the guy she saw when she yelled at Snow. Lightning adjusted her grip on her red cup, looking back to the yard out front. "Can I help you?" she called lowly. He wasn't some chump that wanted to get handsy, was he? She'd shut that down real quick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 28, 2018 Sora smiled sweetly and started to hum the melody of a song they both knew well: Oath. He placed his own cup down, his eyes twinkling like two blue stars. He hoped the alcohol wouldn't make his movements too unsteady, but he couldn't pass up on the moment. Naminé nodded, her eyes alight with excitement. "Yeah, I'm having too much fun to quit now!" She watched the other couples around them and drew closer. The music had died down into something slightly slower. Everyone around them swayed, their passion dying into warm embers. "Like this, I think," Naminé mumbled and placed her hands on the back of Roxas's neck. It wasn't the crazy excitement from before, but her heart fluttered in her chest. Riku frowned at the response. "Are you always this friendly?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 (edited) Kairi blinked. Sora was going to be the music? She giggled softly, keeping one hand in his before lifting the other to his shoulder. Okay, you lead, she thought to him, meeting his eyes. And this song... It was one of her favorites. Roxas's hands moved from Namine's back to her waist as he held her close. He hoped she didn't mind that he was a little sweaty; it was stuffy and hot in this room, no matter how big it was. "This okay?" he asked, his eyes dancing over her face. She wasn't uncomfortable, was she? If he had to, he would give her some space. Lightning scoffed. "You saw how 'friendly' I can get," she said, taking another drink. She wasn't afraid to put somebody in their place, let alone a guy. Snow was built tall and thick, but then again, his mind was pretty thick too. This guy, though, she had to admit was pretty tall--a few inches taller than her at least. And she avoided his gaze to not stare; Lightning was only human--she couldn't deny that he was attractive. Edited July 28, 2018 by Forever Love Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 28, 2018 Sora grinned as they danced--a slow waltz. He only knew a few basic steps of the waltz, but his feet moved in a calm rhythm as he hummed. This was better than anything he could have ever imagined. The air was quiet in that moment, whether it was because they were in their little world now or because people had actually gone back inside, Sora wasn't sure. Towards the bridge of the song, Sora paused and looked at Kairi intensely. "Do you think the worlds will stay safe now that Xehanort is finally gone?" He hadn't meant to ask the question, but thinking of how happy he was now--with Kairi--part of the boy hero couldn't help but worry that more darkness would come to steal his light. Their light. "I-It's perfect," Naminé smiled. I feel safe. She met his eyes again and wondered what he was thinking. What his heart was feeling as hers continued to stutter with excitement. "I definitely saw," Riku replied with a snort, "I didn't take you to be someone who liked creating a scene though. Especially not in front of a bunch of strangers," Riku added the last part with a quick quirk of the lips. Snow certainly deserved the tongue lashing, but the woman's attitude really set him off. She was attractive but ultimately rude--a trait Riku was not fond of at all. 1 CharlesPaf reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 Kairi gazed at Sora for a moment, wondering where exactly that question came from. She lowered her eyes to his chest after a moment. "I...don't know," she said, eyebrows furrowing. She sure hoped so. As much as she loved being able to help others, she wanted to focus on her own life for now. And she wanted the same for her friends, especially Sora. He sacrificed the most out of all of them. Roxas smiled faintly, eyes on Namine's. Was she always this pretty? His heart told him yes, but he had never seen her this close before. Then again, after becoming their own people, they didn't talk much. But so far, this was going well. "Perfect, huh?" he mumured. "I didn't think I was capable of perfect." But she was. All she had to do was look in the mirror. Lightning frowned and stared out the window. "...I don't usually lash out like that," she found herself explaining. She wasn't sure why she did, exactly. Maybe it was just Snow; he always did get on her nerves. And the way he strung her sister along... What a pig. