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Square Enix's 'Excitement Whiplash' Strategy

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Square Enix does this with emotions so that way you appreciate what you get more. It has been months since we have heard anything in regards to KH3. That’s good actually. It will force us to appreciate and value what we get from them more. You also cannot keep hype going continuously because then that turns into unrealistic expectations and people with those expectations are bound to disappoint themselves.

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Haha, I agree with what you say, Snow!


I think this is how it would basically go down in an office behind closed doors with Nomura, Shinji, Yasue and a Disney employee of great importance.


Nomura: "So then, what's the plan?"

Yasue: "Let's show them something at (Insert event name here.) and then retreat into the shadows..."

Shinji: "Yes, that way, hype will build for the game at an exponential rate!"

Disney employee: "Yeah, and then, in a sucker punch move, we can then leave the fans hanging, leave em dry so that they get all sad and mopey when there's no new KHIII updates and then....BAM! New trailer gets fans all hyped up again!"

Nomura: "Genius...we must hire this man for our marketing campaign!"


Lol, but seriously though, comedy aside, I think the basis for Square and Disney when it comes to this game is as you said. We go a while without anything, and then, when we are at our lowest, our hopes and hypes are intensified with each new trailer we get, ya know? This'll probably result in the final trailer or two making us all flabbergast and combust in happiness! xD

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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  On 4/3/2018 at 12:09 AM, The Transcendent Key said:

Haha, I agree with what you say, Snow!


I think this is how it would basically go down in an office behind closed doors with Nomura, Shinji, Yasue and a Disney employee of great importance.


Nomura: "So then, what's the plan?"

Yasue: "Let's show them something at (Insert event name here.) and then retreat into the shadows..."

Shinji: "Yes, that way, hype will build for the game at an exponential rate!"

Disney employee: "Yeah, and then, in a sucker punch move, we can then leave the fans hanging, leave em dry so that they get all sad and mopey when there's no new KHIII updates and then....BAM! New trailer gets fans all hyped up again!"

Nomura: "Genius...we must hire this man for our marketing campaign!"


Lol, but seriously though, comedy aside, I think the basis for Square and Disney when it comes to this game is as you said. We go a while without anything, and then, when we are at our lowest, our hopes and hypes are intensified with each new trailer we get, ya know? This'll probably result in the final trailer or two making us all flabbergast and combust in happiness! xD

Yeah I agree xD Like I say E3 and beyond is going to be amazing! I think it's a just of matter of waiting until we reach it because once we do it's just going to be six months of happiness and relief knowing that there's no question we are finally going to get consistent news.


Something else I believe is when they show the trailer at E3 I think it may be exceedingly long, longer than the toy story one exceeding 6 minutes! Because some people only watch E3 and not the other trailers so Square would not only include the new world they will announce but the other 5 worlds we know of too, including footage finally from Big Hero 6! So to include all that I think we'll be looking at a REALLY long trailer for E3?

Edited by SnowPint7Fourths

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  On 4/3/2018 at 11:22 PM, SnowPint7Fourths said:

Yeah I agree xD Like I say E3 and beyond is going to be amazing! I think it's a just of matter of waiting until we reach it because once we do it's just going to be six months of happiness and relief knowing that there's no question we are finally going to get consistent news.


Something else I believe is when they show the trailer at E3 I think it may be exceedingly long, longer than the toy story one exceeding 6 minutes! Because some people only watch E3 and not the other trailers so Square would not only include the new world they will announce but the other 5 worlds we know of too, including footage finally from Big Hero 6! So to include all that I think we'll be looking at a REALLY long trailer for E3?


Oh yeah, definitely, as E3 inches ever closer, so will the full on promotion for Kingdom Hearts III! And to think that we are just two months away from E3 going down...gahhh, I'm so hyped! :D Oh, and did you see the article Leamax posted? Apparently, the KH portal site, the Japanese version, has updated, and a tweet from the site mentioned that there will be periodical updates, so that may fall in line with what you're saying!


Dang, and would you imagine if such a trailer were possible for E3? I believe that would be a culmination of all the hype we've been gathering since the game's development start! I got goosebumps just now thinking about it!

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