Forever Love 82 Posted July 24, 2018 (edited) Hi all! Me again, with another roleplay. Through Discord I found another RP partner, so this is strictly 1x1. It is a College AU, though it has some canon tidbits included. Please refrain from posting in this topic, but feel free to read along and join us for this journey! Thanks! Hoshi, take it away! Edited July 24, 2018 by Forever Love 11 Galenvaf, IsrafaceVok, Frankfausy and 8 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 24, 2018 (edited) Her trademark sketchbook held tightly against her chest, Naminé eyed the dormitory building nervously. It was tall and made of the same impressive stone as the newly repaired castle. Ivy crept along one of the walls with spindly green arms. "We'll be rooming together, right Kairi?" Though her own person now, Naminé still preferred to be at the Princess of Heart's side. Especially in a place so foreign. Edited July 24, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 24, 2018 Kairi tucked back a few strands of her burgundy hair, smiling to herself at the sight of the beautiful dormitory and Namine's question. "Of course," she assured her best friend, glancing over at her. "The two of us...and the boys." She fought the urge to laugh, the idea silly. A co-ed dorm, and Sora and Roxas--even Riku--just down the hall. It would be interesting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 24, 2018 Naminé lifted a hand to her mouth as a giggle escaped from her lips. "I almost forgot about the boys," she said, "Where are they?" The campus was relatively big, but dormitories were easy enough to find. Unless they had gotten sidetracked. Sea Salt Ice Cream was a well-known commodity in Radiant Garden, and she knew of at least one ice cream enthusiast amongst the trio. The thought made Naminé's lips stretch into a wider, amused smile. "Hey!" Sora called out with an excited wave, noticing the two girls up ahead. He then looked between his two companions and grinned. "Guess we found them, huh?" Riku adjusted the duffle bag slung over his shoulder and nodded. "Yeah, looks like it. I'm just surprised you two are both still here," Riku teased, "I would thought at least one of you would have started running by now." "R-Riku!" Sora started to protest, but the red in his cheeks was an obvious sign of the boy hero's defeat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 24, 2018 (edited) Roxas rolled his eyes with a shake of his head. He fingered the strap of his guitar case across his chest, looking from the sophomore and fellow freshman to the girls ahead. “I’m surprised you’re still in college,” he said to Riku. “You don’t sit still so well either, you know.” His blue eyes glanced at the building and then Kairi as she waved. The girl beside her, a Nobody-become-Somebody just like him, seemed a bit nervous, not that he could blame her. He hadn’t seen either girl for a few weeks, since he spent a bit of his summer break in Twilight Town before retrieving his things from the Islands alongside Sora. Edited July 25, 2018 by Forever Love Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 (edited) "Kind of hard to start college while trying to prevent another keyblade apocalypse from happening," Riku shot back with a smirk before adding, "Besides, I'm only a year older than you two, and you're freshmen." They all did have a rather late start to their college careers, but Master Xehanort's schemes had made their academic lives practically nonexistent whilst they battled to save the worlds. Sora put both hands behind his head, a relaxed smile on his face. As if he hadn't spent a number of years fighting a manipulative madman. "That is true. Xehanort really did delay our college plans." Edited July 25, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 Roxas wasn't sure how to respond, to either statement. He was lucky to be at college--and even be. Instead, the blond raked a hand through his messy spikes. Kairi shifted the box in her arms. It was full of small things, like pictures and knick-knacks she could place on her side of the dorm room she shared with Namine. "Hey guys!" she called with a smile. Roxas shot her a faint smile in return, subtle like he usually was. He didn't express himself nearly as much as Sora. Roxas was like Riku in that way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 (edited) Hearing Kairi's response, Sora bounded towards the two girls excitedly. The plaid backpack he wore on his shoulders bounced as he ran, the various souvenirs he had acquired from his worldly travels clumsily banging against one another. "Glad we were able to find you," Sora greeted. His eyes widened as they wandered up to the top story of the dormitory building. "Wow, I can't believe this is where we're staying!" "It's definitely not too shabby," Riku agreed before noting the box in Kairi's arms. He took the weight with ease, shifting his own bag so that he could carry both without the added goods feeling cumbersome. "I got this one." Edited July 25, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 "Thank you," Kairi said to her older best friend. She linked her hands behind her back and followed Sora's gaze to the building. "Pretty, isn't it?" she asked, voice soft. Memories had come back since she came to Radiant Garden, moments in her life she thought she had forgotten. But her heart remembered. Destiny Islands was home, but then again, this place felt right too. Roxas looked from the building to all of the other students on the campus. This place was definitely more populated than Twilight Town...and the Islands. It would be an interesting experience, that was for sure. There was so much to do! So many new people to meet! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 "Yeah," Sora said, but his gaze lingered on Kairi a moment before flickering back to the dormitory. "This year is gonna be a lot of fun." Being away from the islands felt strange, but since this was the place Kairi was from, somehow it still felt familiar. 'Like home,' he thought. Naminé looked over to Roxas and saw that he had his guitar with. She tilted her head curiously. "I didn't know you played the guitar." The thought of her counterpart having an instrument wasn't necessarily odd, but she hadn't quite expected it either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 (edited) Roxas turned his head to meet Namine's eyes, then looking over his shoulder slightly to his guitar case. "Oh...yeah," he replied, smiling shyly. "I picked it up not too long ago. It kinda stuck." It was after the whole "becoming a person again" experience, and Xehanort's defeat. Since then, he found that he really liked music, and had a talent for it. "It's why I'm here." He didn't have a scholarship, but he was definitely studying music. Edited July 25, 2018 by Forever Love Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 "Y-You'll have to play for me sometime," Naminé mumbled, tucking a strand of her blonde locks behind her ear. She had been so bold in Twilight Town back then, but having a heart--or rather knowing she had a heart--seemed to complicate things for the young artist. Unable to keep his gaze, she shifted towards her best friend again. "We should probably start moving in now. Orientation begins in a few hours." