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i would love it if

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Nomura is actually someone on this site and they see our theories, and then they make a new game out of it, and they are just messing with us.


^^ that up there is a joke, but would be hilarious if true.

the real question is i would love it if we can play as kh2 sora again, cuz kh 1 sora is starting to get overused. but if we do get to use kh2 sora, then the game is made harder so the game isnt a button masher, like kh2 became.


(im putting my flame suit on to protect me :P)

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If I remember correctly so doesn't Nomura understand English, so it would be a little hard for him to read anything on this site. He could get someone to translate it, but I highly doubt it. If he were to be on any KH fan sites then it most likely would be a Japanese one, if it exists any...


On too the actually question, most likely we will sometime be able to play as KH2 Sora again. I doubt we would run around as KH1 Sora in KH3.

I hope that in KH3D we will be able to play as KH2 Sora and Riku. SE said that the KH3D demo shown at E3 was only something they put together fast to test what they could do on the 3DS, so hopefully in the actually game it will be the KH2 versions of them that appears.


Also, I wouldn't mind getting new version of Sora, Riku and Kairi, but since they have used the KH1 version so much I want them to use the KH2 versions a little before change their cloths and appearance again.

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Nomura is actually someone on this site and they see our theories, and then they make a new game out of it, and they are just messing with us.

I find at least one person will mention this at every fansite, that either Nomura is a member or he has subordinates watching. But I think he admitted that he checks out some Japanese forums a few years ago. Don't think he'd bother with those of us overseas.


^^ that up there is a joke, but would be hilarious if true.

the real question is i would love it if we can play as kh2 sora again, cuz kh 1 sora is starting to get overused. but if we do get to use kh2 sora, then the game is made harder so the game isnt a button masher, like kh2 became.


(im putting my flame suit on to protect me :P)


Well, as usual, it's far too early to say anything. Regarding 3D, we know the game takes place after Re:coded, so the chances of a KH2 Sora is much higher. As for the battle system, well, iirc, Nomura said he's planning a bunch of different systems. I'm personally hoping for another variation of the command deck, for the handheld games anyway. I assume that they'll just upgrade the classic KH1 and 2 battle system for any game on a home console. ^^

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If I remember correctly so doesn't Nomura understand English, so it would be a little hard for him to read anything on this site. He could get someone to translate it, but I highly doubt it. If he were to be on any KH fan sites then it most likely would be a Japanese one, if it exists any...


On too the actually question, most likely we will sometime be able to play as KH2 Sora again. I doubt we would run around as KH1 Sora in KH3.

I hope that in KH3D we will be able to play as KH2 Sora and Riku. SE said that the KH3D demo shown at E3 was only something they put together fast to test what they could do on the 3DS, so hopefully in the actually game it will be the KH2 versions of them that appears.


Also, I wouldn't mind getting new version of Sora, Riku and Kairi, but since they have used the KH1 version so much I want them to use the KH2 versions a little before change their cloths and appearance again.


i think for KH3 they should still wear the cloths they wore in KH2 and then after the Xhanorte Chronicals change there cloths

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How did you know I was on this site?... er... I mean... ya, it would be cool if he was on the site... but who could he be?...


lol after reading the joke

i assumed it was u

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Well, i personaly think he has like, people, working on these site to see what all the fans what.

Like if theres a big japanese site bout the stuff we talk bout, he will have people there.

Or the sanario directors might be on one of these sites too.

My guess anyways.

Cus you want what the fan wants, right?

You wouldnt get much of a hit game if it isnt what the fans want.

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