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KHBbS Level Grinding for Beginners

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I really could have used this when I was playing xD


In terms of level grinding, everyone always says to go to the arena - but that just didn't work for me at all - i never leveled up there! Plus, at the start of the game you get creamed easily in the arena. So just in case anyone's looking for a good grinding place; it's most deffinately Castle of Dreams (or Cinderella's world :3)


-(Aqua and Terra)


Get yourself equiped with all the commands you want to meld and do a few runs through the castle and the courtyard. It would be a VERY good idea to get 'Victory Pose' from the mirage arena and then get cracking on destroying everything in sight. After each little group of unversed, wait a moment and do the victory pose - even though it seems like it's doing nothing, you're actually getting triple EXP points for the last foe you defeated. Once you've got suitable melds (ones that can wipe out a group in one move) Go to the ballroom and get cracking, therafter just come out onto the stairs and back into the ballroom - or run around the courtyard if it gets tedious (it does, trust me) but doing this will raise your level by 1 every ciruit till you get to lvl 39+ then it takes two or 3 - it's a very good way to get the lvls on the commands up if you dont like the command boards :D




Same deal as the Aqua and Terra, only your 'ballroom' is infact the Cupboard room - it's also a good idea to do this a little further on when you have lots of slots for commands. D-Linking with Mickey is also a must - when you get his special moves, he gives you extra EXP too. That combined with victory pose is well worth it :D


**Note: Don't use the yarn ball to kill foes in the Cupboard room, you don't get any EXP that way! Although it's fun, it does nothing for your stats xD**


:D Hope that helps one or two people ^^ I could have used an alter. to the arena, because it just didn't work for me ><

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The arena never works for me either, i just get knocked out by the villain's vendetta, (evil Iron imprisoners) I think the best place to go to is the Radiant Garden "Central Square" and just go around the area there and when you kill the enemies, go back to the Castle Town, and go back and they'll be there again, it's how i leveled up so fast :)

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The arena never works for me either, i just get knocked out by the villain's vendetta, (evil Iron imprisoners) I think the best place to go to is the Radiant Garden "Central Square" and just go around the area there and when you kill the enemies, go back to the Castle Town, and go back and they'll be there again, it's how i leveled up so fast :)


That seems like a pretty good place too ^^ (and i have to admit, the battle level is a lot higher :D So perhaps that would be a better place ^^) There are lots of places where they gather in high number then its just a matter of running out of screen and back in to get them back xD It's a good way to go!

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Yeah, Castle of dreams is the best way to levle up in the beginning. I leveled up till I reached level 30 and finish the early stuff on mirage arena then go to the next world, then after I beat the next world, I level up to level 40(Radiant garden), then after that, after a world I level up 4 levels before the next world, which makes the game easy for me.

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