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Hopeless Fate Poem

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Words unable to say,

Faces that I can't even comprehend.


Why is so hard to focus?

The misty grey figures reach out to reach.


Their cold hands,

Want warmth.


But, I ain't giving an inch.

I am slowly backing away.


The solitude is killing me,

I don't want to be alienated.


However, that is my only recourse.


Why do you look at me like I'm a psychopath?

Please, stop that!

You're making me uncomfortable.


I don't want to be uncomfortable.

Please stop!


Why are those cold, milky eyes of yours so



What did I do to you?

Why are they joining you?


I hear your words in my head,

But you don't utter anything.


Are you really talking?

Am I going crazy?


I guess, this is why I choose to be alone.

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Dying Pleas


I am an old lady about to fade.

Can you do this for me?


I know you're not there,

But can't you be real?


Yes, I am mad.

I never had any children of my own.


Perhaps, I failed,

But I like to pretend that I didn't.


I was too scared to go out,

Always cooped up in my hut.


Knitting away,


Feeding the cats,

Whatever just to avoid going out into that dreadful world.


I can see the sadness in your eyes,

You're so much like me.

It's quite pathetic!


All this sorrow is reflected in your eyes.

Perhaps, you are my soul.

Maybe I am omnipresent.

I don't know.


You're quite an obscurity, child.

Everything that I wanted but wasted.


Please, don't cry!

It's my fault!


I am glad that we're getting along for once.

You really are me!


I hope you live forever,

Don't let yourself go out like me.


Be around until the end of time.

Is that possible for a figment of my mind?

Edited by ienzo628

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These poems are so well written! You freestyle very well!  Your latest one, "Dying Pleas" resonated with me, in two different directions.  In reading, I thought of my dad, who is getting old, and he's not very mobile.  


I also thought my boyfriend's grandfather, who had recently passed away. He could have been the same as the old woman and given him advice if he hadn't caused so much harm and hardship for his family. 

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Selfishness is treated as a stigma.

Wanting to be alone gives off weird vibes.


Everyone thinks you need a friend,

Well I want to be alone!


Everything looks at you like a thug,

Screw you!


Everyone wants their personal space,

Why is having personal boundaries a bad thing?


No wonder,

Misanthropy runs amok.


The group always tries to be an individual,

If someone acts different,

So help me God!


Nobody likes being an outcast,

Nobody likes being a yesman.

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I remember the past,

Oh how I wish I could go back.


Those nostalgic memories seem like

Another world.


Another world that isn't as bleak as

My current one.


But with those memories,

The heartache comes rushing back.


Maybe I am better off now,

Maybe I was better off then.


I can never seem to reach out to my

Past self.


If my past self and my current self could

Trade places.

Would it be a good thing?


I kick myself for being late to the party,

I am always sitting on the sidelines.

An outsider looking in.

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She came to our little weird world,

Curious and dumb.


She wanted to see where the queen's

servant lead.


Did she have any idea that she was not

welcome here?


I think not.

So, I lead her on a little wild goose chase.


She would get fed up and leave,

Boy was I wrong!


The girl was never welcome,

She was a threat to us.


She nearly paid the price for her



Thank havens she's gone,

And nothing has changed.


Order is chaos here in


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"The sky's falling,
Oh the sky's falling!"


"Won't you people listen?
Don't you care about being safe?"


The crowd just glanced at the yellowed cluck
With discontent.


They remembered the last time they were tricked,
Oh that time left only a few survivors.

The town was only left with one skeptic and several
Terrified and orphaned chicks, goslings, and ducklings.


The idiocy of Chicken Little would not be repeated,
They swore. 


The fox sat outside the white picket fence
Grumbling as to why nobody listened to his fool.


He whispered into a small hole in the fence,
Surely someone else would fall for his tricks.


The new useful idiot was a shy teenage chick,
Her name is of no importance.


The chick saw the bloody brown eye of the fox
She screamed and ran to her mommy.


Her mother couldn't believe her daughter,
So she gathered up the town and investigated the holes.


The fox wised up,
Didn't show.


The town of poultry wrote the chick off as
Another Chicken Little.


The town began talking among themselves,
They couldn't risk what happened before.


So, they patched the holes in the fence,
The fox was rightfully irate.


No more free meals,
He switched tactics.


"Talking to bird brains through holes was so primitive,
Best to find a new trick to get my meal,"
Thought the fox.


He got his wish through a small, starving squirrel.
The two struck up a deal: more acorns for each bird brain delivered.


The squirrel came to the poultry,

Exclaiming about the wonders of the outside world.


The older bird brains didn't listen,

But the youths did.


The squirrel helped them over the fence,

But none came back.

Edited by ienzo628

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Sitting here in the dark,

Alone with only a ball.


The ball hits the wall

Comes back.


