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Dagesh Lene

Terra May No Longer Be a Xehanort

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In the Frozen trailer, we see Aqua revealed to have silver hair and yellow eyes.  It appears that she has become a Xehanort, but if she is (I still think that there is a possibility that she isn't), then that means that Terra is no longer a Xehanort.


At the end of Dream Drop Distance, we see that all of the Xehanorts have already been chosen except for one.  Sora was supposed to be the thirteenth Xehanort, but he was rescued at the last moment, which means that, at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts III, Xehanort still needs one more vessel.  I don't think that Xehanort found his thirteenth vessel between Dream Drop Distance and Kingdom Hearts III due to the dialogue that he been revealed in the trailers so far, especially in the E3 Showcase trailer when Xemnas tells Sora, "Nothing would please us more than Roxas' return, of course."  However, I do not believe that Aqua is the thirteenth vessel.


In the E3 showcase trailer, we see Riku and King Mickey return, which means that they must have finished their mission in the Realm of Darkness.  In this scene, Sora is still wearing his Kingdom Hearts II outfit, which means that this scene must take place before he gets his new Kingdom Hearts III outfit.  However, when Xemnas tells Sora that nothing would please them more than Roxas' return, he is wearing his new Kingdom Hearts III outfit, which must mean that, if Aqua is a Xehanort, she already became a Xehanort by the end of Dream Drop Distance and was sitting on a throne in Where Nothing Gathers with the other Xehanorts.  If this is true, then Terra can no longer be a Xehanort.


After King Mickey lists off all of the Keyblade wielders he knows (himself, Sora, Riku, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus), Master Xehanort says to him, "But Sora and another on your list belong to me now."  Master Xehanort claims that, in addition to Sora, one of the other Keyblade wielders on King Mickey's list is a Xehanort.  This person obviously isn't Riku or King Mickey, so they have to be one of the Birth by Sleep trio.  I always assumed that he was talking about Terra, but what if he wasn't?  What if he was actually talking about Aqua.  After all, even though he proudly announced earlier in this scene that Terra became his new vessel back in Birth by Sleep ("...and the feckless youth who became my new vessel"), he didn't say, "Sora and Terra belong to me now."  He was a lot more vague with who the other person was.  Why would he be vague if the other person was Terra?


So, if only one person from the Birth by Sleep trio is a Xehanort, and if that person is Aqua, then Terra can no longer be a Xehanort.  However, in addition to Master Xehanort not revealing who the other Keyblade wielder, in addition to Sora, from King Mickey's list is, there is something else in this scene that seems to hint at the possibility that Terra is no longer a Xehanort.  When Ansem and Xemnas were destroyed, Terra-Xehanort should have returned.  After all, it was Terra-Xehanort that willingly gave up his heart and became a Heartless and a Nobody.  However, we do not see Terra-Xehanort return, but Master Xehanort.  From what I can gather, there are two explanations for this.  Either Terra-Xehanort only gave up Master Xehanort's heart and not Terra's heart, which meant that Terra's heart was set free, or Terra finally found a way to break free of Master Xehanort's control.  Either way, the end result is the same: Terra is free of Master Xehanort.


However, if this true, then where has Terra been all this time?  Maybe, like when Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, banished Riku's heart to the Realm of Darkness in Kingdom Hearts 1, Terra is trapped in the Realm of Darkness.  Maybe, if Aqua is a Xehanort, Terra shows up to save Riku and King Mickey from her in the Realm of Darkness.  Maybe what started off as a mission to save Aqua from the Realm of Darkness ended with Riku and King Mickey saving Terra from the Realm of Darkness.  Maybe, at the end of the scene in the E3 Showcase trailer where Riku and King Mickey return, we see Terra enter the room with them instead of Aqua.  I guess we will have to wait and see.

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It's all too confusing as of now, I mean there are so many things that are either not complete and confusing us or there's a reason behind everything, for example, I was noticing how Marluxia is not a Nort since he lacks the traits of a Xehanort and yet Larxene IS, BUT Larxene despise having those iconic Amber Eyes, she has no pointy ears 'nor Silver Hair, however Aqua does have the traits EXCEPT for the pointy ears. Xigbar did say once "Me? I'm already HALF Xehanort" but he has no Silver Hair at all, just the eyes and the ears so it's quite confusing as I said.


Regarding your theory it's possible but there are some things to consider such as the time differences in The Realm of Darkness compared to the Realm of Light, if Xehanort used this in advantage to get hold of Aqua for example. Young Xehanort does say in Toy Box "There's a Darkness we are missing and must reclaim" so the spot for Sora not being filled and your theory on this aspect might be correct but also remember that in DDD he said "another on your list" while he thought he had Sora for sure as the 13th, so if he referred to Terra and then Sora was saved then the 13th darkness spot was missing so he could as well STILL have Terra and then got Aqua. The scene you mention with Riku and Mickey returning can as well be after the KH 2.9 scene where they return to change on their new clothes rather than returning from their mission, if you think about it it's more accurate but your statement is a possibility as well. It's a matter of times as if the Aqua stuff happened before or after that scene. Only time will tell.

