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D23 recap article details video appearance by Japanese voice actors and new Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] update information

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As more Japanese websites post new articles recapping D23 Japan 2018, more information about Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] is revealed. According to ure.pia.co.jp, a video was shown which featured the Japanese voice actors for Sora and Kairi sharing their experience working on the series. Additionally, the site shares new information regarding a major update to Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] coming this spring.


Miyu Irino (Sora) and Risa Uchida (Kairi) greeted the fans in their video. Irino shares that his favorite world so far to voice Sora in was Toy Story, and he's excited for the final product. Uchida commends her character for being so brave and confronting the darkness, something she admits she might not be able to do herself if put in a similar situation.

The video ended by assuring the audience that they have greatly enjoyed their experience working on the Kingdom Hearts series, and that relationships between the voice actors and the development team are strong and healthy!


Concerning Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross], the article mentions that a major update will be coming to the game this Spring, including a Player vs. Player feature. Also, a brand new world to the Kingdom Hearts series will appear in the game. This world has not appeared in a Kingdom Hearts game to date and will not be one of the worlds in Kingdom Hearts III - so this world is completely new to the series. A specific release date was not given for the Spring update, and the new world was not specified. This information will be revealed in the future.


Watch the new Kingdom Hearts III trailers from D23 Expo Japan 2018 here, and don't forget to catch up with our coverage of the event here!


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Thanks for informing us about this, Toominator! :D


It's nice to see Sora and Kairi's voice actors talking about the game and how they've enjoyed being a part of the franchise! A big part, mind you!


Ooh, and a massive update for Union X? Odds are that it's going to be coming for the game's second Anniversary over here, which would make the most sense! Dang, and I wonder what this mysterious world is going to be? I pray it's not Treasure Planet, because I want that world for Kingdom Hearts III! D:

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