The endless cycle



The parents upstairs,

Grumble and look at me in shame.

Can't they just let me enjoy my game?


They are stomping down the stairs,

Mumbles of dissatisfaction.


I luckily can't see their faces

Due to the bleak darkness.


However, I know that

I am busted.

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Do you hear us?

We're everywhere!


We are underfoot,

We are overhead.


Our eyes are all the same,

Hungry and lustful.


The beating in your chest,

We want it!

For we are without it.


Shunned by the light,

Cursed to forever wander.


We blame you,

For why are you spared?


The indignation of the world

Screamed and almost all perished.


The greed,

The pain,

The hurt,

It lead to our downfall.


You were spared because

You didn't have it.


The world survived

and later thrived because of you.


Lives were restored,

Lives were created.


However, we are still forgotten,

For we can never come back.


That is why we fight,

Our right to fade.

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Dreams of fancy,

Are bleak.


Let the heart guide you back

When time is near.


Times of peace,

Let thee be thy haven.


The darkness skips,

Time remains still.


Friends and family of the past

Come forth.


An illusion or real,

Let thy heart be the judge.


Times of peace,

Let not darkness triumph.


Let light be thy guide

Back to me!

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I am sitting alone here,

Nobody around.


Everyone is always gone,

Everyone always leaves.


I was once promised the world,

But now I am just barely getting by.


I was sheltered from the world's problems,

But now I feel vindictive.


The world was supposed to be paradise,

But now it's lost.


I am indignant,

I want him to pay!


He lied and sheltered me,

I want payback.


So much pain was caused by them,

Am I really selfish for wanting to avenge my friends?


Some of us came back,

Others didn't.


We were already from a collapsing world,

What difference does it make?

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I have explored every room here,

I shall find a way into that room.


I promised my husband to stay away,

But something keeps drawing me near.


My husband gave me all of the keys,

Save one.


I tried looking through the keyhole,

All I see is darkness.


I need that key.

Oh why is he so finicky to keep me out?


I don't want my dear to be harmed,

She mustn't know.


She is with child,

I don't want them to know.


The key is with me at all times.

She hasn't came across it not should she.


I made her swear to stay away from there,

I am a busy man.


I offered her every room in the castle,

Save that godforsaken room.


It is hidden behind a tapestry,

I was curious as to how she found it.


She apologized but I made her swear,

Especially on the life of my unborn heir.

Oh where is my key?


I found it, I found it!

Oh curious cat be finally free!


Oh dear, what is this?

I must tell someone!


Husband is back,

Sword pointed at me.


The castle now up in flames,

All his glories have gone to the poor.


His heir will never know,

He can't know that monster!

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Frozen in this steel cage,
I look out at the murky bleakness.
Can I see anything
My world is always warped.
Wanting to be free one second,
Collapsing like a porcelain doll the next.
Frozen still,
A body so unwilling to obey
To the heart's desire.
Can I really see beyond?
Frozen bare to the steel,
Unable to be free.
My heart yearns for liberty,
But I still don't pursue.

I am not good enough to free.

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You think it is so easy to express yourself,

You think depression is just a myth.


I should just go out and live my life.

But how can I if I feel like I am imprisoned?


Everyday goes by,

I leave scratch marks on the wall.


I am ticked off and frustrated at what my life became.

No longer free to enjoy the pleasures that I once had.


Every narrow obsession turns into a frustration.

I just want to cry.


I maybe petty.

I maybe just wanting to be the victim.

I should probably just grow up and get a life.


How can I?

If I never learned.


Things aren't as easy as they are for you.

Things that come naturally are my chains.


I cry all night,

Thinking if my luck is slowly running out.


Nobody will hear me in this bottomless blackness.

No one will bother to come searching for me.


I am just a mere toy and life is nothing but a game.

So, why do I keep failing it?


Why can't I be normal?

Why am I such a nomad?


Everyone just goes away,

Because my misery demands they stay.


I am so bewildered,

Am I in the wilderness?


Why are you lucky?

Why do I have to try to be lucky?


It just isn't fair,

But fairness has alluded me for years.


So, why am I such a loser

When I am really a poser?

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Hearts angst,

Can't let go of the irritation.


I wanna let go,

I don't know what will happen afterwards.


I'm so frustrated all the time,

I feel like my life is nothing but a labyrinth.


I am always anxious that every day is my last,

But why should I care when I believe every day is my end?


I am surprised I haven't given into the rash irritation yet.

I believe I only get by because I have the devil's luck.


I can't go on like this.

But I don't know what else to do?


Nothing seems to be going my way,

Nobody seems to be listening.


Am I a brat because I don't want to play the waiting game?

Am I selfish because I want more out of life?


I am just so unfocused all the time.

I miss having direction.

But do I want it?

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