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Youtubers; HMK, Skywarding and TheGamerJoint gets KH3 earlier!

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okay then, that knocks down one possibility then I guess. Since they are all going to e3, it would make sense for them to be able to play the game early at e3

Hm I see that he is leaving them so yes that could mean that he even won't join the KHx event.

That's odd

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Can someone help me out on this...

So, someone on Twitter mentioned that, at some point, Square's gonna stream a bit of the game on Twitch. I asked what channel & the guy keeps responding "the official Twitch channel on Twitch," which is SUPER helpful considering it doesn't answer my question whatsoever. He also said that Twitch apparently has a Twitch channel on their own site. I only found "Twitch Plays," which I don't even know if it's owned by the Twitch staff or not. I've followed the Square Twitch channel & Twitch Plays just in case, but can anyone else help me make sense of this?

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