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Corrupt a wish

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(ahhh... you didn't corrupt my wish! I wanted my wish to be corrupted, yet you didn't corrupt it, by corrupting it. In other words, you cannot corrupt my un-corruptable wish, in which can not be corrupted, even though you corrupted my wish, hence the name of the thread: "Corrupt a wish.")


Granted, but it turned out to be Chocolate w/ Sprinkles Beam Attack!

I wish for someone to find a way to corrupt this wish, even though it is un-corruptable.

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Granted, but you you regretted making your wish

I wish for a white liger!!!


As a side note for the ones that are making wishes that are or are not uncorruptable please stop. It can get a bit confusing and I don't want my brain to 'splode lol

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