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 28, 2018 Sora shook his head apologetically. "Sorry. That probably seemed out of the blue huh?" He released a low laugh. "I'm just so excited for this year, but part of me can't help thinking that something will happen even though I know we're safe." Naminé's eyes softened at his words and brought a hand to his face, cupping his cheek. "I think you're perfect just the way you are." His fire and tenacity. The love he had for his friends. If those weren't reflections of perfection, she didn't know what was. Unlike her whose own past was marred by a series of convoluted lies and machinations. Sora had forgiven her, but some days Naminé had a hard time believing she was forgiven. "I'm guessing this Snow guy is a special exception to the rules?" Riku asked, arching his eyebrow. As rough as she was, Riku was still curious to know more about this stranger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 "It makes sense," Kairi reasoned, looking up at her best friend. "After fighting for so long, 'normal' seems like it'd be about saving the worlds." It was nothing to be sorry for. Kairi understood. "If anyone deserves a break, it's you." He did so much for the universe. A year off--even more--seemed well-deserved. Roxas felt his face heating up more at Namine's touch, his cheeks hot under her cool hand. Her skin was soft and gentle. It made him smile a little. "Thank you," he told her. "I could say the same about you too, Namine." She was selfless, and kind, and gentle. But she was strong and fearless. After all she went through, he didn't see her as anything less. Lightning released a small "hmph" of a laugh. "He's special alright," she agreed. "I don't know what my sister sees in him. He's stubborn, irresponsible, and thinks he's everybody's pal. I've never liked him much." She looked to her drink. It must have given her loose lips; she wouldn't normally open up like this, especially to some random guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 28, 2018 "We all deserve one," Sora agreed with a small smile. He thought about saying something else, but a loud holler stopped him. Sora turned his head just in time to be doused in a flurry of silly string. The perpetrators, two boys on skateboards, chortled loudly as they passed by. A moment later a crashing sound could be heard. Sora wiped the goo off his face and threw it to the ground. "Yuck! I think it's time to go back inside." Naminé's breath caught. She wasn't sure how to reply. Pursing her lips, she began to reply. "Thank you, Roxas. I just--" The weight of another unfamiliar and rather sweaty body abruptly crashed into the ghost like girl. His drink dumped all over her shirt followed by a very loud and slurred apology. Naminé's eyes widened. "I need to go to the bathroom!" Riku rolled his eyes. "The guy definitely sounds like a real winner. Does he throw parties like this often?" At the word sister, Riku suddenly understood the situation better. It had probably been established during the fight, but Riku was far more focused on the tension of the situation than he was on the actual dialogue. No wonder Lightning was upset. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 Kairi couldn't help but laugh, the girl throwing her head back. Sora's face, as well as the crashing sound of instant karma, and Sora's reaction were too good. She was covered in silly string, too. But all the same, it was pretty funny. She looked at her friend with eyes that shone with amusement. "You missed some," she chuckled, then reaching toward the spikes on Sora's forehead. She pulled a few gooey strings away from the brunet, sure she was looking no better. "College, huh?" Roxas's eyes widened, feeling some of the alcohol splash on his hands. He heard the apology, and Namine. He placed his hand on her shoulder then. "You go ahead," he encouraged, ushering her off in that general direction as he faced the guy who was now laughing with his friend. "Hey man, what the hell?" If he was too drunk to stand, he needed to get off the floor! Lightning shrugged faintly, meeting those aqua eyes again. They were...stunning. She'd never seen the color before. Focus, Lightning, she ordered herself. "Sometimes. As far as I know, it's only on special occassions. Orientation week being one of them," she answered. She smiled bitterly. "This isn't my first time seeing Snow's party side, but it's Serah's. She's in for a rude awakening." She didn't want that for her younger sister, but...her sister was an adult now. She had to learn some lessons the hard way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 28, 2018 The brunet started to laugh then, shaking his head in agreement. "College. And we haven't even started classes." He pulled piece of silly string off of Kairi's forehead. "I like orange, but I kind of wished they had picked a different color. Like red." Naminé heard the drunkard's incoherent reply. "Look's fine. Now you can see through her shirt, right?" Naminé's cheeks burned red hot with embarrassment, shielding her chest as she sprinted to the nearest bathroom. Why would someone say something like that? "She seems sweet," Riku said after a moment, "Your