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 Roxas blinked at the suggestion. She...wanted to hear him play? He and Namine hadn't talked much lately, especially since he was gone and she had been preparing for college herself. But...even so, why did the way she looked at him just now make his heart skip? It was such a new....feeling. "Right!" Kairi agreed, smiling again. Orientation wouldn't be that bad, but they still had to find their rooms. Most of their things were moved to the halls for them; they just had to find where exactly they would stay. "C'mon." She glanced over at the boys as well and started forward, eyes moving up the building again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 (edited) Sora followed behind Kairi, the scent of her island breeze shampoo wafting behind in tantalizing waves. The thought of running a hand through her locks passes through his mind before the boy hastily ushered it out with heat filling his tan cheeks. Inside the building, a barrage of other students filled the halls as suitcases, backpacks, and duffle bags were brought into an array of dorm rooms. "We're room 13, right?" "Yeah, what's your room number?" Riku asked Kairi, glancing at the small brass numbers on each door. Edited July 25, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 "Seven...?" Kairi briefly glanced at Namine before she pulled a paper from the back pocket of her shorts. Unfolding it, she could confirm. "Yep. Room seven. So not too far from you guys." She directed the last bit to Sora and Roxas. The blond nodded slightly with a small smile. Well, at least they wouldn't be too far from each other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 "Seven and thirteen?" Naminé mumbled, "Seems as though destiny follows us wherever..." Not that it was a bad thing, but certain reminders of the past. Certain memories still plagued her. Naminé, however, shook off that train of thought. Her and Kairi's room was the first to be found. "I think this is it." She pulled a key from her pocket, briefly marveling at how small it was compared to the keyblade. Inserting the key into the lock, Naminé opened the door. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 (edited) Roxas gave the girls space to check out their room, standing behind them as the room was revealed. Two beds, a window, and quite a bit of space. Kairi walked in and looked around, a gleam in her eyes that he never really noticed before. But then he poked his head in, looking to an add-on. "You get a private bathroom?!" he asked, eyes wide. Kairi turned, long red hair falling over her shoulder. She shrugged. "Being a princess has its perks," she said, though she made sure to talk quietly regarding her title. She didn't want too many people knowing. The room was nice, but she didn't want special treatment. Edited July 25, 2018 by Forever Love Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 Without thinking, Sora pushed his former Nobody aside, gawking at the luxury that Kairi and Naminé had. "What do we get for saving the worlds???" Riku sighed and set the box down on one of the mattresses. "Better not let the other girls know or you'll have a party in here every night." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 Kairi saw Roxas send a glare at Sora for the shove, but she giggled. As for Riku's comment, she bit her lip. She definitely didn't want any parties in here. This was supposed to be her and Namine's quiet place--home. "As long as you don't blab, there won't be any issues," she teased, walking over to him and the box he placed on the bed. Conveniently it was the bed on the side of the room she wanted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 (edited) "What do I get if I don't?" Riku teased back with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Not that he ever would say anything but teasing Kairi was one of the boy's favorite pastimes. Ever since they were kids. "Sea Salt Ice Cream fraapuccino!" Sora blurted before amending quickly, "We saw that at one of student cafes here." The trio had almost stopped too, but Riku was insistent on finding the girls first. His best friend had a great sense of direction too. Though Sora didn't quite understand what Riku had been talking about when he referred to Kairi's scent. Unless he meant her shampoo?--which brought the previously forgotten blush back to the apples of his cheeks. Riku arched an eyebrow at the childish request but relented with an amused shake of the head. Always thinking with his stomach. Typical Sora. "Deal?" Naminé listened to the exchange as she set her things down on the other mattress. She could certainly tell those three had a special bond. It made her yearn even more to create memories of her own through this new beginning. Edited July 25, 2018 by aoi hoshi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 Kairi rolled her eyes in good nature but smiled anyway. "Deal," she said, lightly nudging Riku with her elbow before she pulled out a picture of the group from the box. Her hair was shorter then, since it was a while ago. She wiped some dirt off of it from the trip over, gaze lingering on Sora in the picture. His arm was over her shoulders in this picture, as she was squished between him and Riku. She remembered how her stomach had flipped because of the closeness... 1 Brantcawn reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 Sora opened his mouth to say something else but was drawn to the photo in Kairi's hands. It was the first they had taken after defeating Xehanort. "I remember taking that," Sora said quietly, "Mom made dinner, and then we all went out to the play island together. Right before the sun set." He also remembered being so close to Kairi. Hearing her laugh. Seeing her smile... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 Kairi looked over at Sora and smiled. He was right. "That was a good day," she acknowledged, then focusing on the picture. She would remember that day for the rest of her life. It was the start of their new beginning. "But we'll have more," Roxas said, leaning against the doorframe. He stuffed his hands in his jean pockets. When Kairi met his gaze, he shrugged. "It's college, right? We're bound to have more fun." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aoi hoshi 3 Posted July 25, 2018 "Yeah," Riku agreed, "We'll all make the most of this time." Seeing the crowd in the hall begin to disperse, Naminé started to edge back towards the door. "I think you guys should be able to get into your room now. Seems like everyone else is mostly settled in." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever Love 82 Posted July 25, 2018 Roxas sighed and hung his head. Right, their room and the dreaded number it was. "Room thirteen... You think there will ever be a time where I won't be identified by that number?" He looked to his friends, grimacing. The number followed him wherever he went. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites