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KHDays Re:358/2 days

would it be cool for days to be released in the psp as a remake?  

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wouldn't it be great if square enix made a remade for 358/2 days.

I dont know but i read a interview that he may have plans for adding something like re:CoM to be release with KH:BBSFM like KH:II FinalMix+ which is released wit re:CoM and i think it would be a remake of a game in the kh series. I doubt it would be RE: Coded because the said game was already released in japan. I dont Know if its true because i a little drunk when i read it.

but wouldn't it be cool if it would be released in the psp with upgraded graphics and the same mechanics for the previous KH series with added characters in mission mode maybe KH:BBS characters? Eraqus maybe or Master Xenaort? or Terra,Aqua, or ven

I dont know but i wish it would happen because days is the only KH game with no remake

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Would it be cool? Yes! Will it happen? Most likely not!


If 358/2 Days were to be remade then people would be like "They remade a KH Days to the PSP? Cool, maybe they will make Re:Re:Coded on the PSP too!"


It would be cool if they did, but sadly it ain't gonna happen.

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wouldn't it be great if square enix made a remade for 358/2 days.

Only if they completely rewrote the story -__-


I dont know but i read a interview that he may have plans for adding something like re:CoM to be release with KH:BBSFM like KH:II FinalMix+ which is released wit re:CoM and i think it would be a remake of a game in the kh series.

I remember something along those lines, but it was more or less saying that BBSFM wouldn't have so many additions as KH2FM+.


I doubt it would be RE: Coded because the said game was already released in japan. I dont Know if its true because i a little drunk when i read it.

For shame.


but wouldn't it be cool if it would be released in the psp with upgraded graphics and the same mechanics for the previous KH series with added characters in mission mode maybe KH:BBS characters?

Days was made specifically for the DS, and a DS cartridge has, what, 200 MB? I don't remember, but compared with, say BBS, which took up almost 2 GB...


Eraqus maybe or Master Xenaort? or Terra,Aqua, or ven

I dont know but i wish it would happen because days is the only KH game with no remake

That wouldn't make any sense. Imo, Days doesn't need a remake.

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I think it'd be bomb if they re made Days!! that was my favorite kh game yetx3 its to bad everyone else found to boring, annoying or not important...Even though its probably not very important to the story line, it was important to me:3(major Axel fan"girl" plus a org.xiii fan!). I loved everything about itxD(cept a bit of things of course) and enjoyed both the story line and multiplayer:3(Axels OWNS!). I wish they would do it...That'd be a dream come truex3

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I barely understood a word of your post. >.<


A remake of Days is not going to happen. They have redone other KH games because they are fixing flaws, ect. That's not nessecary for Days, so they're not going to have a remake.

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Eraqus maybe or Master Xenaort? or Terra,Aqua, or ven

I dont know but i wish it would happen because days is the only KH game with no remake

That wouldn't make any sense. Imo, Days doesn't need a remake.


And playing as Sora, Riku, Donald, Goofy and Mickey does?

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I barely understood a word of your post. >.<


A remake of Days is not going to happen. They have redone other KH games because they are fixing flaws, ect. That's not nessecary for Days, so they're not going to have a remake.


Days doesn't have flaws? What the heck do you call repetitious missions, palette swapped enemies & a near lack of Disney or FF characters?

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I barely understood a word of your post. >.<


A remake of Days is not going to happen. They have redone other KH games because they are fixing flaws, ect. That's not nessecary for Days, so they're not going to have a remake.


Days doesn't have flaws? What the heck do you call repetitious missions, palette swapped enemies & a near lack of Disney or FF characters?


These aren't flaws.

They're bad decisions.

If they changed those, they might as well call it a new game instead of a remake.

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Days doesn't have flaws? What the heck do you call repetitious missions, palette swapped enemies & a near lack of Disney or FF characters?


-Whether you find it "repetitive" or not depends on your gaming style. I vaguely remember Nomura saying Days weren't meant for gamers who like to complete games fast.

-Pallatte swaps...okay fine, got me there. At least there were some original heartless.

-If you remember, the Organization runs a discreet operation. Lack of Disney and FF characters are expected.

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They would have to make another 200 or so cutscenes.

And Days is easily the least important Kingdom Hearts game.


I wouldn't say that.

Besides, it has the saddest story out of all of them.

But yeah, only for people who follow the story.

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They would have to make another 200 or so cutscenes.

And Days is easily the least important Kingdom Hearts game.


Coded would like to have a word with you

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After replaying the ending of Days today (for like the 100th time) I have come to realize that I would love a remake. Days is already my second favorite KH game, but the DS just couldn't pull it off as good as other systems. Days was amazing for a DS game, but I see it as so much more. To me, Days would be perfect on the 3DS. With the greater cartridge storage, they could make more of the cutscenes voiced, greatly update the graphics, and add more content. I would also like to see it get a better ending, and possibly another scenario for Axel, Xion, or Xemnas.


For the most part, the story is great as it is, but I find the ending lack-luster. Here is what I think it should be (purely my opinion):


In the scene where Roxas strikes Riku down (after the battle against Riku) Roxas should leave and go onto Castle Oblivion. When Riku gets back up, he again turns into Ansem and follows Roxas. Roxas goes through Castle Oblivion(still dual wielding), taking out all the remaining Organization members except Axel, Saix (who he already took down), and Xemnas. When Roxas reaches the Altar of Naught he is confronted by Xemnas. After the battle, before Roxas can set Kingdom Hearts free, Riku reappears. They fight, and after the battle, the defeated Riku goes to a last resort attack, that drains most of his power but defeats Roxas. Commence the scene in the original where DiZ appears after Roxas's defeat, only taking place at the Altar of Naught. The end of the game proceeds as normal.


