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What will you do when you have Kingdom Hearts III?

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2,3,5,7,8,10,(11 is impossible),12,15,16 and repeat . Every single one of them . I am making the switch to PS4 in 2 or 3 months and when I get KH III in my hands , first thing I am gonna do is cry all over it . Then I am gonna cry for 24 hours straight and then I am gonna open it .I will put it in the console , listen to the opening song , cry for another 24 hours and then actually dive into the game . I'll probably die out of hunger 'cause what is food when you have KH III , am I right ? 

Edited by Nick Sideris

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Ask my parents to please knock on my door first and ask me to make Tea for i will be playing KINGDOM HEARTS III all the way through on either Proud or Critical Mode and i do not want to be disturbed, if they want Tea, they must gently enter my room and ask for Tea as i pause the game.

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  On 2/17/2018 at 11:25 AM, Iamkingdomhearts1000 said:

Ask my parents to please knock on my door first and ask me to make Tea for i will be playing KINGDOM HEARTS III all the way through on either Proud or Critical Mode and i do not want to be disturbed, if they want Tea, they must gently enter my room and ask for Tea as i pause the game.

Ooh yeah difficulty and slave labor good- I mean nothing (looks at R2-D2)

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...Not one of R2's finest moments, considering what happens next after this but anyways, digressing, yeah, i just want my folks to understand how very much KINGDOM HEARTS III is important to me so if they want me to do something, i want them to patiently wait whilst i pause and THEN work on what it is that they want, i don't want to miss a single moment of KINGDOM HEARTS III, not one bit, anyone agree?

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  On 2/17/2018 at 11:32 AM, Iamkingdomhearts1000 said:

...Not one of R2's finest moments, considering what happens next after this but anyways, digressing, yeah, i just want my folks to understand how very much KINGDOM HEARTS III is important to me so if they want me to do something, i want them to patiently wait whilst i pause and THEN work on what it is that they want, i don't want to miss a single moment of KINGDOM HEARTS III, not one bit, anyone agree?

I absolutely agree . They can all go firetruck themselves .

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1. Denial

2. Turn normal

3. Say goodbye to all my friends

4. Shut Down the pc and the smartphone to don't have any distraction or spoiler

5. Cry

6. Close my door and reopen it only for the primary need

7. Listen to the music for one or two hours

8. Play the game taking all my time while creating me a guide with things that I discover in game

9. Record the first impression and upload it on my YT channel before the end of the third day post release

10. Finish it at the 100% at the first run...  do it again in critical (most certainly we'll need to unlock it :/)... and again...

11. Record a kind of review

12. Exit with my friends and tell them about the game... 

13. Replay it on critical countless time and always complete it at 100% (until it bored me), while trying to obtain the platinum (the fourth time will be live streamed on my twitch channel)

Edited by The Key of the Brain

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  On 2/17/2018 at 11:52 AM, The Key of the Brain said:

1. Denial

2. Turn normal

3. Say goodbye to all my friends

4. Shut Down the pc and the smartphone to don't have any distraction or spoiler

5. Cry

6. Close my door and reopen it only for the primary need

7. Listen to the music for one or two hours

8. Play the game taking all my time while creating me a guide with things that I discover in game

9. Record the first impression and upload it on my YT channel before the end of the third day post release

10. Finish it at the 100% at the first run...  

11. Do it again in critical (most certainly we'll need to unlock it :/)... and again...

12. Record a kind of review

13. Exit with my friends and tell them about the game... 

Actually it's proofen by some scientist man named AwelsoweKHfam that the average KH fans body has evolutionized to adjust to such situations or needs when you play Kingdom Hearts III you don't need those primitive things:)

The KH fan body will take keep all the fat locked and consume things slower so you can play KH3 longer.

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  On 2/17/2018 at 12:02 PM, AwesomeKHfan said:

Actually it's proofen by some scientist man named AwelsoweKHfam that the average KH fans body has evolutionized to adjust to such situations or needs when you play Kingdom Hearts III you don't need those primitive things:)

The KH fan body will take keep all the fat locked and consume things slower so you can play KH3 longer.

Ooooh, I understand... what a pearl of wisdom ... I will not need to waste time with these little things, thank you very much.



​P.s. oh, right, even if I don't have to, while I'll play KH3 I'll eat some (A LOOOT of...) sea-salt ice cream that I'll prepare for the moment

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  On 2/17/2018 at 12:11 PM, The Key of the Brain said:

Ooooh, I understand... what a pearl of wisdom ... I will not need to waste time with these little things, thank you very much.



​P.s. oh, right, even if I don't have to, while I'll play KH3 I'll eat some (A LOOOT of...) sea-salt ice cream that I'll prepare for the moment

Sea-salt ice cream is actually really good for the fans of Kingdom Hearts, your brain will work 50% faster on KH plot and you would need less time to think about everything what happens on the screen and you would see the dots really easy! your reactions will improve in gaming and you can target multiple enemies in the game. Some people SOME people are able to do multiple things at a time like playing KH Birth By Sleep on the PSP while playing KH BBS on the PS3 on your first television screen in your room and play BBS on the PS4 on the second screen.

