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Okay, So i know this is late notice upon the whole topic on Aqua being Norted as we find out in the E3 trailer, it came out as a massive shock to us all as fans of the Kingdom Hearts Fandom. Many people believe she gave into the darkness from how many years she had been stuck down there for, But i do believe that is part of it but i believe i have more of a theory towards how Aqua got norted. here me out on this one it will probably make a lot of sense.


Since i have not played the 0.2 game of Aqua travelling through the realm of Darkness, i took it upon myself to watch it and this is how i got my conclusion on how Aqua was norted. I had watched a good chunk of the game to understand why i believe the reason i have for Aqua being Norted so i will Explain. 


I believe Aqua got norted and gave up within the realm of darkness because she had a broken heart, following the events that took place in BBS i see that Aqua would of had a lot of trauma and held a massive impact on her in a whole, She had lost her friends Terra to being Norted and Ventus to A slumber he may never awake from for his heart is within Sora, Losing her friends must of been a very hard for Aqua to of gone through and it must of Hurt her alot since they were both close to Aqua's Heart. Aqua was not just facing the events from BBS and the Loss of her friends who she cared deeply for she yearned for the past how it was before everything began to crumble and fall apart before she was left in the realm of darkness. Aqua only had her memories within the realm of darkness which probably made things worse for her as a whole she must of really badly wanted her friends since Aqua cares for them, Since Aqua is Alone she is left with the immense heart ache of so many things but also the memories she looks back upon and the lack of interaction with human people other then herself within the game Aqua herself shows her feelings within her words and within her body language. When she sees the fragment of Terra which she believes is the real Terra she shows her feelings to him, she must of been happy to see a friendly face but when she finds out it is a fragment not the real Terra it shows that she is scarred and the blow of it shows how deeply Aqua is wounded. Being alone for Twelve Years with out her friends or knowing what is come of them or having anyone there beside her and just being alone with her memories and heart Ache and sorrow it must of been to much to bear for Aqua for that long she may of come to realize that without her friends she had less of a reason to fight within the darkness. I believe it was more to do with the events that had happened with Aqua in BBS must of been a massive impact on Aqua after she had done all she had done and she also sacrifices herself for Terra as well as the events with Ventus and Master Eraqus it must of been to much for Aqua to bare as time went on. Since Aqua is a compassionate caring Character within the Kingdom hearts BBS and 0.2 games, I believe that it what not just the time she had been trapped in the realm of darkness it was her own feelings and state of mind that also brought Aqua to have been revealed as norted within the final trailer. 

i apologize for the long long time to of come up with this but i had only been able to see the game. i just thought about Aqua within the 0.2 game and the previous events from BBS i think it is more of Aqua's inner emotions and feelings as well as the time she had to suffer within the realm of darkness for as long as she had.

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I mean yeah, I think that's the whole 0.2 idea, as herself said in one point: "the darkness has found the cracks in my hearts" but even if darkness was getting to her it's unlikely it's just that what made Aqua get norted, I think he blackmailed her somehow or if my theory proves right she sacrificed herself again to free Terra by allowing Xehanort to use her as a vessel instead of her friend.

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