sister I mean. Too bad she got caught up with a guy like that." Briefly, he found himself staring into her crystalline like eyes. The blue was deeper than any ocean he had seen. And Riku had seen many in his travels. Internally, he shook his head. Must be the alcohol getting to him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 Kairi shrugged. "Red's okay," she said with fake nonchalance. However, she knew her ruby strands were pretty unique; not a lot of people had them. She stood out in a crowd most days. Roxas's eyes turned hard immediately. Without thinking, he shoved the drunk. "What'd you say?" he growled. No way did this guy get to talk about Namine like that! As if Roxas was going to let that slide. Unbeknownst to him, the host of the party was making his way toward the squabble. Lightning smiled ever so slightly. Yeah, she agreed with that. Serah deserved someone better. "I didn't catch your name," she said, then taking another swig of her drink. It was nearly gone now, but she'd probably leave the party once it was. This wasn't as "fun" as Serah said it would be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 28, 2018 "I'd say it's my favorite color," Sora teased, "What's yours?" "C'mon dude," the other guy taunted, "like you didn't want to see." Naminé was in the bathroom now, scrubbing the stain off her shirt. "It won't come off," she grumbled in annoyance. She hoped everything was alright with Roxas out there. He did have a rather quick temper... The question, though expected, caught Riku off guard. "Ah, it's Riku. I just transferred here from Destiny University. What about yourself? Lightning, right?" Riku asked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 28, 2018 (edited) Kairi tilted her head as she looked up at Sora. More specifically, she looked at the color of his eyes. "...Blue," she answered. His eyes were as bright as the sky and as deep as the ocean. Sometimes she found herself drowning in them. She could swim in them for days. Roxas knew telling this guy off wasn't going to work. "How about you focus more on respect!" he cried, throwing a punch. He managed to land a hit, and due to the guy being too drunk to stand upright, he fell onto one of his buddies. The crowd went into an uproar, and one guy threatened to come to his friend's aid, but Roxas didn't back down. Nobody talked about Namine like that, ever! Lightning was about to reply, but that was when she heard the cries from downstairs. And then Snow's booming voice to tell people to "back off" and give whoever was causing trouble "some air." She briefly looked to Riku before she pushed herself away from the window. "What'd that idiot do now?" she grumbled as she passed him, setting her cup down on a nearby end table. Yeah, she was definitely leaving this party. But first, she wanted to see just what happened now. Edited July 28, 2018 by Forever Love Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 30, 2018 Sora looked away in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his spiky head. “Like the oceans back home, right?” Was it conceited that he thought she was talking about him? Sora wasn’t sure. Though he did like the idea quite a bit. Hearing a surge of cries and chants from inside, Sora exchanged a worried glance with his companion. “Is it just me or does that not sound good?” Once she left the bathroom, Naminé could hear Roxas’s voice. He was angry. Maybe even as angry as he was at DiZ back in the digital twilight town. She hoped the incident that had just occurred wasn’t the reason, but Naminé had a feeling there was a direct correlation. Riku set his drink down and followed the pink haired woman. He didn’t want to say it, but he had a gut feeling one of his friends was involved in whatever fiasco awaited the downstairs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 30, 2018 Kairi blushed furiously when Sora tried to make it seem like she was talking about the ocean, because that wasn't what she meant at all. However, his second question had her looking back toward the frat house. "...That sounds bad," she confirmed. What was going on in there? "Should we check it out?" Roxas was forced to take a step back due to the large host putting a hand to his chest. He whacked it away. "Whoa, easy..." Snow tried, looking to the blond kid he saw earlier and one of his frat brothers. "What's the problem here?" "Your friend over there is asking for a beating," Roxas growled. The guy across from him grit his teeth, but Roxas was certain he could take him down easily; he did have the training, with or without the keyblade. "He spilled his drink on my friend, and talked about her like she was nothing more than a piece of meat." Snow lifted a brow. "That all? That's a guy for you, am I right?" He smirked, to which the blond kid glared at him. Even Snow had to acknowledge that it was a bit intimidating. "Relax. It was