According to scientist man the amount of % is 35%.

I do advice to have sea-salt ice cream from Nomura Otaku bar from Tokyo, if you don't live there well order it! the Tokyo versions are the best ccording to scientastific research.

Maybe buy some KH posters around you for erotic massage for your brain so you will be more pleasured looking at the screen.

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Yeah I'll probably stay away from Twitter, KH13, KHinsider and Youtube so I won't be spoiled by any means.
I will invite my friend to play the beginning of the game with her :D 
And of course I will take my time and enjoy every second of it. We all earned it!

And I think I will buy myself the collector edition, if one come up.

Edited by Mio-chan

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  On 2/17/2018 at 3:09 PM, -Justin- said:

Possibly freak out, followed by wondering if any of this were real, or not... then shake in excitement as I put the disc in the PS4 xD My jaw is sure to drop at the title screen.

When KH3 releases the amount of people believing that reality is not real will be so big that the Matrix we life in collapses and we all wake up in a pod somewhere, than the architact of the Matrix Nomura-San has to reprogram everyone back into it.

Edited by AwesomeKHfan

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I'll hold the game to my heart, whisper to myself finally... Run upstairs, put the game in my PS4, watch the game menu and take it alll in. Then after 2 hours i'll press New game and squeeze myself in the arm to see if i'm not dreaming. Play it on the hardest mode as possible ( I DON'T want to watch the Secret Ending on youtubee) Turn off my phone and just play until im tired. 

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Oh...oh ho ho...ho ho ho ho...hehehehehehe....


*Quietly obsesses over Kingdom Hearts III in the corner and then turns back to normal.*


Ahem, well, for me, it's going to go down to a couple of things!

  • I will be unnaturally happy and hyped the day of release.
  • The whole entire trip that I'll be taking to Walmart to get the game will have me talking about how it's finally here and that I can't believe this day has finally come.
  • I will enter Walmart and make a beeline for the electronics section!
  • I shall see Kingdom Hearts III in the display and admire it like one would admire a newborn baby child when the mother gives birth.
  • I will be too excited for words and I'll tell a clerk to give me the game.
  • I'll hold it in my hands and not believe what I'm seeing, and I'll have a consecutive stream of nerdgasms.
  • I will get in the line and purchase the game, and then, the whole trip back  home will be me desperately rushing mom to get home so I can open the game.
  • When I get home, I'll open the game and admire that it's in my hands finally, and I'll admire the new box smell.
  • I will take the disc out and put it on my PS4.
  • My PS4 will have a systematic nerdgasm because it has been preparing for this moment!
  • I shall install the game and finally proceed to get to the main menu.
  • I'll listen to Dearly Beloved for its entirety.
  • I will start New Game and choose Critical Mode on the fly! (If it's available from the get go.)
  • Then I will play what will probably be the most amazing video game experience in my life, and I'll enjoy every single aspect of it. I'll cry and nerdgasm till I'm nothing but a husk! 

Yeah, pretty much all this! xD

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  On 2/17/2018 at 11:22 AM, Nick Sideris said:

2,3,5,7,8,10,(11 is impossible),12,15,16 and repeat . Every single one of them . I am making the switch to PS4 in 2 or 3 months and when I get KH III in my hands , first thing I am gonna do is cry all over it . Then I am gonna cry for 24 hours straight and then I am gonna open it .I will put it in the console , listen to the opening song , cry for another 24 hours and then actually dive into the game . I'll probably die out of hunger 'cause what is food when you have KH III , am I right ? 



  On 2/17/2018 at 11:25 AM, Iamkingdomhearts1000 said:

Ask my parents to please knock on my door first and ask me to make Tea for i will be playing KINGDOM HEARTS III all the way through on either Proud or Critical Mode and i do not want to be disturbed, if they want Tea, they must gently enter my room and ask for Tea as i pause the game.


I will probably get my old world of warcraft chair out again, the one that has a hole at the bottom



  On 2/17/2018 at 1:29 PM, Eternalsleep said:

Taking a vacation from work. I think a good month should be just enough time

If I only had more than 25 days a year....



  On 2/17/2018 at 5:06 PM, Connected said:

I'll hold the game to my heart, whisper to myself finally... Run upstairs, put the game in my PS4, watch the game menu and take it alll in. Then after 2 hours i'll press New game and squeeze myself in the arm to see if i'm not dreaming. Play it on the hardest mode as possible ( I DON'T want to watch the Secret Ending on youtubee) Turn off my phone and just play until im tired. 

 than write it down like "dear Kingdom hearts 3 diary first day was unforgettable even though I did not accomplish a single thing, tomorrow I will try to press New game"

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Honestly, I'll probably be shaking in disbelief that a game I have highly anticipated for so long is finally in my hands. There may be a few tears, but I think the real waterworks will hit when I finish the game.

But I'm also a father so I've got a small baby I have to attend to so I can't just sit through it all like most people would like to. I plan to stream a majority of KH3 though. So I hope many will come watch it when the time comes.

Edited by Hero of Winds

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