What are your favorite Weapons in Games?
!4misettie, in Poll of the Week
What are your favorite Weapons in Games?
48 members have voted
1. What are your favorite Weapons in Games?
Buster Sword (FF7)12
Keyblade, duh35
Shovel (Shovel Knight)1
Leviathan (God of War)3
Whip (Castlevania)4
Hidden Blade (Assassin's Creed)11
Master Sword (Zelda)15
Blades of Chaos (God of War)6
Sly's Cane (Sly Cooper)7
Bouncer (Ratchet & Clank)1
Engine Blade (FF15)10
Plasma Cutter(Dead Space)1
Portal Gun(Portal)8
Soul Edge(Soul Calibur)6
Another one? Share below!5