just an accident, I assure you." "Tell that to him," Roxas snarled, seeing the smirk on the other guy's face. Lightning pushed her way through the crowd of people, stopping near the guy with spiky blond hair. She heard what she needed to. "Classy, Snow. That the kind of fraternity you're running around here?" she asked, putting a hand to her hip. "Nothing but a bunch of pigs, if you ask me." At Snow's hard stare, she rolled her eyes and turned to the freshman. "Where's your friend? I'll check on her." Roxas met Lightning's gaze. "The bathroom..." he said. He wanted to make sure she was okay, but Namine may have been uncomfortable with it if he saw her now. Lightning nodded and brushed past Riku to do just that, but he wasn't sure why. Act of kindness, maybe--though he didn't expect it from her, considering how she yelled at Snow earlier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 30, 2018 (edited) Sora smiled tightly and reached for the door to let them back inside. “I think we should. Hopefully, it’s nothing too bad...” Once inside, Sora weaved through the crowd of people who had create a large jeering circle. Sora groaned seeing his Nobody at the center of it with their least favorite host and a very drunk party goers who had a fresh black eye he assumed was courtesy of Roxas. “Roxas!”Riku watched Lightning go before going to Roxas’s side. He glared at Snow. “You can’t seriously tell me you think what your friend over here did was okay?” Edited July 30, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 30, 2018 Snow lifted an eyebrow. "What? No! I'm not saying that--just that it was an accident," he explained, looking between Riku and Roxas, and now Sora as he stepped up. Just behind him, the pretty redhead from before showed herself too. Snow groaned at their expressions, pinching the bridge of his nose. Roxas glanced over at Sora and Kairi, seeing the question in their eyes. "The one with the shiner spilled a drink on Namine and made her out to be eye candy," he said, voice low. Kairi blinked. "Is she okay?" Kairi asked, reaching across Sora to grab Roxas's arm. She had to go make sure she was alright! "She ran to the bathroom. Riku's friend went to check on her." Kairi looked to Riku briefly before she glared in Snow's direction. "You and your friends should be ashamed of yourselves," she scolded before turning, weaving her way through the crowd--not that she had to try too hard; most of them got out of her way. Lightning found the bathroom and a blonde young woman just outside it. She looked spooked, and Lightning briefly recognized her from her squabble with Serah earlier; she had been a witness. " okay?" Lightning asked, giving the girl some room, but close enough that she could still hear her over the obnoxious music. "Your friend said you were over this way." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 30, 2018 "Yeah," Sora added with a curl of the lip, "You probably made Naminé feel horrible!" The brunet may not have been as close to the flaxen haired girl as Roxas or Kairi, but she was still his friend. The girl who had meticulously put his memories back together for his sake and who provided him with tools necessary to mend his friend's hurt. Naminé jolted at the woman's voice and turned around. Her shirt was mostly dry now, but what had once been pristine white fabric was now tainted with a large amber ring. "Oh, um..." This was the woman from earlier, right? Lightning? Naminé sucked in a deep breath and released it slowly through her lips, which trembled ever so slightly still. "I'm...okay. A bit shocked I guess. I hadn't expected my first party to end up like this. Is Roxas okay? He was pretty upset when I left." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 30, 2018 (edited) Snow sighed. “Look, about your friend—I’m sorry,” he said, talking over the music. “You’re more than welcome to stay and help yourselves to the party.” He pointed at his friend. “You go take a load off. You’re embarrassing me.” His frat brother mumbled something unintelligible but otherwise started out. “Everyone get back to the party. Nothing more to see here.”Roxas blinked at how Snow just dismisses the topic, but what exactly could he do? The blond set his jaw and turned on his heel, heading for the nearest exit. He needed some air.Lightning assumed Roxas was the one who threw a punch to the drunkard. “He’s not happy, but your friends are handling it.”Kairi found Namine near the bathroom, like Roxas said, with the pink-haired girl from earlier. She and Riku knew each other? “Namine,” she called, stopping next to Lightning. She noted the stain on her shirt. Kairi immediately slipped her flannel off. “Here, wear this,” she offered. “Take that thing off, okay?” Kairi has a crop top on underneath; she would be fine. Edited July 31, 2018 by Forever Love Share this post Link to post Share on other sites