If that would not be possible, at least put in a battle with Riku as Ansem.

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They would have to make another 200 or so cutscenes.

And Days is easily the least important Kingdom Hearts game.


Coded would like to have a word with you


Coded reveals information about the future of the series, and shows what was written in that bottle.

Days... revealed that Xion existed.

Which was also shown in BBS and Coded so...


After replaying the ending of Days today (for like the 100th time) I have come to realize that I would love a remake. Days is already my second favorite KH game, but the DS just couldn't pull it off as good as other systems. Days was amazing for a DS game, but I see it as so much more. To me, Days would be perfect on the 3DS. With the greater cartridge storage, they could make more of the cutscenes voiced, greatly update the graphics, and add more content. I would also like to see it get a better ending, and possibly another scenario for Axel, Xion, or Xemnas.


For the most part, the story is great as it is, but I find the ending lack-luster. Here is what I think it should be (purely my opinion):


In the scene where Roxas strikes Riku down (after the battle against Riku) Roxas should leave and go onto Castle Oblivion. When Riku gets back up, he again turns into Ansem and follows Roxas. Roxas goes through Castle Oblivion(still dual wielding), taking out all the remaining Organization members except Axel, Saix (who he already took down), and Xemnas. When Roxas reaches the Altar of Naught he is confronted by Xemnas. After the battle, before Roxas can set Kingdom Hearts free, Riku reappears. They fight, and after the battle, the defeated Riku goes to a last resort attack, that drains most of his power but defeats Roxas. Commence the scene in the original where DiZ appears after Roxas's defeat, only taking place at the Altar of Naught. The end of the game proceeds as normal.


If that would not be possible, at least put in a battle with Riku as Ansem.


1. Castle Oblivion doesn't have any more Organization members left

2. Castle Oblivion doesn't have the Alter of Naught

3. Roxas defeating the entire Organization in Days would eliminate the story in KH2

4. I have a question, have you played KH2? If not, maybe that's why Days is your second favorite KH game.

5. There definately should have been a battle against Riku/Ansem

6. A Xion scenario would've been good, yeah. Or the ability to ply as other Org members in the story.

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They would have to make another 200 or so cutscenes.

And Days is easily the least important Kingdom Hearts game.


Coded would like to have a word with you


Coded reveals information about the future of the series, and shows what was written in that bottle.

Days... revealed that Xion existed.

Which was also shown in BBS and Coded so...


After replaying the ending of Days today (for like the 100th time) I have come to realize that I would love a remake. Days is already my second favorite KH game, but the DS just couldn't pull it off as good as other systems. Days was amazing for a DS game, but I see it as so much more. To me, Days would be perfect on the 3DS. With the greater cartridge storage, they could make more of the cutscenes voiced, greatly update the graphics, and add more content. I would also like to see it get a better ending, and possibly another scenario for Axel, Xion, or Xemnas.


For the most part, the story is great as it is, but I find the ending lack-luster. Here is what I think it should be (purely my opinion):


In the scene where Roxas strikes Riku down (after the battle against Riku) Roxas should leave and go onto Castle Oblivion. When Riku gets back up, he again turns into Ansem and follows Roxas. Roxas goes through Castle Oblivion(still dual wielding), taking out all the remaining Organization members except Axel, Saix (who he already took down), and Xemnas. When Roxas reaches the Altar of Naught he is confronted by Xemnas. After the battle, before Roxas can set Kingdom Hearts free, Riku reappears. They fight, and after the battle, the defeated Riku goes to a last resort attack, that drains most of his power but defeats Roxas. Commence the scene in the original where DiZ appears after Roxas's defeat, only taking place at the Altar of Naught. The end of the game proceeds as normal.


If that would not be possible, at least put in a battle with Riku as Ansem.


1. Castle Oblivion doesn't have any more Organization members left

2. Castle Oblivion doesn't have the Alter of Naught

3. Roxas defeating the entire Organization in Days would eliminate the story in KH2

4. I have a question, have you played KH2? If not, maybe that's why Days is your second favorite KH game.

5. There definately should have been a battle against Riku/Ansem

6. A Xion scenario would've been good, yeah. Or the ability to ply as other Org members in the story.


1. I meant The castle in the world that never was. Sorry,was a typo.

2. see above

3. I can see that, but he doesn't have to destroy them. Just beat them so they aren't in his way.

4. Yes, I have played every KH game except BbS and Re:coded. I preferred Days to KH2.

5. Agreed

6. Agreed


I can see the major flaws with my idea, but I think that there is some way they could make it work somewhat like that. It would, overall, more closely resemble what was stated to have happened in KH II.

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why would they wanna remake this game anyway lol

This game is basically made for KH gamers to fill their time while waiting for BBS xD It doesn't really matter if you played Days or not, cuz in the end you know Sora will awaken anyway xD

But I like Days, it has the saddest "Death Scene" imo D;

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that would be pretty cool, but it would take them pretty long to remake it. Think about it. They'll have to make almost every dialogue into a cutscene. That would take a pretty long time now wouldn't it?

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