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KHDays Help...

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I need help to try to beat at least two more holo-missions on story mode one is the twilight town collect emblems and the other is in wonder land emblembs but i cannot complete the missions 100%.

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I also had trouble with twilight town. You need to max out Jump and glide speed, (Maybe haste too) To complete it 100%. a tip is, try making a "Pathway" Through the emblems, like, idk how to explain, a path. It makes it much easier, trus me. One youll have trouble getting tough, is the one it the top of those stair-thingies. You'll probably know what I mean. The way to get that one is:

You need to have maxed out green ring

You'l have to use an aerial dash( or 5 lol) and glide to get it

You'll also need to go in top of the little green roof thingy, right after the starting place ( Youre in that place axel fights Xion, you go ahead, o up the stairs to the right and You'll know what I mean.)

You'll need to know the town a lot to complete this mission.


Hope I helped ^.^

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I also had trouble with twilight town. You need to max out Jump and glide speed, (Maybe haste too) To complete it 100%. a tip is, try making a "Pathway" Through the emblems, like, idk how to explain, a path. It makes it much easier, trus me. One youll have trouble getting tough, is the one it the top of those stair-thingies. You'll probably know what I mean. The way to get that one is:

You need to have maxed out green ring

You'l have to use an aerial dash( or 5 lol) and glide to get it

You'll also need to go in top of the little green roof thingy, right after the starting place ( Youre in that place axel fights Xion, you go ahead, o up the stairs to the right and You'll know what I mean.)

You'll need to know the town a lot to complete this mission.


Hope I helped ^.^


yes thanx this was good help i havent tried again yet but i get the one on the stairs all the time

but...do u know anything about a wonderland emblem search because im on that one

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