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[Fan Game] Kingdom Hearts - TLC (The Lost Chapters) [Teaser Trailer]

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As the title says I'm making a video game =) I'll try to keep it short and go straight to the point.


Kingdom Hearts - The Lost Chapters



So  I came up with this story in 2016 and eventually I decided to turn this idea into a video game. I worked on the game for a couple of months but due to lack of artists involved , university work , life and some other factors I gave up on it. Luckily, the last 8 months or so I resumed development and now the game is nearly complete.


Game information

The player gets to see what happened inside Sora's mind while Namine was re arranging his memories. This includes fighting heartless, disney bad guys, organization 13 members in order to fully send away the darkness and wake up before the Organization gets control.


You get to visit 9 worlds, obtain over 40 abiilities and finishers, many keyblades and much more. Each world has its personal little story and each little story is tied up to a bigger one like in the original titles.



The graphics are similar to those of KH - CoM. I want the game to feel like KH - CoM but smoother.



The gameplay is live action and is similar to KH BBS featuring decks with action commands , finishers and keyblade combos. Most of the known commands will make an appearance :)


Current status of game 

Currently, the game is 95% complete.  I uploaded the first teaser trailer on YouTube hoping to get everybody hyped up for the upcoming release which is in the VERY near future ! A full trailer is coming soon when I get some personal stuff out of the way. 



So that's it. I don't know what to expect but I'm hoping for the best. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this!


Stay tuned for more updates !!

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If Tetsuya Nomura sees this game, he might hire you to make it from "'fan-made'" to canon!!  It looks and sounds like it could very likely be part of the official series!!  SPELLTACULAR WORK!!


I do have one question about it, though.  How shall we all be able to access it once it is completed?


Edited by SoraDaxjer28

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Wow, this is a really neat and awesome concept, and I really love how you've adapted the graphical style of CoM into your game! The game looks fresh and inviting, and the gameplay looks really fun! The premise for it is also very interesting, and I really like how you're going about this idea! I really liked this teaser, I can't wait to see the full trailer! 


Wow man, you've got yourself a hit in your hands! :D

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If Tetsuya Nomura sees this game, he might hire you to make it from "'fan-made'" to canon!!  It looks and sounds like it could very likely be part of the official series!!  SPELLTACULAR WORK!!


I do have one question about it, though.  How shall we all be able to access it once it is completed?



Thank you for your kind words !! I tried really hard to make it as close to the originals as possible. 


I'm thinking of uploading to GameJolt but If you can suggest me any other website that would be great as I'm not sure yet where is the best place to upload a fan game.


If all else fails I'll set up a dropbox link.

Wow, this is a really neat and awesome concept, and I really love how you've adapted the graphical style of CoM into your game! The game looks fresh and inviting, and the gameplay looks really fun! The premise for it is also very interesting, and I really like how you're going about this idea! I really liked this teaser, I can't wait to see the full trailer! 


Wow man, you've got yourself a hit in your hands! :D

I truly appreciate your kind words !! I will upload the full trailer next weekend.


As of right now I'm test running the game for the final times to see if I missed anything. Stay tuned !

Edited by Polemarchos

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I truly appreciate your kind words !! I will upload the full trailer next weekend.


As of right now I'm test running the game for the final times to see if I missed anything. Stay tuned !


Well, you deserve them for your awesome work! And that's awesome, I can't wait to see that new trailer! :D


Alright, well, I'll be keeping an eye out on this one, then! :)

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Thank you for your kind words !! I tried really hard to make it as close to the originals as possible. 


I'm thinking of uploading to GameJolt but If you can suggest me any other website that would be great as I'm not sure yet where is the best place to upload a fan game.


If all else fails I'll set up a dropbox link.

I truly appreciate your kind words !! I will upload the full trailer next weekend.


As of right now I'm test running the game for the final times to see if I missed anything. Stay tuned !


I am not sure where else.  I have never heard of "'GameJolt'".  You can start with the Dropbox, and then proceed from there.

I shall be looking forward to trying your game out!!

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Good new everyone !!


The new trailer is up and running and the game will be released early June 2018 !!! 



I don't think I am allowed to create a new thread so I am posting here. Thanks for taking the time to watch this.

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