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It's all too confusing as of now, I mean there are so many things that are either not complete and confusing us or there's a reason behind everything, for example, I was noticing how Marluxia is not a Nort since he lacks the traits of a Xehanort and yet Larxene IS, BUT Larxene despise having those iconic Amber Eyes, she has no pointy ears 'nor Silver Hair, however Aqua does have the traits EXCEPT for the pointy ears. Xigbar did say once "Me? I'm already HALF Xehanort" but he has no Silver Hair at all, just the eyes and the ears so it's quite confusing as I said.


I have noticed that too.  The way I look at it is that the effects of someone becoming Xehanort vary from person to person.  Also, I am not convinced that Marluxia is not a Xehanort.  There is a possibility that he isn't, but I think that he is.  However, I have nothing to back this up other than the Famitsu article saying that he is.


Regarding your theory it's possible but there are some things to consider such as the time differences in The Realm of Darkness compared to the Realm of Light, if Xehanort used this in advantage to get hold of Aqua for example.


You're right that there is a time difference, but (correct me if I am wrong) I thought that the speed at which time moved was the only difference.  It's not like there is a possibility of showing up in the past or in the future when you go from one realm to the other.  It's always the same time in each realm, but the speed of time feels different in each realm.  So, even if Xehanort did decide to make Aqua his vessel after the events of Dream Drop Distance, Aqua would still become a Xehanort after the events of Dream Drop Distance.  She would still become the thirteenth vessel.


Young Xehanort does say in Toy Box "There's a Darkness we are missing and must reclaim" so the spot for Sora not being filled and your theory on this aspect might be correct but also remember that in DDD he said "another on your list" while he thought he had Sora for sure as the 13th, so if he referred to Terra and then Sora was saved then the 13th darkness spot was missing so he could as well STILL have Terra and then got Aqua.


You're right.  However, since Riku and King Mickey seem to return from their mission to rescue Aqua before Sora gets his new outfit and since the seekers of darkness are implying that they still need the thirteenth spot filled after Sora gets his new outfit, I am fairly certain (unless proven otherwise, which is extremely possible) that Aqua cannot be the thirteenth vessel.


The scene you mention with Riku and Mickey returning can as well be after the KH 2.9 scene where they return to change on their new clothes rather than returning from their mission, if you think about it it's more accurate but your statement is a possibility as well. It's a matter of times as if the Aqua stuff happened before or after that scene. Only time will tell.


I would agree with you that this is a possibility, except that in the 2.9 scene, Yen Sid tells Sora when he returns from whatever it is he was doing, "The others all had important work to do.  So I sent them on their way."  Sora, Donald, and Goofy leave for Olympus Coliseum shortly after that, so, unless Kingdom Hearts III reveals that Riku and King Mickey reentered the Sorcerer's Loft after they changed into their new outfits and before Sora, Donald, and Goofy left for Olympus Coliseum, I think that the scene we see in the E3 Showcase trailer is when Riku and King Mickey return from their mission and after Sora, Donald, and Goofy return from Olympus Coliseum.

Edited by Dagesh Lene

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I think you made a little mistake: Xehanort says that Mickey is three guardians short", so he is probably referring to Sora, Aqua and Terra. But we see Aqua's chess piece on light's side in e3 2015 trailer so she can still be good too.

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I think you made a little mistake: Xehanort says that Mickey is three guardians short", so he is probably referring to Sora, Aqua and Terra. But we see Aqua's chess piece on light's side in e3 2015 trailer so she can still be good too.


no hes referring to sora terra and the fact that at that point he could only think of 6

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I think you made a little mistake: Xehanort says that Mickey is three guardians short", so he is probably referring to Sora, Aqua and Terra. But we see Aqua's chess piece on light's side in e3 2015 trailer so she can still be good too.


I would agree with you, except that King Mickey only listed six Keybalde wielders, meaning that he was already one guardian short.  So, Master Xehanort was simply saying that, since two Keyblade wielders from King Mickey's list belonged to him (before Sora was saved, that is), King Mickey was three guardians short in total, including the one guardian that he was already missing.  That being said, you do bring up a good point with Aqua's chess piece being seen on side of light in the E3 2015 trailer.  Like I said in my original post, I am not convinced that she is a Xehanort.  I think that there is a possibility that she isn't, and this could be used as evidence to back that up.

Edited by Dagesh Lene

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I don't think so, because in that scene he actually thought to the 7th warrior of light (He says "Then the seventh would be..." - in my opinion he was thinking of Kairi because she was the only one left being able to wield the keyblade at that time - and then talks about the darknesses), he only didn't say her name. So Xehanort might have been referring to both Aqua and Terra.


Part of me wants this to happen because it'd be one of the best plot twists I've ever seen, but the other part doesn't want to accept this and is hoping for Aqua to be still good.

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