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KHDays Mission Mode 'Fail'

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Ok, so I was going through mission mode today, and I was doing the mission where you have to fight the deserters. Well I had already finished those off, and I was fighting the Invisible at the exit. I would consider it relatively easy, it just has lots of Hp. Well, I had it down near about one bar, and I was standing right next to the exit, and it did a charge attack while I was casting a potion and knocked me right onto the exit and caused me to end the mission, isn't that just annoying?

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Ok, so I was going through mission mode today, and I was doing the mission where you have to fight the deserters. Well I had already finished those off, and I was fighting the Invisible at the exit. I would consider it relatively easy, it just has lots of Hp. Well, I had it down near about one bar, and I was standing right next to the exit, and it did a charge attack while I was casting a potion and knocked me right onto the exit and caused me to end the mission, isn't that just annoying?


strangely enough, this happened to me once, different enemys, but hit me right outa the mission. I just laughed and moved on cause i didnt spend to much time on the specific mission.

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I totally understand how ya feelxp thats happened to me LOTS of times...I really wish SE would have changed the freakin multiplayer door thing if your playing alone:p I mean whats the point of having it if your doing "single" play? its not even called "multi" if your alone...xD

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I totally understand how ya feelxp thats happened to me LOTS of times...I really wish SE would have changed the freakin multiplayer door thing if your playing alone:p I mean whats the point of having it if your doing "single" play? its not even called "multi" if your alone...xD


Oh yeah that was really annoying also, way too sensitive.

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