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o u k a [GIMP failure xD]

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Made this in GIMP in about 20 minutes. I don't really like it that much...the border especially. ._.


It's supposed to be sort of "messy on purpose/crazy/whatever" but I think it just turned out u g l y. xD


comments/critique (NEEDED. harsh preferred)?

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I don't like the text (the choice of text and it took me a moment to find the word "cry") and I, too, don't like the border. I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not, but in some random spots you missed little sections. I can see how you paint-brushed over her, and it bugs me. xD


/istilllahveyouuudon'ttakemetooseriously D:

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I don't like the text (the choice of text and it took me a moment to find the word "cry") and I, too, don't like the border. I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not, but in some random spots you missed little sections. I can see how you paint-brushed over her, and it bugs me. xD


/istilllahveyouuudon'ttakemetooseriously D:


Yeah, the text was added in at the last second and I didn't really put a whole lot of thought into it. The paint-brushy things were done on purpose, but I hate how it turned out, lol.




.. I dun like it. D:

The border is messy, the text is illegible, and I don't like how you brushed over her and then erased or whatever.


I sorry. D:


I agree completely~ I brushed over parts of her with the burning tool and then smudged random parts of it. /ifailepicly


Nooo, it's alright. :3 I'd rather someone give me their honest opinion, then just lie and say it's amazing when it really isn't.

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Agree with what everyone else said, and I would like to add that the "Blurred" text is really hard to read. Maybe a different color and not "Blurred" and it would be good.

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